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Introduction MER

Technology has been instrumental in improving various aspects of our lives, from
communication to education. In particular, the education sector has seen significant advancements in
recent years, thanks to the integration of technology in the classroom. With the advent of e-learning
platforms, virtual classrooms, and other technological tools, students and teachers alike have gained
access to a wealth of resources that were previously inaccessible.

The client for this capstone project is West City Central School, the second-largest central
school in Cagayan de Oro City. The school is located at Vamenta Boulevard, Carmen, Cagayan de
Oro, Philippines, 9000. It has effectively served Barangay Carmen for years. The school has three
administrators, 180 teachers, and approximately 5300 students. Every grade level has 20–21 sections,
and in every section there are 30–32 students. Every year, an increase in students is always expected.

This capstone project focuses on the implementation of E- Consolidation of activities and test
results for all grade levels at West City Central School. The consolidation process of activities and
test results that is used by the teachers is the test and activity papers that are submitted by the
students. The teachers gather all the students data and transfer it to their class record book. Every
school year there are 4 quarters, and in every quarter they will again transfer all the students data
from their record books to another application software (MS Excel). After transferring the data from
record books to another application software (MS Excel), the grades of students will be calculated
and ready to be again transferred to the Form 138 of every student. This process will be repeated in
every quarter until Quarter 4 to final grades.

As the proponents of this capstone project, we are willing to provide a solution to the current
situation of the West City Central Schools Consolidation process. The proponent is composed of
three members: Maghanoy Dexter, Orencio, Jhon Paul, and Gorra, Shan. The proponents are 2nd-year
BSIT students from Phinma College in Cagayan de Oro City. West City Central School can get rid of
these problems and speed up the procedure by using an E-Consolidation System, which will make it
possible to collect and calculate the data more accurately and effectively. An E-Consolidation System
would also make it possible for administrators and teachers to access data, giving them important
insights into the development and performance of their students. There will be statistical data that
shows the strengths and weaknesses of the students in the system. The teachers can easily input the
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activities and test results. The system will be published on the internet so that it can be accessed MER
anytime, anywhere.

The proposed system is an E-Consolidation System of Activities and Test Results for West
City Central School. The system is designed to help the educators at West City Central School
consolidate all the test and activity results of their students. The system will help track the progress
and performance of students effectively. With the help of the E-Consolidation System, the activities
and test results of students at West City Central School will have a convenient and efficient means of
data consolidation. With that, the educators at West City Central School will be able to do the task of
consolidating and reporting the gathered data from their students more easily and faster.
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Statement of the Problem

General Problem

The method of consolidating activities and test results in West City Central School is
collecting data from various sources, such as paper-based forms and activities, which are often
difficult to manage and analyze. This results in delays in data processing and reporting, making it
difficult for teachers and administrators to track the progress and performance of students effectively.

West City Central School faces challenges with its current consolidation system. The school
has been using a lot of processes just to consolidate the activities and test results. There are various
processes. One of these is when the teacher gathers the results of activities and the results of tests or
exams from the students papers and transfers them to their record book. Second, when the quarter
ends, the teacher will input all the data into MS Excel and the calculation will be done. As the
calculations are done and the grade for the quarter is ready, the teacher will input all grades of the
student in their Form 138 Report Card. This process has become increasingly challenging and time-
consuming as the school has grown in size. The current method lacks tracking of the students
progress and performance.

Specific Problem

The following are the specific problems that the school faces with its current consolidation

1. Time-consuming process: The current process of consolidating activities and test results
has a lot of extra processes that are insignificant for the consolidating process. This process involves
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collecting data from students activities and test results, which takes a significant amount of time if the MER
unnecessary processes are still used by West City Central School.
2. Inaccurate data: The current process of consolidating activities and test results is prone to
errors and inaccuracies. This is because the data is collected and transferred multiple times, from the
actual activities and test results of the students to the class record book of the teachers, then
transferred again to MS Excel, and from MS Excel to Form 138 Report Card.
3. Limited access to data: The current process of consolidating activities and test results does
not provide real-time access to data. This makes it difficult for teachers, administrators, to track the
progress and performance of students effectively.
4. Lack of efficient data analysis: The current process of consolidating activities and test
results lacks the ability to efficiently analyze data. This makes it difficult for teachers to identify
patterns and trends in student performance, which can hinder their ability to develop effective
teaching strategies.

5. Difficulty in tracking student progress: The current process of consolidating activities and
test results does not provide an efficient way to track student progress. This can make it challenging
for teachers to monitor student growth and development over time, which can impact their ability to
provide targeted support and interventions.

