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2010 年 2 月 艺术探索 Feb. 2010

第 24 卷 第 1 期 ARTS EXPLORATION Vol.24 No.1


[摘要] 在近几年的平面艺术设计中,繁复而奢华的平面作品不
但引来了人们无数称赞的目光,更以一种引领时尚潮流的姿态 平面设计中的极繁主义回潮
品逐渐被赋予了华丽、 复古、 唯美、 融合、 繁复等辞藻。在极简主
[关键词] 平面设计;极繁主义;装饰性;回潮
[中图分类号] J509 [文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1003-3653(2010)01-0107-02
[收稿时间] 2009-10-30
[作者简介] 赵春燕(1984~),女,河北邯郸人,东华大学服装·艺 赵春燕
术设计学院 2007 级硕士研究生, 研究方向: 艺术设计学。 (东华大学 服装·艺术设计学院,上海 200051)

研究背景 清晰可见。这使得中世纪古典主义风格和巴洛克、
现代平面设计的风格日新月异,全球经济的发展使设计师 艺术特征得到了延续和发展,当然所谓的极繁主义也同时得到
开始追求用个性、自由、独特的设计语言来表达自己。设计不再 了延续和发展。
它已经被大众认识并且喜爱。在近代设 新艺术运动是在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的欧洲产生和发展的
计史上极简主义一直有着不可动摇的位置,这种状况持续到近 装饰艺术运动,涉及建筑、家具、产品、服装、首饰、平面设计、书

几年似乎有了些变化。装饰品的使用不再被认为是一种犯罪, 籍装帧,包括绘画、雕塑等多种艺术领域。[4]它处在新旧世纪的
筑物开始更加时尚,更具有曲线美,变得更有魅力。轮廓和植物 交替之际,
相关的图形也改变了往日严谨、简单的线条和模糊暗淡的色调。 第一次世界大战后,新的装饰艺术在法国得到了迅速的发
取而代之的是大幅度频繁使用的丰富色彩。所有的一切都意味 设计机构纷纷建立。设计家、
展, 艺术家们创造出一种符合时代潮
着艺术开始回复到感性的一面,平面设计也在新一轮的极繁主 与机器大生产相协调、
流、 有现代感的装饰艺术风格。于是装饰艺
义中发展创新。 术设计中严禁的线条和被称作“新古典主义”的符号、垂花饰、花
环、 装饰化的花卉纹饰和巴洛克、
极繁主义的雏形时期 形纹饰取代了新艺术风格中的奢华倾向和不对称雕刻的滥用。
是今日极繁主义回潮的重要灵感来源之一。 四、极繁主义的落寞
巴洛克艺术的风格是承袭自文艺复兴末期的矫饰主义,着 装饰艺术运动强调装饰化又承认工业化,是一场承上启下
重在强烈感情的表现,而不像文艺复兴鼎盛期那样的严肃、含 的运动,是从“工艺美术运动”到“新艺术运动”的装饰运动和现
常采用富于动态感的 代主义运动之间的一次衔接。
斜线等。[1] 在大工业机器标准生产的限制以及资本家为累积资本而提
洛可可的艺术风格于 18 世纪 20 年代产生于法国,是在巴 高生产效率的现实条件下,人们逐渐把一切设计品标准化、简约
洛克建筑的基础上发展起来的,但其作为一种建筑风格却主要 化。与此同时,包豪斯对功能主义的推崇加速了极简主义的发
这个时期的视觉艺 展。干练的几何线条、
浪漫等特点。2006 年美国拍摄了讲
术也像其建筑一样有着矫饰、 人们眼前为之一亮,繁复、华丽、妖娆的极繁主义艺术渐渐地退
(图 1)影片中人物的服 出了人们的视线,
功也意味着当代人的审美观念又重新接受了极繁主义。 五、极繁主义的回潮
巴洛克和洛可可时期的艺术在本质上是有差别的,但在形 在空间急剧紧缩的仓库居住时代,以伦敦为基地的《墙纸》
艺术家的 杂志的诞生引发了 20 世纪包豪斯现代主义、
20 世纪 50 年代埃
灵感多数来自于那个时期的装饰图案和装饰元素。 姆斯家具和拥有极简主义概
三、极繁主义的延续 品味的诞生。[5]时兴的现代
虽然工业革命打破了传统的生产方式,但人们依然沉浸在 主义在生成对欲望质量追求
传统的艺术风格中。它在人们的生活中已形成定式, 的同时,还逐渐成为了向年
和技术用于生产同一产品时,人们总是以旧有的审美观念作为 轻人和富有者售卖“唯一”的
接受的心理依据,因此,在新产品身上,旧有的形式和风格仍然 简化方式。通过数以千计的 图 1 电影《绝代艳后》中的玛丽皇后
108 艺术探索 2010 年 第 24 卷 第 1 期(总第 98 期)

