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1. What is a function in Python, and why is it useful in programming?

2. Explain the concept of function parameters and arguments.

3. How do you define a function in Python? Provide an example.

4. Describe the purpose of the "return" statement in a function.

5. What are built-in functions, and give an example of one that Python provides?

6. Python function always returns a value. True or False?

7. Explain what happens when the following recursive function is called with the value
4 as an argument:

8. Explain what happens when the following recursive function is called with the value 4
as an argument:

As a result, this code will lead to an infinite recursion, and it will keep printing the value 4
indefinitely until the program is forcibly terminated.

9. Explain what happens when the following recursive function is called with the values "hello"
and 0 as arguments:

Fatin Nabila

10. Predict the output of the following code:

a) `8`

b) `0 1 4 9`

c) `24`

d) Hello, World!
NameError: name 'message' is not

Fatin Nabila

e) 6

f) (8, 7)

g) "emp"

h) "Emma 25".

i) 15

Fatin Nabila

j) 30.
error to print num

k) 15.

11. Choose the correct function declaration of fun1() so that we can execute the following
function call successfully.

A: def fun1(**kwargs) D: def fun1(*data)

B: No, it is not possible in Python
C: def fun1(args*)
D: def fun1(*data)

12. Given the following function fun1(), select all the correct function calls.

Ans. Description fun1("Emma", age=23)

1. fun1(“Emma”, age=23) fun1(age=23, name="Emma")
2. fun1(age=23, name=”Emma”)
fun1(age=23, “Emma”)

name to accept arbitrary arguments}

Fatin Nabila

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