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Article Reviewed:

"Investigating EFL Learners’ Difficulties and Strategies in Academic Writing: A

Qualitative Study"

The study by Riadil, I. G., Rahman, A. N. I., and Chonpracha, P. (2023), titled
"Investigating EFL Learners’ Difficulties and Strategies in Academic Writing: A Qualitative
Study," offers a thorough examination of writing obstacles by looking at seven important areas.
This Tidar University study skillfully navigates the areas of academic style, writing structure,
grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and coherence. Additionally, the work goes beyond
simple identification, using insights from other studies to improve the analysis. The talk blends
four writing techniques—guided writing, think-aloud, modeled writing, and independent
writing—and shows how students can use them. The study ends with practical suggestions that
highlight how important instructors are in encouraging participation and offering helpful
criticism. Together, these advantages highlight the study's academic integrity and applicability to
writing difficulties in higher education.

The research article on the challenges fifth-semester Tidar University students face with
writing has commendable aspects that add to its overall quality. The title, "Investigating EFL
Learners’ Difficulties and Strategies in Academic Writing: A Qualitative Study," is a
well-written title that makes readers understand the research emphasis with ease. In order to
thoroughly examine the complex difficulties faced by students, the study examines seven
different fields: grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, coherence, academic style, and
writing structure. This careful analysis ensures a complete assessment by offering a full overview
of the numerous aspects of writing skills under evaluation.
Additionally, the study explores the methods students use to improve their writing
abilities, going beyond just identifying difficulties. The study skillfully integrates results from
previous studies, creating a significant link with the present body of knowledge and enhancing
the study's context — which is good for a research paper, it served its purpose. The writing
strategies, for me, are presented in an understandable and organized manner, including a brief
synopsis of the four strategies—independent writing, think-aloud, modeled writing, and guided
writing—as well as the proportion of students who employ each technique. The article ends with
helpful suggestions and emphasizes the critical role teachers play in encouraging student
participation and offering helpful criticism. The study gains a practical aspect through the
inclusion of feasible recommendations, highlighting its applicability to educators and other
stakeholders. Overall, these strengths collectively contribute to the scholarly approach and
practical application of the research paper itself.

I found a number of strong points in the research report, but there are also certain parts
that may be improved to increase its overall impact and clarity. First, in terms of consistent data
presentation, the article should aim for consistency in the presentation of numerical data. Some
sections give descriptive data, while others have numerical facts. Unifying the data presentation
throughout all sections would improve both clarity and reader accessibility. Second, a more
thorough explanation of the four writing strategies—independent writing, think-aloud, model
writing, and guided writing—would be beneficial to the research and readers for a better
understanding of what the researchers are trying to suggest with their suggested strategies.
Readers would gain a clearer grasp of each strategy's practical applications if a more in-depth
examination of how students use them to solve particular writing challenges is conducted. This
would make the conversation about writing strategies more comprehensive to read and
understand overall for a reader.
Regarding the conclusion, I think, a more concise summary of the main challenges and
tactics found in the study would improve the paper's synthesis of important findings. Expanding
the discussion would also require going beyond the brief references to the ways in which
technology and reading contribute to writing challenges presented by the paper. Finally, with
regard to language clarity, a few of the paper's sentences are long and intricate to read, which
might affect how readable and digestible it is overall. Simplifying lengthy, difficult sentences
into shorter, easier-to-read ones would increase comprehension and increase the content's
accessibility for readers such as myself. Making sure that the language is simple and easy to
understand improves the paper's overall quality and makes reading it easier.

In conclusion, the research paper on writing difficulties faced by fifth-semester students

at Tidar University is an excellent contribution in my opinion. The focus is clearly
communicated in the well-written title, and the paper carefully examines difficulties in seven
important areas. Incorporating results from earlier studies enhances the study's scope and offers a
thorough synopsis of writing abilities.

However, I think that there is still space for development, particularly in terms of
standardizing the presentation of numerical data for clarity and outlining real-world uses for the
writing techniques. I also recommend addressing language clarity by simplifying complex
sentences. Overall, while praiseworthy, these modifications would strengthen the paper's impact
in addressing writing challenges in higher education and increase its clarity.


Riadil, I., Rahman, A., & Chonpracha P. (2023). Investigating EFL learners’ difficulties

and strategies in academic writing: A qualitative study. Journal of English Language

Pedagogy. 8(1), 66-76. Retrieved from:

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