展示室和相关的销售观念, 3.视觉传达中极繁主义回潮的表现
摩登成为社会的主流,从而 视觉传达设计中的极繁主义回潮体现在广告、海报、招贴、
在一定程度上弱化限制了那 插画、
些只有着同样外观而没有同 现自己已在欣赏享受这次极繁主义的回潮。
等质量的仿制品。尽管我们 (1)广告海报中的表现
主观上可能非常赞同这一现 服装复古风促进了服装海报的极繁主义回潮设计。在时尚
象,可实际上要在日常生活 界,所谓的广告大片用现代设计的手法把极繁主义演绎得栩栩
中适应它是非常困难的事。 如生,
对于设计师和最终消费者来 艺术的著名国际品牌多不胜数,D&G(DOLCE & GABBANA)无
说,他们很快对极简主义产 色彩,
论从构图、 还是创意上,都再现了极繁主义的风格;DIESEL
一场甚至会 的主题略显自然的主题;而 JEAN PAUL GAULTIER 则更加甜
导致极奢现象出现的运动在 美、
浪漫。(图 2)
需求中产生了,这就是极繁 (2)在插画中的表现
主义的回潮。 插画比海报和平面广告的表现更加自由,
1.极繁主义回潮的原因 自然、
是崇拜着极繁主义回潮的奢华、 唯美,
(1)人们对较长时期处于 制,
极简主义的风格感到厌倦。 视觉的刺激以及画面的唯美神秘,
(2)数位电脑技术的支 图形所吸引并会驻足很久,
持。数码相机的产生和电脑 色彩。插画有着很强的应用性,
数位技术的发展成为了这 包装设计、
案设计、 书籍装帧设计和部分视觉形象设计。
次极繁主义回潮的催化剂, 图 3、图 4 两幅插画分别是两个不同国家的插画师的作品
设计师们以电脑平面软件 设计师都更加愿意通过图像来表达自己
为主要制作工具。绘制复杂 的思想,
的图案也因此变得得心应 单是发生在某个地方的,而是全球性的,这种视觉领域的新风格
图 3 日本插画家作品
手,电脑绘图的精准与手绘 正在被更多人接受和喜爱。
图案让设计师和大众消费 六、结语
者都为之着迷。还有那些平 不论这一“极繁主义”的回归是否又是一次过眼云烟,时间
面华丽的图案和线条,电脑 将会作出最好的证明。事实上,
技术使他们往往强调矢量 存。在这个时期只是大家都偏爱极繁主义,
绘图、手绘图稿以及数码图 和喜爱。极繁主义者和极简主义者之间的争论是不间断循环着
片的结合处理,使画面层次 的,
图 4 英国插画家作品
丰富,亦真亦梦,充满了复 流行的正确与否的争论一直持续着,这种关于美学上的争论逐
杂融合的魅力。 渐开始充盈着道德的弦外之音。
大多数国家都把精力集中在经济和科学技术的发展上。生活 参考文献:
渐渐稳定而富足,这让人们有条件去关注和欣赏设计[6],快速的 [1]尹定帮.设计学概论[M].长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2003.
生活节奏要求设计使人放松并能活跃调节生活气氛。于是人们 [2]李砚祖.造物之美[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000.
开始怀念那个时期闲适的生活节奏和追求美的生活态度,极繁 [3]王受之.世界现代设计史[M].北京:中国青年出版社,2002.
主义浪漫、唯美、自然、典雅、明快、纤巧的装饰又再次为人们所 [4]王受之.世界平面设计史[M].北京:中国青年出版社,2002.
关注。 [5]孟梅林,盛容.装饰艺术[M].合肥:合肥工业大学出版社,2004.
2.视觉传达中极繁主义回潮的特点 [6]余凤高.插图的文化史[M].北京:新星出版社,2005.
,它不是简单 [7]杨文会,梅映雪.装饰艺术设计[M].石家庄:河北美术出版社,2002.
的拷贝或提取巴洛克、洛可可及维多利亚时期的元素,而是要把 [8](美)米耐.巴洛克与洛可可[M].孙小金,译.桂林:广西师范大学出版
这些元素变成一种符号,并赋予它们新的意义,让这些符号重新 社,2004.

从而表达设计师们新的思想。极繁主义的回潮汲取了 (责任编辑:罗冰)

