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BIOLOGY: PHYSICS 10 Guess Papers, Very important Questions AND (All Boards Papers
BIOLOGY 10 Guess Papers, Very important Questions AND (All Boards Papers 2014-2023)
M.TAHIR MATH WALA 0308-1398986

Biology 10th

Chapter 1

Difference b/w breathing and cellular respiration ,epiglottis and function, larynx ,passive smoking,
emphysema and symptoms, vocal cards and function, trachea? Bronchi, and bronchioles, nicotine,
pleural membrane, diaphragm, carcinogen, lungs, vocal cards, lyranx function ,arteriosclerosis, function
of alveolus, effects of smoking ,difference b/w inhalation and exhalation or ispiration and expiration,

Chapter 2

Skin and function, excretion, Abu al Qasim Azharvi, kidney stone, Bowman’s capsule in nephrone,
homeostasis, define guttation, glomerulus filtrate, tubular secration, osmosis, renal cortex, renal
medulla, osmoregulation ,thermoregulation, kidney transplant,


types of coordination in living organism, reflex action, define hormone and endocrine system, difference
b/w receptors and effectors, three types of neurons, sensory neuron ,motor neuron, inter neuron,
central nervous system, differentiate b/w stimulus and response, somatic nervous system, autonomic
nervous system, two function s of brain, define coordinates, pupil reflex in bright and dim light.
Contributions of IBN –al- Haytham, salutatory impulse, color blindness, glucagon and insulin,


difference b/w cartilage and bone, skeletal system, sponge bone, compact bone, biceps and triceps
muscles, hinge joints, define bone and its function, osteoarthritis ,function of tendons, gout, flexion and
extension, osteocytes,


multiple fission, sexual and asexual reproduction, types of pollination, self pollination and cross
pollination, spermatogenesis and oogenesis, cloning and tissue culture, fragmentation and give
example, double fertilization, binary fission, budding, alternation of generation in plants,
parthenogenesis, spore formation in rhizopus ,dormancy, calluses, bulbs and corms, prostate and
Cowper’s gland,


genotype and phenotype, natural and artificial selection, genetics, nucleosomes, Punnet square,
dominant and recessive alleles, traits and give example, theory of special creation, homozygous and
heterozygous, difference b/w gene and allele define transcription and translation, define mono hybrid
and dihybrid, mutation, breeds and varities, who was Mendel ? Crossing over, continuous and
discontinuous variations,
BIOLOGY: PHYSICS 10 Guess Papers, Very important Questions AND (All Boards Papers
BIOLOGY 10 Guess Papers, Very important Questions AND (All Boards Papers 2014-2023)
M.TAHIR MATH WALA 0308-1398986

Chapter 7

ecological organization, what is mean by community and population, acid rain, food chain and food web,
eutrophication, ectoparasites and endo- parasites, renewable and non-renewable resources, producers
and consumers, biosphere, herbivores and carnivores ,mutualism and give example, a-biotic and biotic
components, predation, dengue fever, symbiosis ,ozone depletion, decomposers,

Chapter 8

fermentation, biotechnology, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA, uses of glycerol, define glycerol,
alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, advantages of using fermenters, types of fermentation, single cell

Chapter 9

pharmacology and pharmacy, marijuana, antibiotics, drug, discovery of vaccination, cephalosporin’s and
tetracycline’s, medicinal drug and addictive drug, drug, pharmaceutical drug, broad spectrum and
narrow spectrum antibiotics, negative effects of morphine and codeine, analgesic and antibiotics, write
some drugs which obtained from plants and fungi, social stigma, work of Joseph listar,antigens,
antibodies, morphine and vaccine, sedatives and give example, sulpha drugs, narcotics and
hallucinogens, benefits of two mineral drugs, functions of B-lymphocytes,

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