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1984 Math. USSR Sb. 49 111


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. C6OPHHK Math. USSR Sbornik
TOM 121(163) (1983), Βωπ. 1 Vol. 49(1984), No. 1


UDC 519.48


ABSTRACT. Associated to the germ of a holomorphic vector field on C 2 whose linear

part belongs to a Siegel domain, is the germ of a conformal map (C,0) —> (C,0);
the latter is the monodromy transformation induced by a circuit around the singular
point on a separatrix.
It is proved that the monodromy transformations are moduli for the orbital ana-
lytic classification of germs of vector fields at a singular point: two vector field germs
with the same linear part of Siegel type are orbitally analytically equivalent if and
only if for each of the germs one can choose a local separatrix such that these sep-
aratrices are tangent at zero and such that the monodromy maps corresponding to
them are analytically equivalent.
Moduli for the orbital analytic classification of vector field germs in higher-
dimensional spaces are also constructed, and a new proof of the theorem about the
topological classification of vector fields with saddle resonant singular points is given.
Bibliography: 24 titles.

In this article, we present a first step towards obtaining an orbital analytic classifi-
cation of "resonant saddle" type singular points. We also consider a number of related
The questions of determining the simplest form to which a system of differential equa-
tions can be reduced in a neighborhood of a singular point and of recognizing whether one
system can be obtained from another by a change of coordinates are classical in the the-
ory of differential equations. The answers depend crucially on the classes of systems and
the transformations which are allowed. Extensive bibliographies regarding these ques-
tions are contained in [1] and [2]. There has been more progress in the low-dimensional
case, and it is, for the most part, to this case which we restrict ourselves. At this point,
we mention only the recent papers [3] and [4], in which orbital normal forms of analytic
vector fields in a neighborhood of an isolated elementary singular point on the plane are
written down (recall that a singular point is said to be elementary if the linearization of
the equation at that point has at least one nonzero eigenvalue). The classification is with
respect to infinitely differentiable coordinate changes. The normal forms are polynomial
and, thus, depend only on a finite number of scalar moduli.
Elementary singular points play a decisive role in the theory of two dimensional dy-
namical systems, since each isolated singular point of an analytic vector field on the
plane can be "resolved" into elementary singular points by a finite number of blow-ups
(or σ-processes [5]).
1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 34A20, 34A25; Secondary 34C05.
©1984 American Mathematical Society
0025-5734/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page

Although the analytic classification of elementary singular points on the plane has not
yet been completely achieved, it is already clear that it differs sharply from the infinitely
differentiable classification. Functional moduli arise in the former. In what follows,
we discuss the orbital analytic classification using the following equivalence relation:
two differential equations in a neighborhood of a singular point (in a real or complex
space) are said to be orbitally analytically equivalent if there exists an analytic change of
coordinates in a neighborhood of the singular point which carries the phase curves of one
equation onto the phase curves of the other. Orbital analytic equivalence of vector fields
and germs of vector fields at a singular point are defined similarly. Detailed definitions
will be given in §1.
The following results, pertaining to the orbital analytic classification of elementary
singular points on the plane, are known.
1. If a singular point is nonresonant and the ratio of the eigenvalues is nonnegative
(Poincare), or negative but slowly approximated by rationals (Siegel, Arnol'd, Bryuno),
then the equations are analytically equivalent to their linear part [7]. This is a classical
2. If the quotient of the eigenvalues is negative and irrational, but pathologically close
to the countable set of rational numbers, then even the topological structure of the phase
portrait in a neighborhood of the singular point can be extremely complicated (Arnol'd
[8], Pyartli [9]), the normalizing sequences diverge, and the analytic classification, ap-
parently, is hopelessly difficult.
If the linear part is resonant, then three cases can be discerned.
3. The quotient of the eigenvalues is a positive integer or the reciprocal of such: in
this case the equation is analytically equivalent to its polynomial normal form (Dulac
4. One of the eigenvalues is equal to zero and the other is different from zero. In this
case the orbital analytic classification was conducted by Martinet and Ramis [11]—[13]:
these papers make essential the results of Hukuhara, Kimura and Matuda [14]. The
classification of Martinet and Ramis has functional moduli.
5. The ratio of the eigenvalues is negative rational (the case of saddle resonant vector
fields). The orbital analytic classification in this case also has functional moduli and uses
the results of Ecalle [15], [16] and Voronin [17]. The classification theorem in the case
of saddle resonant singular points for a residual set in general position was formulated
in the preprint [4]; in this paper, we present the first step in the proof of this theorem.
Namely, to a germ of a saddle resonant vector field on the plane, we associate the germ
of a conformal map Δ: (C, 0) —> (C, 0)—the monodromy transformation under a circuit
of the singular point on a separatrix.
The main result of this paper is as follows. If the monodromy transformations are ana-
lytically equivalent, then the corresponding differential equations are orbitally analytically
equivalent (the exact formulation is given in §1).
The monodromy transformation is a rotation through a rational angle to within terms
whose order is larger than linear (by a rational angle we mean an angle which is commen-
surable with a full revolution). The analytic classification of such maps has functional
moduli. For zero angles of rotation, this was proved by Ecalle [15], [16] and Voronin [17].
The orbital analytic classification of saddle resonant vector fields on the plane would
be complete if the following theorem were proved:
Each germ of a map (C, 0) —> (C, 0) whose linear part is a rotation through a rational
angle can be realized as the monodromy transformation for some saddle resonant vector

