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Daily Writing Task (Day 2) IELTS PREPARATION CLASS

Name: ____________________

Exercise 1: To Verb or V-ing

1. I look forward __________ you at the party. a. seeing b. to see
2. She's considering __________ a new language. a. learning b. to learn
3. It's important __________ a healthy lifestyle. a. leading b. to lead
4. I advised him __________ a decision soon. a. making b. to make
5. He promised __________ the report by tomorrow. a. finishing b. to finish
6. The students enjoy __________ math problems. a. solving b. to solve
7. I decided __________ a break from work. a. taking b. to take
8. We need __________ the meeting room for the presentation. a. preparing b. to
9. She always avoids __________ in public. a. speaking b. to speak
10. It's time __________ dinner. a. cooking b. to cook
11. The company plans __________ a new product next year. a. launching b. to launch
12. The children prefer __________ games in the park. a. playing b. to play
13. I'd like __________ my English skills. a. improving b. to improve
14. She offered __________ me a ride home. a. giving b. to give
15. The manager asked them __________ the project proposal. a. submitting b. to

Exercise 2: Participles

1. ____Being late to the bus station______________________, she hastily grabbed her

backpack and dashed towards the stop.
Đang chậm trẽ chuyến xe buýt
2. The abandoned building, __surrounding by grass_________________________, caught
the attention of urban explorers.
bao quanh bởi bụi cỏ rậm rạp
3. __Disappointed with the broken printer___________________________, he repaired it
himself to complete the urgent task.
Thất vọng trước các máy in trục trặc
4. __The broken bridge__________________, __which closed to repair______________,
inconvenienced commuters for several weeks.
Cây cầu bị hư hại, đang đóng cửa để sửa chữa,
5. ___Having studied a lot for weeks____________________, Sarah felt confident as she
entered the examination hall.
Đã học hành rất siêng năng trong nhiều tuần,

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