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Tan, Diana Alaine V.

Identify your thinking types. Share your reasons why do you think you belong to a
certain thinking type. Which among the different thinking types is easy to work with? Which
among do you think is difficult to work with and why?
There are a few ways you can improve your overall thinking skills. Some of these ways
Keep an open mind. When approaching a new subject, keep an open mind about how to
approach it and consider implementing a different approach than what you’d usually use.
Continue to observe. Regularly observing the way, you think can help you further hone your
thinking skills by allowing you to identify the types of thinking you’re using and applying different
techniques when needed.
Meditate on your thinking. Taking time to sit with your thoughts and noticing how they are
affecting you can help you identify thought patterns that are not serving you. You can use this
information to change your type of thinking and approach matters in a new way.
1. Identify your thinking types
 Divergent thinking
 Linear thinking
 Convergent thinking
2. Share your reasons why do you think you belong to a certain thinking type.
To arrive at the optimal solution, I prefer to make sure that I have considered every option.
It's wise to consider all options up front to avoid regretting your decision later when you
discover that there were alternative options. Furthermore, I think holistically because I consider
myself to be an open-minded person. It is important to note that acting on impulse without
considering alternative options might get one into a lot of problems. I want to always look at the
wider picture rather than the smaller one to avoid coming out as a coward or a hard-headed
3. Ask among yourselves, who among the other “thinking-type” group could you work
easily and comfortably with and tell the class why?
I prefer when people relate their thoughts or ideas with other persons, items,
events or experiences because it enables people to realize hidden messages of certain
things thus coming up with theories or possibilities, which is always interesting since
they focus on the smallest details that not everyone can see unless they pay good
attention. Therefore, I appreciate abstract thinking and thus, I can work easily with them
because of their new ideas that may improve quality of life.
4. Identify who among the other "thinking-type" group could you possibly have a difficult
time working together and why? Write down your answer.
I personally believe that working with someone who has concrete thinking will be
challenging for me since they are literal and direct, which can occasionally make them
obstinate or unyielding. They also have trouble with alternative or abstract ideas, which I
disagree with since they lack imagination. In addition, their rigidity could lead to disputes
amongst various individuals. I don't think we can agree on that, but they also tend to take
things too literally. For this reason, I believe I will never be able to collaborate with someone
who thinks in concrete terms.

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