These problems highlight the need for an e-consolidation system that can streamline the
process, reduce the chances of errors and inaccuracies, and provide real-time access to data. This
capstone project will explore the potential benefits of such a system and provide recommendations on
how to implement it effectively. Overall, this capstone project aims to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the potential benefits of an e-consolidation system for West City Central School, with a
particular focus on the consolidation of activities and test results for all grade levels. By identifying
the specific problems faced by the client and addressing them through the implementation of an e-
consolidation system, West City Central School can improve their data management practices and
support student success.
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Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

The general objective of this capstone project is to assess the feasibility and potential benefits
of an e-consolidation system for West City Central School's data management practices, with a
particular emphasis on the consolidation of student activities and test results across all grade levels.
The project will investigate the specific problems associated with the school's current consolidation
process, including its time-consuming nature, inaccuracies, limited access to data, lack of efficient
analysis, and difficulty in tracking student progress. Based on the findings, the project will propose
recommendations for an e-consolidation system that can address these problems, streamline the
consolidation process, and provide real-time access to data. Ultimately, the project aims to improve
West City Central School's ability to support student success through better data management

Specific Objectives

To achieve this main objective, the following specific objectives will be addressed:


1. To develop an e-consolidation system that streamlines the process of consolidating

activities and test results and eliminates unnecessary steps, reducing the time required for the
consolidation process. This system will speed up the procedure for combining multiple tasks and test
results, cutting down on the time needed for this procedure. Teachers and administrators will be able
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to concentrate their energies on more crucial duties, like data analysis and identifying areas that need MER
more support, by doing this.
2. To improve the accuracy of data collection and consolidation by implementing an e-
consolidation system that minimizes the potential for errors and inaccuracies.
3. The school is taking a step forward by implementing an e-consolidation system that will
allow teachers and administrators to have immediate access to student data. This means that educators
will be able to keep track of student progress and performance in real-time, which will help them to
adjust their teaching strategies and provide the necessary support to students who require it. With this
system, educators will be able to effectively monitor student achievements, identify areas where
improvement is required, and take proactive steps to ensure that students are progressing well
academically. By utilizing this system, the school is ensuring that the education process becomes
more efficient and effective, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes for students.
4. To enable efficient data analysis by developing an e-consolidation system that enables
teachers to identify patterns and trends in student performance, which can inform the development of
effective teaching strategies.
5. To facilitate the tracking of student progress by implementing an e-consolidation system
that provides an efficient and effective way to monitor student growth and development over time,
enabling targeted support and interventions.

Overall, the objective of this capstone project is to provide West City Central School with a
comprehensive analysis of the benefits of an e-consolidation system and to develop recommendations
for effective implementation. By achieving these objectives, the e-consolidation system can improve
the school's data management practices and support student success.
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Scope and Limitations

The e-consolidation system to be developed and implemented for West City Central School
will consist of several components, including:

● Each teacher and administrators will be given their own account to access the system.
This reduces the likelihood of data being changed or monopolized since each teacher
and administrators has their own individual account.
● The users will be asked to log in. There are two options the Principal and Teacher.

The system will not be accessed if you don’t have the account. In order for the Administrators
and Teachers to access the system an account is needed. The system will have a user log in.
There will be 2 types of user login (1) Principal or Administrator log in and (2) Teacher log
in. If the username and password inputted is incorrect there will be a notification that will pop
up and inform the user that the username or password is incorrect. When the connection is
lost there will be a notification that will pop up and inform the user that the there’s something
wrong with the internet connection.

Data consolidation:
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The system will be designed to consolidate data from various sources, including student MER
grades and activities, into a centralized database that is specific to the school. The teachers
will be able to input activity scores and test or exam scores in the e-consolidation system. The
teachers can do consolidation after checking the activities and tests or exams into the system,
and there’s no need for the teacher to record it all in the class record book.

The system will enable teachers and administrators to have access to the latest data on student
progress and performance, with the added benefit of generating customized reports and
statistical data to fit their specific needs. This means that the system will provide real-time
information that can be utilized to track student progress and identify areas where additional
support may be required. With this system in place, educators will be able to monitor the
performance of students with greater ease and accuracy, and adjust their teaching strategies
accordingly. This will ultimately result in a more effective and efficient learning environment
for students, with improved academic outcomes.

Overall, the scope of this research paper is to develop a comprehensive e-consolidation

system that addresses the specific needs of the school and can improve the efficiency and accuracy of
its data management processes.
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Delimitations MER

1. Mobile version: The e-consolidation system will not have a mobile version, as some of the
teachers at West City Central School may not be proficient in using mobile applications due to their
age or lack of familiarity with technology. Therefore, the system will be designed to be accessed
primarily through desktop or laptop computers. The research will not cover the development or
implementation of a mobile version of the system.

2. Parental access: The e-consolidation system will not provide a separate account for parents
to access and view the grades of their children. The system will be designed solely for use by teachers
and administrators of West City Central School to manage student data and generate reports. The
research will not cover the development or implementation of a separate system or portal for parents
to access their children's grades.

3. Account creation: The e-consolidation system will not allow individual users to create their
own accounts. The creation of accounts will be handled exclusively by the school administrators or
designated personnel to ensure that there are no duplicate or unnecessary accounts. The research will
not cover the development or implementation of a feature that allows individual users to create their
own accounts. Only the school administrators or designated personnel will have the authority to
create new accounts or grant access to the system.

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