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Professional Goal II: Increase my repertoire in proactive and reactive classroom

management techniques.
Issues Identified within the class:
Although through the life of a teacher you are constantly balancing numerous issues within the classroom, these are some
of the problems that I identified for my goal and looked at addressing. This is by no means representative of the only
problems within the class, but rather the ones I wanted to focus on.
1. One of the problems that I have constantly run into is navigating class with Student I. She has an incredibly difficult
time concentrating on doing her work. Even with direct assistance, specifically in Math, she struggles. I could work
with her one on one during the entire working time in class and she would still have a hard time focusing on her
work requiring constant redirection back to the content.
a. What are strategies to best help Student I concentrate on her work and not be a distraction for her
2. Another problem that I have consistently run into was with Student A. Student A is often off task and very slow to
transition between tasks. He is rarely disruptive but he will be quietly off task. When he is disruptive, he is slow and
unwilling to comply. In addition to this, Student A’s attendance is not consistent.
a. What are strategies to best help Student A be an active participant in class?
b. Furthermore, what are strategies to use when he is opposing direction?
3. My class is an awesome class. Their biggest strength is that they are a community of friends. However, this is also
their biggest weakness as they can be very chatty because they are all so comfortable with each other. This is
exacerbated by being in a room that can be extremely echoey.
a. In general, what are strategies in order to maintain student attention?
b. What are strategies that can be implemented to control classroom noise level?
4. One question that was brought to my attention was what I should do with kids getting up to go get drinks of water
from their water bottles located on the side counter. Originally, I was ok with it but it brought up some further
reflection for me as I also realize that this can be distracting. I would like to explore:
a. To what extent should kids be allowed to get up for water and the bathroom during instruction time?
Resources and Strategies:
Resource List

Advice from collaboration with colleagues and observations:

● Be purposeful and create a strong relationship with your students.
● The use of fidgets if purposeful. If they are not purposeful, have them put away as they are then more of a
distraction for the student and others.
● Observing all different types of attention grabbers:
○ Bidi bidi..
○ Snap rhythm
○ Do what I do..
○ Wait time
○ Countdown
○ Various phrases:
■ Hola hola, coca cola
■ Zamboni - clean up the gym call out
○ Word of the day as a go word - this can be student created.
● Stopping and resetting the class when needed.
● Repeat doing transitions when not done properly.
● Wait time; waiting for the class to be quiet and to meet classroom expectations.
● Talking in a soft voice for the students to match your volume.
● Talking with students outside of classroom time in order to address classroom behavior habits that are being
● Counting down for students to help with transition times and in making them more effective.
● Using a point reward system for the students. This can be used in order to give rewards for good class behavior.
These rewards can either work towards a full class reward, or small group rewards such as students tables.
● The use of proximity for classroom management during teaching time.

Issue Identified: Implementations attempted Reflections on Effectiveness of the


#1: One of the strategies that was attempted ● This strategy seemed to work better than
● What are strategies early on was to switch Student I’s chair from the chair; however, this chair can still
to best help Student a normal one to one of the stools in the room present itself as a distraction. It is a good
I concentrate on her interim solution but she also needs to be
that is on a rounded base. I did this with the
work and not be a further guided and reminded as to what
distraction for her intent of trying to focus her energy into a are acceptable uses of the stool.
classmates? form of movement. ● Since the start of this, we have switched
back to a normal chair. She seems to
enjoy the normal chair more and has
stayed more on task than when she was
using the stool.

Allowing for small group instruction where ● This can have varying effects with
my attention can be more readily directed Student I. On certain days, this will help
toward Student I. her to stay focused while other days, she
will still struggle to get a lot of work done.
This can also be very time consuming as I
would need to be beside her for every
work period in order for her to get work
done consistently. Even when I am there,
it seems like I am redirecting her to her
work multiple times during short periods
of time.