We will devote another paper to the proof of this theorem. In this paper, we construct
moduli of the orbital analytic classification not only for saddle resonant vector fields on
the plane, but also for germs of vector fields in spaces of higher dimensions. At the end
of the paper, we give a new proof of a theorem first proved by Camacho and Sad [18].
The theorem concerns the topological classification of saddle resonant vector fields in the
complex domain. Along the way, we obtain a theorem about the topological classification
of germs of maps (C,0) —> (C,0) with estimates (under the assumption that the linear
part of the map is a rotation through a rational angle). A weaker result was proved by
Camacho [19].
§1. Formulation of the results
In order to facilitate independent reading, we first recall some well-known definitions.
Let "Vn denote the space of germs at the point 0 of holomorphic vector fields on C n
which have a singular point at the origin and whose linear parts are nondegenerate with
simple eigenvalues.
The equation ζ = υ(ζ), ζ G (C n , 0), ν £ ~Vn reduces, by a linear change of coordinates,
to the form
ζ = Az + f{z), ζ e (C n , 0), Λ = diag λ,
λ = (λι,..., λ η ) G C n , /(Ο) = 0, /.(Ο) = 0. (1)
If there exist only a finite number of solutions which extend holomorphically to the
singular point 0, then each such solution φ is called a complex separatrix of the point 0.
An irreducible component of the intersection of a neighborhood of the singular point on
φ with a full neighborhood of the singular point will be called a local separatrix.
To a complex separatrix φ of equation (1), we can associate a (complex) monodromy
map as follows. Let η: [0,1] —> φ be a loop on the local separatrix which circles the
singular point once in the positive direction and whose image is homeomorphic to a circle.
Let η = 7(0) be the initial point of the loop and Γ τ a transversal to the solution φ at
the point η(τ) which continuously depends on τ and which is such that Γ(0) = Γ(1) is
an analytic hypersurface. By the theorem about the continuous dependence of solutions
on initial conditions, there exists a neighborhood W C ΓΌ of η such that for each ς £ W
there exists a curve ης = {ζ (τ) € Τ (τ)} on the solution <ρζ satisfying the initial condition
ζ-(Ο) = ς which is such that the projection η ς (τ) —• η (τ) along the transversal Γ τ maps
7 ? \ ζ in a one-to-one manner onto η \ η. We let ΔΊ(ς) denote the endpoint of ηζ. By
the theorem about the analytic dependence of solutions on the initial conditions, we get
a map
Δ 7 : {Γ,η)^{Γ,η), ς .-> Δ-,(ί).
The germ ΑΊ of ΑΊ at the point η does not depend on the choice of representative 7 in
the class [η] e πι {φ,η). In what follows, we simply write ΑΊ: {Γ, η) —> (Γ,?/).
DEFINITION. TWO analytic vector fields, defined in different neighborhoods of the
origin of coordinates, are said to be orbitally analytically (respectively, topologically)
equivalent, if there exists a holomorphic map (homeomorphism) of one of the neighbor-
hoods onto the other neighborhood which carries the phase curves of one vector field
onto the phase curves of the other; such a holomorphic map (homeomorphism) is called
a conjugating map.
Two germs of class "Vn are said to be orbitally analytically equivalent if they have
representatives which are orbitally analytically equivalent.
A necessary condition that two germs of vector fields be orbitally analytically equiv-
alent is that the linear part of one can be converted into the linear part of the other by
a linear change of coordinates and the time variable. Thus, in what follows, we will talk

