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Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

To Dear Mrs. Indri Astuti, S.Hum., M.Pd.

As well as fellow students, I Anggun Antasari_048762768
Requesting permission to provide feedback on the discussion in this session.
How would you explain the difference between memo and email?
Answer :
A memo, also known as a memorandum, is a formal written communication typically used
within an organization to inform employees of policies, procedures, or other important
information. Memos are usually used for more serious or complex topics than emails.
Email, on the other hand, is a more informal electronic communication that can be used for both
internal and external communication. Emails are often used for messages that are routine or not
very important.
The following is a table that summarizes the key differences between memos and emails:

No Characteristic Memo Email

1 Purpose Formal communication within Formal or informal communication
an organization within or outside an organization
2 Audience Internal (employees) Internal or external (employees,
customers, clients, etc.)
3 Tone Formal Formal or informal
4 Format Standardized format with Less standardized format
specific headings (To:, From:,
Date:, Subject:, Body, CC:,
5 Length Varies, but typically longer than Typically shorter than memos
6 Delivery Printed or emailed Emailed


Memo vs. Email: What's the Difference?" di Grammarly (2022).

Memorandum dan Email: Perbedaan dan Cara Penggunaannya oleh Universitas Brawijaya

Perbedaan Memo dan Email" oleh Glints (2023)

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Thank you

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