Ongoing: Building relationship with Student Throughout the semester, I have been making
I. This has been done by seeking her out for sure to be intentional on making a strong
conversations that have been of interest to relationship with Student I. I work with her
her as well as continually building her up regularly within class time. Every morning, I
when she has accomplished her work. make the effort to have a conversation with her. I
have noticed that having a good relationship
with her has helped, but that at the end of the
day, it still is hard for her to get work done when
needed. When she does do some work, it is
often the bare minimum.

Connecting with her Mom in order to help We did not get to see Student I’s mom at parent
find strategies to support her and potentially teacher interviews so we reached out specifically
start the process with getting her to see a to her. We found a time that we could chat about
doctor about a potential adhd diagnosis. her being able to do work at home. She came in
for a meeting and we (both my TM and I) shared
our experiences with Student I not being able to
concentrate on tasks even when directly
assisted. One strategy that was discussed
during the meeting was her getting her work sent
home if she does not complete enough. We also
talked about her mom starting the process of
having her tested for ADHD.

Making sure Student I is the first person I This has been effective in me knowing where
check on in order for her to make sure she she is at and assessing what type of state she is
knows what the current task at hand is. Then in before starting work on an activity. When I
we modify how much is expected for her to check on her, I set goals for her and what she
accomplish. needs to accomplish.

Finding different flex work spaces. When checking with Student I at the beginning
of work time, we check in to see if this is a good
location for her to work. Depending on the
activity, we then decide if it might work better to
work in her current location or move to a
different one.
Encouraging the use of earmuffs during There are times when the classroom is too loud
work periods when appropriate. because surrounding students are talking while
they work. Student I has been encouraged to
grab earmuffs when needed and I recommend
her to use these when the time is fitting. This
can have varying effects, depending on the day
but she does tend to be more focused when she
is in her own space and has headphones on.

#2: Ongoing: Building relationship with Student This has been the most successful strategy with
● What are strategies A. This has been done by seeking him out Student A. He has been very receptive to talking
to best help Student for conversations that have been of interest when he is outside of a classroom setting.
A be an active to him as well as continually building him up Everyday, I made the intention to greet him and
as soon as he joins the class for the day. I show my excitement that he was at school since
participant in class?
am also giving him affirmations when he is we struggled with his attendance. I made sure to
● Furthermore what contributing or doing his work. take the time for him to tell me about his different
are strategies to use types of games that he makes at home.
when he is opposing
direction? This time taken to build a relationship has been
very effective with my ability to reach Student A.
He is more receptive to correction and it has
allowed him to open up to me. This has given
him a confidence to describe what he needs or
what problem he is experiencing, rather than just
being quiet and not responding, which was more
common at the start of the year.

Addressing situations when Student A is Student A can be obstinate at times. The

obstinate towards instruction. strategy that I have found most beneficial with
this is having built a strong relationship with him.
There are many times when we have had
conversation on what he needs to do and how to
get it done. The times when I need to be strict
with him so that he knows the expectations,
whether this be related to getting work done or
going outside for recess. He is receptive to the
sternness due to the relationship that I have with
him. He respects me, so he is more receptive to
my firmness.

Encouraging Student A to join the chess This has been a huge motivator for Student A
club so that he doesn’t have to go outside and something that he talks about a lot. He
for recess. makes sure that he will not be missing chess
club each week. This is also a regular time for
me to interact with Student A outside of the
classroom. This has allowed him some recess
time where he can stay inside as he doesn’t like
to go outside for recess. This is something that
Andrew enjoys a lot at school and motivates him
to come to school.

Providing options and solutions to problems There are numerous times when Student A will
that he is encountering and helping him not be able to complete an activity because of
navigate the challenges he is finding. This obstacles that seem very big to him but can be
required adapting certain activities to remedied very easily. An example of this is some
address these issues. instances when we were researching in Social.
Student A, at times, did not enjoy being on the
computers as he did not like the screen time.
This was easily remedied by providing him with
books that had the same information available to
him. While still working on the material was
difficult at times, it was more effective for him
than working exclusively with the laptops.