about equivalence of germs with the same linear part. It may also be assumed that the
linear part has been reduced to diagonal form.
Roughly speaking, the following theorem asserts that the monodromy transformations
are moduli for the orbital analytic classification of germs of vector fields at a singular
point on the complex plane.
THEOREM 1. Two germs of class "V2 with singular point 0 and identical linear part,
one of which has a local separatrix, are orbitally analytically equivalent if and only if the
second germ also has a local separatrix which is tangent at the origin to the first and the
corresponding monodromy transformations are analytically equivalent.
That the conditions of the above theorem are necessary for analytic equivalence is
obvious. Below, we shall establish that they are sufficient.
DEFINITION. A set λ = (Αχ,..., λ η ) is said to be of Poincare type if the convex hull
of the points Ai,..., An on the complex plane C does not contain zero. Otherwise, the
set is said to be of Siegel type.
The set λ = ( λ ι , . . . , Xn) is of strict Siegel type if the convex hull of the points contains
a neighborhood of zero.
The deepest part of Theorem 1 pertains to equations in C 2 whose linear part has
Siegel type (complex saddles). A similar result, which we now formulate, also holds for
equation (1) when η = 3. We shall prove below that when η = 3 and equation (1) has
a linear part of strict Siegel type, then equation (1) has local separatrices tangent to
the eigenvectors of the matrix of the linear part. We let ipj denote the local complex
separatrix tangent to the basis vector ej.

THEOREM 2. Two germs of class "V3 with singular point 0 and the same linear part
of strict Siegel type are orbitally analytically equivalent if and only if one can choose a
local separatrix of each germ such that these separatrices are tangent at the origin and
their monodromy maps are analytically equivalent.
We can prove a similar theorem for arbitrary η under considerably stronger restric-
tions. Namely, instead of equations which are in the form (1), we consider the following
more restricted class:
z = Az + Zf(z), z e C " , A = diagA,
A = ( A i , . . . , A n ) e C n , Z = dmgz, /(0) = 0. (2)
For such equations, all coordinate planes are invariant manifolds.
Equation (2) has at least η solutions <pj, j = 1,..., n, each of which holomorphically
extends to the singular point and is tangent to the corresponding basis vector ej. These
solutions will be separatrices only when the total number of solutions holomorphically
extending to zero is finite.
THEOREM 3. Let A e C™ be a set such that for some Xj there exists a line on the
complex plane which passes through 0 and separates Xj from the remaining elements of the
set. Then two equations of the form (2) are orbitally analytically equivalent if and only
if the monodromy transformations of these equations, corresponding to the separatrices
tanget to the basis vector ej, are analytically equivalent.
§2. Orbital analytic equivalence of vector fields in C 3
with linear part of strict Siegel type
In this section, we will prove Theorem 2. It follows from the definition that ana-
lytic equivalence of the monodromy transformations is a necessary condition for orbital
analytic equivalence of the germs of vector fields. Below, we establish sufficiency.

Let η = 3 in equation (1). Then λ = (λι,λ 2 ,λ 3 ), ζ - {ζι,ζ2,ζ3) and / = (Λ,/2,/3)·

To prove Theorem 2 we shall transform equation (1) to a more convenient form.
LEMMA 2.1 [20]. // the set λ is of strict Siegel type, then equation (1) can be
reduced, by a holomorphic change of coordinates, to the form
zJ=X3zJ{l + z1z2zJj(z)), j = 1,2,3, (3)
where the vector-valued function f(z) is holomorphic in a neighborhood of the orgin.
In the chart determined by Lemma 2.1, the local separatrices φ χ, φ2 and φ3 of equa-
tion (3) will be punctured neighborhoods of the singular point 0 on the corresponding
coordinate axes. Without loss of generality, these neighborhoods may be assumed to be
punctured disks. We will assume that the monodromy maps considered in the theorem
are associated to the separatrices belonging to the Oz\ axis.
Upon dividing the right-hand side of (3) by λι(1 + ziz2z3f\(z)), we obtain

\kx=~u~ (4)
v ;
[S = Z(X + z1z2z3g{z)),
where ζ e (C 3 ,0), ζ = {z2,z3), Ζ = diagS, λ = (λ 2 /λι,λ 3 /λι) and g{z) = (g2(z), g3(z))
is a holomorphic vector-valued function. It is clear that equation (4) is orbitally analyt-
ically equivalent to (3).
In what follows, let us agree to take (Τ,η) in the definition of the monodromy map
corresponding to the separatrix φ\ to be a neighborhood of the point η on the complex
hypersurface Γ — {ζι = ζ\(η)}. Throughout this section, Δ α will denote the monodromy
map corresponding to the separatrix φ χ of an equation a of the form (4). We will impose
constraints on the size of ζι{η).
The proof of Theorem 2 now proceeds in two steps. First, we construct a holomorphic
mapping which rectifies the vector field in a "cut" neighborhood of the singular point.
Later, we use this map to construct a holomorphic map which is the conjugating map
for equations a and β.
We turn to the construction of the rectifying map. Consider the nonautonomous
equation corresponding to the system (4):