Abst r act s and Key Wor ds of Ar t i cles 151

important dimension. of lacquer engraving) ”and “Yinjin (a kind of succedaneum of lacquer en-
[Key Words] sculpture, ubiquitous, criticism, building graving) ”, whether the “ Thin Sheet ”is made in the way of“ Japanese
Produce ”or“ Traditional Produce ”.
An Exotic Flower:Pre-Paphaelite Movement [ Key Words] Ancient Bodiless Lacquer, Bodiless Lacquer, Ningpo Varnish,
HUANG Cheng Buddha Decoration, Fuxi (a kind of sculpture), Yinjin (a kind of succeda-
[ Abstract ] Pre-Paphaelite Brotherhood set off a trend of thought in litera- neum of sculpture)
ture and art in the mid-period of Victorian Age . The brotherhood and its
achievement not only play a transitional role between Romanticism and The Evolution and Development of Chaozhou Xianshi Music
Modernism , but also raise up a universal question , namely, how to deal LI Peihuang
with the relationship between system and humanity and disparity between [ Abstract ] Chaozhou Xianshi music is an important variety of Chaozhou
dream and reality. The paper attempts to make a study of Pre-Paphaelite music . Chaozhou percussion music , Chaoyang flute sets of music , fine
with its development , features, representatives in both literature and art as music of Chaozhou , Chaozhou temple music and tonoe Han stressed all
focus. absorb its nutrients for survival and growth , so Chaozhou xianshi music is
[ Key Words] Pre-Paphaelite Brotherhood , painting, literature , talents considered representative of Chaozhou music . In this paper , it primarily
compiled the course of its development , simply describe and analyse the
On Contemporary Elements in College Art Education characteristics of its evolution and truly and objectively reflect the basic
QUAN Hongyi line of its development .
[ Abstract ] With the development of new artistic thoughts and changes in [ Key Words] Chaozhou xianshi music , characteristic , evolution
artistic discourse , the teaching systems and artistic expressive forms have
undergone various changes. Through understanding the education back- Analytical Study of the Impact of Fauvism on Modern Design
ground of contemporary college arts, this essay attempts to reanalysis the YU Haijiao
new situation of college education at home and states the contemporary [ Abstract ] Based on analyzing painting style of Henri Matisse and Maufice
and pluralism features. de Vlaminck ’s works, it explains their characteristics of the performance
[ Key Words] collate , contemporary, pluralism , post-college-arts in polychromy and composition . By the analytic relation of polychromy,
composition and design conception in modern design , it was comprehen-
Discussion of the Setup of the Major of Dance Choreography in sively analyzed that Fauvism painting make a strong impact on modern de-
Local Higher Academies sign .
SONG Yuhong [ Key Words] Fauvism , Henri Matisse , Maufice de Vlaminck , modern de-

[ Abstract ] With social economic growth and development of revolution in sign

the musical fundamental education , the major of dance choreography is de-

veloping into a main trend of musical major , especially in local colleges. The Resurgence of Maximalism in Graphic Design
Based on the current social situations, this article has made a detailed ZHAO Chunyan
analysis of the major . It has not only a long history but also a great [ Abstract ] In the present graphic design , complicate and sumptuous works
prospects. Besides, the article has elaborated on the advantages and effec- attract the public ’s sight . And this kind of works shows up as the posture
tive measures of the launch of Dance-director major in local colleges. of leading fashion . The drawing line of the artists becomes wriggle and
[ Key Words] dance choreography, local colleges, setup , disscusion magnificent suddenly. The color of the artists becomes exaggerative and
enchanting suddenly. And the content of the works becomes rich and com-
Study of the Types of Facial Makeups in Caidiao Opera of plicate suddenly. Without doubt , the showing means of the artists are
Guangxi more and more various and rich in new ideas with the development of
computer technology. The graphic works is given the magnificent , vintage ,
QUE Zhen
aesthetic , mixed and manifold content . After the minimalism ( or the easi-
[ Abstract ] The type of facial makeup has a special style of its own . First-
est style art ) was popular for several years. The resurgence of maximum-
ly, it has its own formal character with local colour , strong individuality
lism , which is more decorative , appears in graphic design .
and a profound moral ; secondly, it performs different functions of actual
[ Key Words] graphic design , maximalism , decorative , resurgence
performing skills, distinguishing a well doer from a evil person , strength-
ening feelings of aesthetic judgment ; thirdly, bad-looking types of facial
makeup are very rich and colourful and they are widely used in the opera , On the Four Viewpoints of the Relation between Artist ’s Person-
which has much to do with the aesthetic awareness of Caidiao Opera . alities and Works
[ Key Words] Caidiao Opera of Guangxi , types of facial makeup , charac- LUO Xinhua
ter , the aesthetic awareness [ Abstract ] The relation between artist ’s personality and works is a tradi-
tional topic of Artistic circle. Through the investigation for documents, the
Fujian Lacquer Textual Research author sums up 4 mainstream viewpoints on history about the relation be-
ZHENG Xin tween artist ’s personality and works: “painting and calligraphy like it ’s
[ Abstract ] To explore Fujian Lacquer Art , the scholars often started it author”, “the difference in degree of personality decide the quality of
from Qing Dynasty, but the author talks about it from “Ancient Bodiless painting and calligraphy”,“morals level decide the quality of painting and
Lacquer ”in Han dynasty, then discussed many problems deeply such as calligraphy”and “morals level decide painting and calligraphy’s preserve
the difference between “ Bodiless Lacquer ”and “ Ancient Bodiless Lac- and scrap ”, and then the author analyses for all the viewpoints, presents
quer ”, the production of“ Ningpo Varnish ”and“ Buddha Decoration ”and the dialectics relation between personality and works.
transition history of their meanings ,the relationship between“ Fuxi ( a kind [ Key Words] personality, painting and calligraphy, relation

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