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nce there was ...

Look at the table and answer the questions.

Did the Giant do sums?

Did Laura do sums?

Did Laura go to the library?

Did Sam and Pain go to the library?

Did Sam and Pain make sandwiches?

Did Tom make sandwiches?

Disagree and write sentences as in the example:

1. I washed our car yesterday. / bike
I didn't wash the car but I washed in bike.

2. ` made salad yesterday. / sandwiches

3. I saw a parrot in the park. / dog

4. I went to the gym. / stadium

5. I visited my friend. / grandpa

6. I played chess. / tennis

7. I had eggs for breakfast. / lunch

1. The Giant was friendly.
True False
2. The Giant had a beautiful garden.
True False
3. The children djdn't like the Giant's garden.
True False
4. The Giant was at home all the time.
True False
5. He was angry when he saw the children in his garden.
True False
6. The Giant made a wall round the garden.
True False
7. It was only winter in the Giant's garden.
True False

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