\ (5)

the solution of this equation will be considered as a vector-valued function of z\. By a

continuation of the solution with initial condition ζ over the curve 7 C Oz\, we mean a
cover of the solution with initial point ς and projection map z 1—> Z\. Here, we assume
that Ζ\(ζ) is the initial point of the curve -7.
We let Ga denote the germ at η of the map (C3,?y) —> (C3,r?), (ζι,ς) Η-> {ζι,Ρς{ζι)),
where <ρζ is a solution of (5) with initial condition ξ G (Γ, η). Let H a = G " 1 be the germ
at η of the inverse map. We let Ha denote a representative of H Q which is biholomorphic
in its domain of definition. This representative is also called a rectifying map. The name
is motivated by the fact that the map Ha carries the phase curves of the equation a to
lines parallel to the Oz\ axis. We note, also, that the rectifying map preserves the planes
z\ = const (or, more precisely, the germs at the points of intersection with the Oz\ axis).
We now define a special class of domains. The rectifying map will biholomorphically
extend to one of the domains of this class. To do this, we first define the so-called
canonical curves.

The set λ = (1, λ 2 / λ ι , Α 3 /λι) = (λχ, λ2, λ 3 ) is of strict Siegel type. Thus, there exists
a real line / on the complex plane C passing through zero which separates λι from the
numbers λ 2 and A3. Let L denote the ray which is orthogonal to I, which has its vertex
at zero, and which lies in the left half-plane Re ζ < 0. Let

Τ = {t β C 11 = τ + iy, τ £ L, —π < y < π}

be the corresponding half-strip on the complex plane.
DEFINITION. The image ηΤ on the separatrix φι of the segment [Ο,τ], τ Ε Τ, under
the map 7: Τ —> ^ ι , ί n · η expf, is called a canonical curve. The map 7 gives a solution
of (4) with initial condition <p(0) = η.
All possible canonical curves cover the separatrix φ ι with the exception of the real
curve S = {r\el \ t G L + πι}Γ\<ρι. If L does not coincide with the negative real semi-axis,
then S is part of a logarithmic spiral; otherwise S is the intersection of the negative real
semi-axis with φχ.
Now, we have everything we need to construct the special domains mentioned above.
We set
(C,0) = { ^ e C | 0 < μ| < |^ι(/7)|, z<£S},
(C 3j0)Cut (
= { Zl}Z2}Z3) e (C 3 , o ) \Zl e ( C , o ) c u t } .
We let Q c u t denote the class of all domains of the form ( C 3 , 0 ) c u t .
MAIN LEMMA. Let a and β be two equations of the form (4) with monodromy maps
Aa and Αβ respectively. Let Η: {Τ,η) —>• (Γ,??) be the germ of a holomorphic mapping
taking Aa to Αβ and
ΗΔ: ζ = (ζί,ζ)»(ζ1,Η(ζ))

the germ of a cylindrical holomorphic mapping. Then, the germ H Q A/3 = H I Ο Η Δ Ο Η Ω

extends to a holomorphic map of some domain of the class O c u t to some domain of the
same class.
PROOF. Let κ denote the linear part of the equations a and β at 0. We first estimate
the extent to which solutions of a and κ with the same initial conditions diverge.
LEMMA 2 . 2 . The germ Η κ α = Η α ο Η κ extends to a holomorphic map of some
domain of class U to a domain of the same class.
LEMMA 2 . 3 . A similar assertion holds for the germ Η Κ Δκ = Η ^ ο Η Δ ° Η κ .
The Main Lemma now follows from the representation
1 1
ΆαΑ0 = ( H ^ οΗ κ ) ο ( H iοΗ Δ οΗ κ ) ο ( Η " ο Η Ω ) .

PROOF OF LEMMA 2 . 2 . 1. If z = (ζι,ζ) is any point sufficiently close to η and

|zi| < |^i(^)|i then the image HKCt(z) can be constructed as follows. Consider the
canonical curve η with endpoint z\ and the curve 7 with endpoint ζ which covers 7 on
the solution of the equation κ. Let z' be the initial point of 7. Consider the covering
7 over 7 on the solution of the equation a with initial point z'. Its endpoint will be
Ηκα{ζ). We prove below that this construction is valid for any point ζ in some domain
U of class n c u t . The lemma will be proved if we can also establish that for some Κ > 1
and for all ζ G U the following condition is satisfied:
ma(z)\/ztG(l/K,K), (6)
where HKa(z) = (zuH^a(z),H^a(z)) and i = 2,3.