Making sure I check in with him every class This is something that is crucial for Student A’s
multiple times. success in the classroom; whether it be for
keeping him on task or answering questions he
may have. A majority of the time, he is silent and
not disruptive. This can be different than most
kids who are off task as it can be easy to see
that they are not working and causing a
disruption. Student A will be quietly drawing on
his paper, or quietly off task. Making sure that I
am checking in on him regularly is helpful for
making sure he is staying on task. Some days
he can be redirected easily to the task at hand
and other days it requires more consistent check
ups. This is also necessary because he will
sometimes just sit quietly waiting for instructions
if he is unclear on what he needs to do. By
checking in on him regularly I can ensure that he
is aware of what he needs to do, give him the
opportunity to ask questions and to make sure
that he is on task.

Providing additional support for when it is In social studies we were doing a lot of semi
needed. Such as in Social studies. structured self directed research. This was not
structured enough for him and he struggled
working with no form of templates. When he was
researching I then decided to give him more
structure when

Encouraging a class community around One other major strategy that I have tried to
Student A. implement is by encouraging a very strong
sense of community around Student A. Student
A is well liked around the classroom. Making
sure that he feels welcomed and loved by his
class has been important for him to enjoy being
in the classroom which encourages his

#3: Creating student based discussion: this has This has been very fruitful. We have had a lot of
● In general what are been done specifically in Science. Allowing engaging and interesting conversations as a
strategies in order to students to continually be involved in the class as we have gone through different topics.
keep up student teachings as a discussion. Students are One thing to be cognisant of, however, is to not
inquiring how things work based on their rely too heavily on discussion and to mix it up
previous knowledge. We are also talking with hands-on activities or other activities that
about related topics that are of interest to the incorporate movement as well as talking.
● What are strategies students when they relate them to the topic.
that can be
implemented to Using music in order to have students match This has been very effective on most days. On
control classroom the noise level. If they can not hear the days that are very chatty, this only works if they
music, they are being too loud. have had some form of reset beforehand. They
noise level?
may also require multiple reminders to not be
louder than the music.

Praising the class when they are talking at This has been effective when they are at an
an appropriate level. appropriate noise level. This is also a natural
tendency I have for when they have been
working well and at a good level.

Being clear in the instructions in transition This is something that I have known is essential.
times. It is very obvious to me when I give clear
instructions versus when my instructions are

Talking in a soft voice for the students to This is a strategy that I find useful but I find
match the volume. difficult with my specific tone of voice. If I talk
softly, most times people have a harder time
hearing me as it comes out more as a mumble.
Having class movement breaks or activities This strategy can be very useful but this is one
that allow the students to be up or moving that I still find tricky to know which one to use.
them to a different location. Regulating the kids by having high energy
activities can be very useful for getting rid of
Resetting the class with a quiet break so that excess energy. However, I still find it hard to tell
students can regulate themselves. whether it can be a good time to use an
energetic activity in order to get some of that
energy out or whether students need a quiet
time activity in order to calm down. They both
work very effectively when I have used these
sorts of strategies but I find it is still hard to
differentiate exactly which one to use. I
sometimes am hesitant to use an energy/body
break when they already have energy as I don’t
want it to then go too far in that direction where
the students are too high energy. But at the
same time, in these moments you can use a
calming activity and the students are still
potentially having a hard time settling.

#4: When I am giving instructions on what they This balance of freedom while also emphasizing
● To what extent should be doing, they should not be class management has been what I have found
should kids be wandering and getting their water. to be a perfect happy medium. It allows the
allowed to get up for students the freedom to be able to grab a drink
When I am doing teachings or class and take a small break if we are having an
water and the discussions that are more extended, extended conversation. However, one of the
bathroom during students may go and grab water and go to difficulties of this model was when there were
instruction time? the bathroom freely. If needed and I am shorter instructions that were given and students
transitioning to instructions, students will be were leaving. It needed to be explained to the
made aware of this. students that when I am giving instructions or it
was a shorter period of time, I need them to
listen. Then, they can make their way into an
activity and then they may grab their waters etc.
This has been the strategy that I have landed on
thus far and has been successful in my opinion.

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