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Stripe Onboarding Guide

(Business Operator)
This document outlines the steps to onboard a new customer to use Arya’s Stripe

In order for the Stripe integration to work we need access to the

customer’s stripe secret key. This document outlines the steps that
need to be undertaken by the OPS to handover the secret key to
Arya’s tech team.

Step 1: Get access to customer’s Stripe account

For customers that already have a Stripe account they can login to
For customers that don’t have a Stripe account, they can create one using this link:

Stripe Onboarding Guide (Business Operator) 1

Step 2: Add branding
Arya uses Stripe Connect to onboard flexworkers and
You’ll need the icon, logo, brand color & the accent color.
You can update these details by visiting


Stripe Onboarding Guide (Business Operator) 2


Note: ^ This is how the flex worker onboarding would look for them

Step 4: Creating a restricted key

Go to

Step 3: Get the Secret Key

To get your secret key go to:
Note: Make sure you are not in test mode. (See the image below. It says - Viewing live
API Keys)

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Step 4: Click on “Create Secret Key” on the top right corner. This
opens up a modal

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Step 5: Enter your password and click on Continue.

Step 6: Copy the Generated key to your notes or add it

to a password manager.

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Step 7: Handover the secret key to the tech team.
Once you have the secret, these are the steps that we need to follow to enable stripe for
our customers.

💲 Stripe Onboarding Guide (Developer)

Stripe Onboarding Guide (Business Operator) 6
NOTE: @Stephen McDonnell customers will also have to verify their account and add
money to their stripe balance incase they are making a new stripe account. We can take
this on a case by case basis.

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