2. If V is any domain in Q c u t , we let u-i and 113 denote first integrals of the equation
κ defined in V:
Ui = z^Xi'XlZi, i = 2,3.
We fix an arbitrary branch of the multivalued function in the right-hand side of each of
these equalities—the same branch for all domains in Ucut (abusing notation somewhat,
we use the same notation for functions which are defined in different domains, but which
can be obtained from one another by analytic continuation). It is clear that the functions
U2 and us are single-valued in the domain V. Condition (6) is equivalent to the condition
\ui°HKa(z)\/ui(z)e{l/K,K) forzeU. (7)
Let ζ be an arbitrary point for which the construction of step 1 can be carried out.
Let the curves 7,7 and the point z' be as above. Note that the functions Ui do not vary
along the curve 7. Therefore Ui(z) = Ui(z'). Inequality (7) will be established if we can
prove that the functions ti; do not vary much along the solutions of equation a.
3. Differentiating the functions lnw2 and lnu 3 and using (5), we obtain
d\nui/dzi — Z2Z3gi(z), i — 2,3.
Let D(pi,p2,1Ο3) denote the polydisk {\ZJ\ < pj\j = 1,2,3} and Dp the polydisk
D(p, p, p). Choose ρ so that
max\z2z3gi{z)\<l, i = 2,3,

and assume that |zi(i?)| < p. Consider an arbitrary canonical curve 7 (with initial point
η) and let 7 be the cover of 7 with initial point ζ £ (Γ, η) on the solution φς (recall that
φ ς is a solution of (5) with initial point ζ). If 7 C Dp, then

where 1Ί is the length of 7. Now let ψς be a solution of the linear equation κ with the
same initial point ζ and 7 the cover of 7 on this solution.
In view of the latter inequality, the curve 7 lies in the polydisk Dp only if 7 lies in the
polydisk D(p, ρ/Α, ρ/A), where A = exp 1Ί.
4. We now consider the union of the covers on the solutions of κ over all possible
canonical curves; the initial points of the covering curves run over some neighborhood
(Γ,η). The union covers some domain U G 0 c u t because κ is of strict Siegel type. (An
equation i = diag(Ai,..., \n)z, z G C n , is of strict Siegel type if the set (λι,..., \n) is of
strict Siegel type.) If D = D{p\,p2,pz) is any polydisk whose boundary contains ry, the
neighborhood (Γ, η) can be chosen so that Dcut C U. Therefore, the map HK extends
biholomorphically to the domain Dcut for p\ = \ζ\(η)\ and any P2 and p%.
It remains to remark that the lengths of all canonical curves are bounded from above
by a common constant; call it L. Set Κ = exp L.
PROPOSITION 2.1. The construction of step 1 is valid for any point
zeD{p,p/K,p/K) = U,
and conditions (7) and (6) hold everywhere in U.
PROOF. Let 7 and 7 be as in step 1. The curve 7 lies entirely in the domain U,
because the functions 1021 and \z3\ do not decrease along 7 (this follows from the explicit
formula for the solutions of κ). We have 7 C Dp by the last assertion of step 3. We
proved above that conditions (6) and (7) are satisfied for endpoints of these curves. This
completes the proof of the proposition and, with it, Lemma 2.2.

PROOF OF LEMMA 2.3. Without loss of generality we may assume that the holo-
morphic map H, which is the conjugating map of the monodromy transformations Aa
and Δ/3, satisfies the condition i/*(0) = E. The general case follows from this with the
help of a suitable linear change of coordinates in the phase space of the equation β.
Let 7 be the canonical curve with initial point η — (r/i, 0,0) and endpoint ε — (εχ, 0,0),
and let η be a cover of η on the solution of κ with initial point

and endpoint
/ \ def / ~\
v = (ε 1 ,ε 2 ,ε 3 ) = (ε, ε).
The mappings HK and Η~χ can be explicitly written in the form

ττ—l. /_ -\

The germs at 0 of the two-dimensional complex planes z2 = 0 and z$ = 0 are invariant

under an equation of the form (4). Consequently, the monodromy maps of such an
equation have invariant complex lines corresponding to these planes. The conjugating
map Η of the monodromy maps must carry invariant lines to invariant lines, and so it
can be written in the form

where the functions Ηι(ή), i = 2,3, are holomorphic in some neighborhood of zero and
ii'(O) = 1. Then, the cylindrical holomorphic map will have the form

HA: (ε1,ή)^(ε1,η2Η2(ή),η3Η
We let & = {ει/ηι)~χ^Χι for i = 2,3. Some simple computations show that the map
Η κ Α κ takes the form
ΗκΑκ,- {ει,ή) »->• {ει,η2Η {η2ε2,η3ξ3)),

