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 The marks allotted for ASL PROJECT :10 marks ( 5 for
Project+ 5 for Viva )
 Viva based on the project will be taken by the teacher
 The portfolio of project may include all the points given in
each project.
 The project must contain atleast 20-25 sheets
 Use as many pictures /photographs as you require
 Use sketch pens for headings and coloured pens for content.
 Use A4 size coloured/designer paper sheets for the project and
after compiling everything it should be submitted in spiral


I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation
towards all those who have helped me in making this
project. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation
and encouragement, I would not have been able to present
the project on time.
I am extremely thankful and pay my sincere gratitude to
my teacher for her
valuable guidance and support for completion of this
I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my
gratitude towards my parents, other faculty members of
the school and friends for their valuable suggestions given
to me in completing the project.

This is to certify
that the project work on
based on the curriculum of CBSE
has been completed by of

The above mentioned project work has been completed

under my guidance during the academic year 2023-24

Signature of Teacher
Title: "Exploring 'Portrait of a Lady' by Khushwant Singh"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an overview of the short story "Portrait of a Lady" by Khushwant Singh.
- Briefly introduce the author and his significance in Indian literature.

2. Author's Background:
- Discuss the life and literary contributions of Khushwant Singh, highlighting his writing
style and themes.

3. Plot Summary:
- Summarize the plot of "Portrait of a Lady," focusing on the central character, Mrs.
Bimla, and her experiences.

4. Character Analysis:
- Analyze key characters in the story, including Mrs. Bimla and the young narrator.
- Explore their traits, motivations, and how they relate to the themes of the story.

5. Themes and Motifs:

- Explore the major themes and motifs present in the short story, such as social class,
perception, and societal norms.

6. Personal Interpretation:
- Share your personal interpretation of the story, discussing what you found most
compelling or thought-provoking.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and the significance of "Portrait of a Lady"
in the context of Indian literature.

8. References:
- Include a list of the sources and references you used for your project.

You can also include visual elements, such as images related to the story's setting, the
author, or relevant historical context. This project will allow you to explore the depths of
this short story and gain a better understanding of Khushwant Singh's literary style and
the themes he explores in "Portrait of a Lady."
Title: "Surviving the Storm: An Analysis of 'We're Not Afraid to Die... If We Can All Be

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to the story, "We're Not Afraid to Die," and its authors.

2. Author"s Background:
- Discuss the backgrounds of the authors, their motivation for writing the story, and
their experiences.

3. Plot Summary:
- Summarize the plot of the story, focusing on the central events of the Tolaga Bay
yacht's journey and the challenges they faced.

4. Character Analysis:
- Analyze the key characters in the story, including the authors themselves, their
families, and the crew members.

5. Themes and Motifs:

- Explore the major themes and motifs present in the story, such as survival,
determination, and the human spirit.

6. Real-Life Story:
- Emphasize that the story is based on real events and the authors' own experiences,
adding authenticity to the narrative.

7. Challenges and Survival:

- Highlight the challenges the characters faced during their journey, including the storm,
damaged yacht, and physical hardships.

8. Lessons Learned:
- Discuss the lessons and values that can be derived from the story, such as resilience,
teamwork, and the importance of family.

9. Personal Reflection:
- Share your personal reflections on the story, including what aspects of the narrative
you found most inspiring.

10. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and underline the enduring impact of the
story in conveying the human spirit's resilience.

11. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including visuals, such as images of the yacht, the authors, or the stormy sea, to
enhance your project's engagement. This project offers a deep exploration of the story
"We're Not Afraid to Die" and its themes of survival, resilience, and the strength of the
human spirit.
Title: "The Silk Road: A Journey Through Time and Culture"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an overview of the Silk Road, explaining that it was a network of
interconnected trade routes that spanned several centuries.

2. Historical Background:
- Describe the historical context of the Silk Road, including when and where it
- Discuss the different empires and civilizations that played a key role in its development.

3. Geography and Routes:

- Illustrate the geographical scope of the Silk Road, including the main routes, such as
the land route from China to the Mediterranean and the maritime routes.
- Use maps and diagrams to help visualize the routes.

4. Goods and Trade:

- Explain the types of goods that were traded along the Silk Road, including silk, spices,
precious metals, and cultural artifacts.
- Discuss the significance of these trade exchanges.

