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● NAME –


SECTION A - VERBAL ABILITY (Highlight the correct

1. Replace the bold words with the phrase that best completes the sentence.

Because he was given a fake anesthetic, Josh was conscience throughout the operation.
a. Josh was conscience throughout the operation.
b. Josh had a conscience during the operation.
c. The operation was completed with Josh consciousness.
d. Josh remained conscious throughout the operation.
2. Antonym of Esteem –
a. disrespect
b. loyal
c. aristocrat
d. Prestige
3. My parents approved of taking guitar lessons.
a. my
b. me
c. I
d. Mine
4. Choose the sentence that best combines the sentence: I must buy my dog a new license. If
I don’t, I will have to pay a fine
a. I must buy my dog a new license, and I will have to pay a fine
b. I must buy my dog a new license; I will have to pay a fine
c. Unless I buy my dog a new license, I will have to pay a fine
d. I will have to pay a fine since I must buy my dog a new license

5. It has been established that

P: Einstein was
Q: although a great scientist
R: weak in arithmetic
S: right from his school days
The Proper sequence should be:
6. Find the correctly spelled word :
a. Courageous
b. Carageous
c. Caerogeous
d. None of the above

Paragraph:- I felt the wall of the tunnel shiver. The master alarm squealed through my earphones.
Almost simultaneously, Jack yelled down to me that there was a warning light on. Fleeting but
spectacular sights snapped into ans out of view, the snow, the shower of debris, the moon, looming
close and big, the dazzling sunshine for once unfiltered by layers of air. The last twelve hours before
re-entry were particular bone-chilling. During this period, I had to go up in to command module. Even
after the fiery re-entry splashing down in 81o water in south pacific, we could still see our frosty
breath inside the command module.

7. The word 'Command Module' used twice in the given passage indicates perhaps that it
deals with ----

A) An Alarming journey

B) a commanding situation

C) a journey into outer space

D) a frightful battle.

8. Which one of the following reasons would one consider as more as possible for the
warning lights to be on? ----

A) There was a shower of debris.

B) Jack was yelling.

C) A catastrophe was imminent.

D) The moon was looming close and big.

9. The statement that the dazzling sunshine was "for once unfiltered by layers of air" means --

A) that the sun was very hot

B) that there was no strong wind

C) that the air was unpolluted

D) none of above

Case 1 - Customer (Himanshu) has placed an order from ‘Needs Hub’ for shampoo and few other
items. Post the order got delivered, Himanshu realized that he got a conditioner in place of
shampoo. He is confused and looking for a resolution . He has written an email to the magicpin
Customer Success team.

What will be your response to him, Please give a detailed action plan?

Case 2 -


I am Ajay and I placed an order with Domino’s Pizza. It's been more than 60 minutes since I haven't
received my order. Can someone tell me where is it??

My order number is - ‘DOMINO1296’

How will you address his concern? What will be your next action, Please Give a Detailed Action
SECTION C - Paragraph Writing

Write on any 1 topic (200 words)

a. Cashless Economy
b. COVID -19 – Impact, Precaution and Awareness
c. Importance of Sports in Education

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