The fact that Ηι{ή) is holomorphic and Hl(0) — 1 for i — 2,3 implies that (6) remains
true if HlKa is replaced by ΗικΑκ for i = 2,3. This proves Lemma 2.3.
LEMMA 2.4.. The map ΗαΑβ extends to a holomorphic map H: (C 3 ,0) —• (C 3 ,0).
PROOF. By the main lemma, the map ΗαΑβ is biholomorphic on some domain
(C 3 ,0) c u t . By construction, this map extends continuously to the set R = {z £ (C 3 ,0) | z\
By the removable singularities theorem for holomorphic maps [21], which is analogous
to the principle of continuity in the single variable case, the map ΗαΑβ holomorphically
extends to (C 3 ,0) c u t U R. Because the map we obtain is locally bounded in (C 3 ,0), the
Riemann theorem implies that it extends over the plane Z\ = 0 to a holomorphic map
H: (C 3 ,0) -> (C 3 ,0). This proves the lemma.
PROOF OF THEOREM 2. The holomorphic map Η of Lemma 2.4 is also a conjugating
map for equations a and β. In fact, the construction of ΗαΑβ implies that Η carries
phase curves of a to phase curves of β in (C 3 ,0) c u t . In addition, Η carries the invariant

subspace z\ — 0 of a to the invariant subspace z\ = 0 of β. We need only show that Η

preserves the restrictions of the equations a and β to the invariant subspace z\ — 0. We
prove this.
Suppose that Η carries the vector field on the right-hand side of equation α to a new
field w. We have proved that the analytic direction field defined by w coincides with
the direction field of β outside the plane z\ = 0. However, by continuity, these direction
fields coincide on a whole neighborhood of the singular point (except at the singular
point, where the direction field is not defined). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.
§3. Orbital analytic equivalence of holomorphic vector fields in C 3
We first prove Theorem 1 in the Siegel case: λ2/λι < 0. The argument proceeds along
the same lines as the proof of Theorem 2, and so we will not dwell upon the details. As
in §2, we need only establish sufficiency.
LEMMA 3.1 ([22], §§12 and 13). //λ 2 λι < 0, then in some neighborhood (C 2 ,0)
equation (1) is orbitally analytically equivalent to
22 = T - 2 2 2i22)
(The equivalent assertion in Dulac's memoir is formulated in somewhat different
In the new chart, the punctured neighborhoods of the singular point 0 on the coordi-
nate axes Oz\ and Oz2 will be local separatrices. Denote the first of these by φ>χ.
The canonical curves on <p\ are defined as in §2, except that L is taken to be the
negative real semi-axis. Therefore, the "cut" S on the separatrix φ\ is the intersection
of (C,0) with the negative real semi-axis.
Introduce the special domains

(C 2 ,0) c u t = {(Zl,Z2) G (C 2 ,0) \Zl € (C,0) c u t }.

The class of all domains of the form (C 2 ,0) cut will be denoted by Ucut.
The definition of the rectifying map is similar to that in §2. The Main Lemma is
formulated as above except that C 3 is replaced by C 2 . The proof of Theorem 1 in the
Siegel case is obtained from the proof of Theorem 2 using the evident simplifications.
We prove Theorem 1 in the remaining cases.
If the linear part is of Poincare type and nonresonant, the situation is trivial. In this
case, a theorem of Poincare asserts that an equation of the form (1) is orbitally analyt-
ically equivalent to its linear part. The monodromy map is also analytically equivalent
to its linear part at the fixed point. Thus, in this case, the theorem follows from the fact
the equations referred to in the theorem have the same linear parts.
Now suppose that the linear part of equation (8) is of Poincare type, but resonant.
Then λι = τηλ2 and, by a theorem of Dulac [10], the equation is orbitally analytically
equivalent to the equation
J zi =mz1 +αζψ, ,.

where α is a complex constant.

If α = 0, equation (9) does not have separatrices in the sense defined in §1 because
there exist infinitely many solutions which extend holomorphically to the singular point.

But if α φ 0, then the complex line 22 — 0 is a separatrix and, by a linear change of

variables, the equation reduces to the form

( z\ = rnzi + zz ,

Z2 = Z2-
Thus, any two equations of the form (9) with nonlinear terms which are not equal to
zero are orbitally analytically equivalent.
§4. Orbital topological equivalence of holomorphic vector fields in C 2
In this section, we prove a topological analogue of Theorem 1 for holomorphic vector
fields in C 2 with resonant linear parts of Siegel type:
z = Az + f(z), ze{C2,0), A = diag(-qf,p), (10)
where ρ and q are relatively prime positive integers and /(0) = 0, /*(0) = 0. We also
obtain a new and, to our minds, simpler proof of a theorem of Camacho and Sad [18]
about the orbital topological classification of germs of saddles of resonant vector fields
(Theorem 6 below).
THEOREM 4. Two equations of the form (10) are orbitally topologically equivalent if
and only if the monodromy maps corresponding to the separatrices tangent at zero to the
same basis vector are topologically equivalent.
That the topological equivalence of the monodromy transformations is necessary was
proved in [23]. Here, we establish sufficiency only.
We begin by formulating a theorem about the topological classification of the mon-
odromy transformations which arise from the type of equations that we are considering.
We first represent equation (10) in a more convenient form. By Lemma 3.1, this
equation is orbitally analytically equivalent to an equation of the form

The local separatrices of this equation will be punctured neighborhoods of zero on the
coordinate lines. For the sake of definiteness, we will assume that the monodromy maps
in Theorem 4 correspond to the local separatrix φι c Ozi.
Consider the formal normal form of equation (11):

_ _E ι Υ^ 3Ρ 31
^W2 w22_/iJw1w2.