5. Cultural Exchange:
- Highlight the cultural interactions that occurred along the Silk Road, such as the
spread of religions (e.g., Buddhism and Islam), languages, and art.

6. Famous Explorers and Traders:

- Introduce some of the well-known historical figures who traveled the Silk Road, such as
Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta.
- Describe their contributions and experiences.

7. Personal Reflection:
- Share your personal reflections on what you find most fascinating or relevant about the
Silk Road.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and reiterate the importance of the Silk
Road in world history.

9. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including images, artifacts, and maps to make your project visually engaging.
This project will allow you to delve into the rich history and cultural exchange that the
Silk Road facilitated.
Title: "Exploring 'Mother's Day' by Susan Hill"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an overview of the short story "Mother's Day" by Susan Hill.
- Introduce the author and her significance in contemporary literature.

2. Author Background:
- Discuss Susan Hill's background, including her literary career and notable works.

3. Plot Summary:
- Summarize the plot of "Mother's Day," focusing on the central characters and the
narrative's core themes.

4. Character Analysis:
- Analyze the characters in the story, including the mother and her children.
- Discuss their personalities, motivations, and relationships.

5. Themes and Motifs:

- Explore the major themes and motifs present in the short story, such as family, loss,
and memory.

6. Critical Reception:
- Provide insights into how "Mother's Day" has been received by critics and readers,
including any awards or recognition it may have received.

7. Personal Interpretation:
- Share your personal interpretation of the story, discussing what you found most
moving or thought-provoking.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and the significance of "Mother's Day" in
the context of contemporary literature.

9. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

You can also include visual elements like images related to the story, the author, or
thematic symbols. This project will allow you to explore the depth of Susan Hill's
storytelling and the emotional and thematic aspects of "Mother's Day."
Title: "Exploring 'Childhood' by Markus Natten: A Poetic Journey Through Memory"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to the poem "Childhood" by Markus Natten and briefly
introduce the poet.

2. Poet Background:
- Discuss Markus Natten's background, including his life, other works, and his
significance in the world of poetry.

3. Poem Summary:
- Summarize the content and themes of the poem "Childhood," emphasizing its nostalgic
and reflective nature.

4. Poetic Analysis:
- Analyze the poem's structure, rhyme scheme, and use of literary devices (e.g.,
metaphors, similes, imagery) to convey its message.

5. Theme Exploration:
- Explore the themes presented in the poem, including the passage of time, the innocence
of childhood, and the impact of memory.

6. Personal Connection:
- Encourage students to share their personal interpretations of the poem and how it
resonates with their own experiences.

7. Critical Reception:
- Discuss how "Childhood" has been received by literary critics and its place in the
realm of contemporary poetry.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and highlight the lasting appeal of
"Childhood" by Markus Natten.

9. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including visual elements like images related to the poem, the poet, or artistic
interpretations to enhance your project's engagement. This project will allow students to
delve into the depth of this evocative poem and appreciate the art of Markus Natten's
Title: "Exploring 'Voice of the Rain' by Walt Whitman: Nature's Poetic Whisper"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to the poem "Voice of the Rain" by Walt Whitman,
highlighting its place in Whitman's body of work.

2. Poet Background:
- Discuss Walt Whitman's background, his contribution to American literature, and his
unique style of free verse poetry.

3. Poem Summary:
- Summarize the content and themes of the poem "Voice of the Rain," emphasizing its
connection to nature and its personification of the rain.

4. Poetic Analysis:
- Analyze the poem's structure, use of literary devices (e.g., imagery, personification),
and its significance in the context of American Transcendentalism.

5. Theme Exploration:
- Explore the themes presented in the poem, such as the unity of all things in nature, the
rejuvenating power of rain, and the interconnectedness of the world.

6. Imagery and Symbolism:

- Examine the vivid imagery and symbolism used in the poem and how they contribute to
the reader's understanding of nature.

7. Personal Connection:
- Encourage students to share their personal interpretations of the poem and how it
resonates with their own relationship with nature.

8. Critical Reception:
- Discuss how "Voice of the Rain" has been received by literary critics and its place in
the canon of American poetry.

9. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and underline the enduring impact of "Voice
of the Rain" on the American literary tradition.

10. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including visual elements like images related to the poem, the poet, or artistic
interpretations to enhance your project's engagement. This project will allow students to
appreciate the profound connection between nature and poetry in the work of Walt
Title: "Analyzing 'Father to Son': A Poetic Journey of Generations"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to the poem "Father to Son" and its author, Elizabeth

2. Poet Background:
- Discuss Elizabeth Jennings' background, her contribution to literature, and the themes
often present in her work.

3. Poem Summary:
- Summarize the content and themes of the poem "Father to Son," emphasizing the
father's perspective and the complexities of their relationship.

4. Poetic Analysis:
- Analyze the poem's structure, rhyme scheme, and use of literary devices (e.g.,
metaphors, symbolism) to convey its message.

5. Theme Exploration:
- Explore the central themes presented in the poem, including the passage of time,
communication, and the complexities of the parent-child relationship.

6. Literary Context:
- Discuss how "Father to Son" fits into the context of modern and contemporary poetry
and its place in English literature.

7. Imagery and Symbolism:

- Examine the vivid imagery and symbolism used in the poem, such as the clock, to
understand their significance in the context of the poem.

8. Personal Interpretation:
- Encourage students to share their personal interpretations of the poem, exploring their
own relationships and experiences.

9. Critical Reception:
- Discuss how "Father to Son" has been received by literary critics and its impact in the
world of poetry.

10. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and reflect on the enduring significance of
"Father to Son" in poetry.

11. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including visual elements like images related to the poem, the poet, or thematic
symbols to enhance your project's engagement. This project will allow students to delve
into the depth of this emotional poem and explore the complexities of parent-child
relationships as presented by Elizabeth Jennings.
Title: "Exploring the World of Classified Advertisements: Types and Applications"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to classified advertisements and their importance in various

2. Purpose and Significance:

- Explain the purpose and significance of classified ads for businesses and individuals.

3. Types of Classified Ads:

- Explore various categories of classified ads, such as:
- Situation Vacant
- Matrimonial Ads
- Sale and Purchase
- Educational
- Vehicle sale
- Tours and Travels

4. Structure and Format:

- Describe the typical structure and format of classified ads, including the use of
headings, text, and contact information.

5. Writing Effective Classified Ads:

- Offer tips on how to write effective classified ads, emphasizing clarity, brevity, and a
compelling call to action.

6. Case Studies:
- Provide real-life examples of successful classified advertisements from various

7. Practical Exercise:
- Encourage students to create sample classified ads for different categories as a hands-
on exercise.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and underline the continued relevance and
adaptability of classified advertisements.

9. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

Consider including visual elements, sample classified ads, and examples to make your
project more engaging and informative. This project will provide a comprehensive
understanding of the world of classified advertising and its various applications.
Title: "Mastering the Art of Debate Writing: Form, Content, and Persuasion"

1. Introduction:
- Provide an introduction to the art of debate writing, emphasizing its importance in
developing critical thinking and communication skills.

2. Purpose of Debate:
- Explain the purpose of debates, which include presenting and defending arguments, as
well as persuading an audience.

3. Structure of a Debate:
- Describe the typical structure of a debate, including the introduction, main arguments,
rebuttals, and conclusion.

4. Types of Debates:
- Explore different types of debates, such as formal debates, panel discussions, and
impromptu debates.

5. Selecting a Debate Topic:

- Explain how to choose a debate topic, considering relevance, complexity, and the
interests of the audience.

6. Research and Preparation:

- Discuss the importance of thorough research, including finding credible sources and
understanding various perspectives on the chosen topic.

7.Drafting a Debate Speech:

- Provide guidelines for drafting a debate speech, including an opening statement,
argumentative points, and a compelling conclusion.

8. Delivery and Presentation:

- Discuss effective delivery techniques, such as tone, body language, and maintaining eye
contact with the audience.

9. Refining Debate Skills:

- Share tips for improving debate skills, such as practicing, participating in mock
debates, and seeking feedback.
10. Famous Debates:
- Share examples of historically significant debates and their impact on society and

11. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points of your project and emphasize the value of debate writing
skills for effective communication and critical thinking.

12. References:
- List the sources and references you used for your project.

This project will help students develop a deep understanding of the art of debate writing
and provide practical guidance for honing their debate skills.

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