If aj = 0 for all j' > 1, then by a theorem of Bryuno about convergence [6], equation (11)
(and, hence, (10)) is analytically equivalent to its linear part.
LEMMA 4 . 1 [18]. Suppose that aj - 0 for 1 < j < k and ak φ 0 in (12). Then there
is a chart in which the monodromy map of equation (11) corresponding to the separatrix
φι has the form
Λ (£Ί = u£ +cfkq+l + · • • (λΧ\
where c Φ 0 and μ = e-2?™p/<z. # e r e ( a n d m ω/ιοί follows) the dots indicate higher order
terms in ζ.
By a linear change of variables ξ, we can make c = - 1 . Let 0* denote the translation
along the phase curves of the vector field υ by time t.

THEOREM 5. 1°. The germ of a conformal map which has the form (13) in some
chart is topologically equivalent to the standard germ Δο: ζ *—> ftglkq+iZ·
2°. For any positive ε and δ, the germ of the conjugating homeomorphism Η can be
chosen so that H(z) = P{z) + h(z), where P(z) is the germ of a polynomial of degree kq
and h(z) satisfies the inequalities
fc9+1 £
IMOI < ICI -, IM£i) - Kh)\ < δ\ξι - U (14)
Assertion 1° is proved in [19]. Assertion 2° was proved by Shcherbakov [24] when
ρ = q = 1. The analysis of the general case uses a combination of these two proofs. The
details are omitted due to lack of space.
PROOF OF THEOREM 4. Suppose that the conjugating homeomorphism (which we
denote by H) of the monodromy maps Aa and Αβ of the equations a and β satisfies
(14). By Theorem 5, we can always choose such a conjugating homeomorphism.
Let the canonical curves and the class of domains n c u t be the same as in §3. The
germ of the rectifying map H Q is defined as in §2. Let HA denote the cylindrical home-
HA- (21,22) >->· [zi,H{z2))-
MAIN LEMMA. Let a and β be two equations of the form (11), and let Aa and Αβ be
the corresponding monodromy maps. Then the germ ΉαΑβ = Hg * 0 H 4 o H t t possesses
the following properties.
1°. It extends to a homeomorphism of some domain of class Qcut to a domain of the
same class.
2°. The map ΗαΑβ together with its inverse extends by continuity to the local separa-
trix f2 •
This lemma will be proved below.
The map ΗαΑβ of the Main Lemma extends to a homeomorphism H: (C 2 ,0) —>
(C 2 ,0). In fact, it follows from the construction that the map ΗαΑβ extends continuously
at the "cut" R = {z e (C 2 ,0) | I m z i = 0, Rezi < 0}. In addition, assertion 2° of the
Main Lemma means that the map we obtain extends homeomorphically to the local
separatrix φι-
The homeomorphism Η will be the desired conjugating map since, by construction,
it carries the phase curves of equation a to the phase curves of β. This concludes the
proof of Theorem 4.
PROOF OF THE MAIN LEMMA. Let a be an equation of the form (11) and κ the
corresponding linearized equation. Let H K be the rectifying map for the equation κ.
LEMMA 4 . 2 . There exists a representative HKa of the germ Η κ α = Η " ο Η κ
possessing the following properties.
1°. ΗΆα is a holomorphic map of some domain of class Qcut to a domain of the same
2°. HKCt and its inverse extend by continuity to the local separatrix <p2 •

LEMMA 4 . 3 . Assertions 1° and 2° of the Main Lemma hold for the germ HKAK. =

The Main Lemma now follows from Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 because the germ ΗαΔ/3 can
be represented in the form
Η α Δ / 3 = ( H ^ 1 οΗ κ ) ο ( Η " 1 οΗ Δ
ΟΗ Κ ) Ο ( Η " 1 ο Ηα).
PROOF OF LEMMA 4 . 2 . Assertion 1° is obtained from the proof of Lemma 2.2 upon
making the obvious simplifications. To prove 2° it suffices to establish the following

PROPOSITION 4 . 1 . Let ζ = {ζχ,Ζ2) and HKa(z) — (zi,HKa(z)). Then, in some

neighborhood of the origin, the quotient H%a(z)/z2 tends uniformly with respect to z-i to
one if z\ —> 0 remains in the domain ( C , 0 ) c u t .

PROOF. We construct the point HKa(z) in a way similar to that in step 1 of the proof
of Lemma 2.2. Let η(ζ) be the canonical curve with endpoint z\ and ή(ζ) the cover of
η(ζ) on the solution of the equation κ with endpoint z. Let z' be the initial point of ή(ζ)
and η(ζ) the cover of η(ζ) on the solution of (11) with initial point z'. Then HKa(z) is
the endpoint of η(ζ). Let u denote an arbitrary branch of the first integral η(ζ) = ff' 9ζ2
of re. The function u is defined in the domains of class 0 c u t . We show that H%a(z)/z2 -1
is small by estimating the variation of u along η(ζ).
and we denote the exponent on the right by I(z). Differentiating l n u and using (11)
with (zi, 0 2 ) replaced by (ft, &), we obtain

Let DpitP2 denote the poly disk {\z\\ < pi, \z2\ < P2} and let Dp denote the poly disk
DPtP. Choose the number ρ so that

W)\<1 ϊοτς&Όρ. (15)

Choose 77 so that Ζχ(η) — p.

As in §2, let L be a constant which bounds the lengths of the canonical curves from
above, and set Κ = exp L. We now prove the following.

PROPOSITION 4 . 2 . I(x) =$ 0 in the disk \z2\ < p/K if ζχ -> 0 remains in the
domain {\zi\ < p}cut.
Proposition 4.1 follows immediately from Proposition 4.2.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 4 . 2 . Note that if ζ e DP:P/K, then the curve η(ζ) belongs
to DPtP/K, the curve η belongs to D and

\Hla(z)/z2\e(l/K,K). (16)

The proof is the same as that of the similar assertion in Lemma 2.2. Henceforth, we
shall not explicitly indicate the dependence of the curves on z\ in particular, we shall
write η and η in place of η{ζ) and η{ζ).
Let ζ' = {φ, ζ'2) be the same as at the outset of our proof; z' is the initial point of
Let η = ητ (where the notation ητ is that introduced in §2 in the course of defining
canonical curves). We choose the point on the canonical curve 7 corresponding to the
value τ/2 of the parameter. This point divides the canonical curve into two parts:
71 = ητ/2 and 72 = 7τ \ 7i · The cover η is also divided into two parts: 71 and 72. The
curve 71 is a cover of 71 on the solution of (11) with initial point z', and 72 is a cover of
72 on the same solution; the initial point of 72 is the endpoint 71. We have

I(z) =f
·> 1 1

We estimate h{z). Let £2(ft) and £2 (ft) denote solutions of the equations a and κ
respectively with initial point z'. Clearly, f"(ft) = ^2(ft/^i)~ p ^ q since ς%(z\) = z-i- From

(16) it follows that \ζ2{ζι)/ζ2{ζι)\ ^ Κ f° r ft e

7· Taking (15) into account and setting
z\| —ε, we obtain

< LKp1-p/qep/q.

We estimate J 2 (2) in terms of the length of η2 and the maximum of the absolute value
of the integral:
Proposition 4.2 follows immediately from the two preceding inequalities, and this
completes the proof of Lemma 4.2.
PROOF OF LEMMA 4.3. Since κ can be explicitly solved, the map H A can be K K

expressed in terms of HA- Indeed, let Γ be the transversal passing through the point
η — (ρ, 0) and having the form z\ — p. Then
HK(z) = {zi,z2s(z1)),
H~\z) = {z1,z2a- {z1)), zi e {|?i| < p},
p q
where s(zi) = (zi/p) / (here, the right-hand side refers to the principal branch of the
power function). Set H(z2) — z2 + h{z2). Then
ΗΚΑΛ?) = izi^z2 +s~1(z1)h(s(z1)z2)).
Now Lemma 4.3 may be deduced from Theorem 5. In fact, set ε < 1/2 in the condition
of Theorem 5. Then, it follows from assertion 2° of Theorem 5 that h(z) satisfies an
inequality similar to (14) in which the exponent exceeds 3/2. For sufficiently small z\
and \z2\ < ρ the term s(zi) is so small that the point s(z1)z2 lies in a neighborhood of
zero in which (14) holds. Consequently

Since s(zi) —• 0 as z\ —> 0, the latter inequality allows us to conclude that Lemma 4.3
and, hence, the Main Lemma hold.
In conclusion, we remark that Theorem 4 allows us to carry out a topological classifi-
cation of holomorphic vector fields on C with resonant linear parts of Siegel type.
Consider the "standard" equation β:
ί ii =qzt,

The monodromy map of this equation corresponding to the separatrix φ\ has the form
k q + 1 2
Δ Μ ? ) = μ£ + ^ + ••·, c Φ 0, μ = e - - P / « .
From Theorem 5 it follows that the map Δ^ is topologically equivalent to Δ α for an
equation α of the form (11) under the assumption that the coefficients of the formal
normal form (12) of this equation satisfy the condition aj = 0 for 1 < j < k, α& Φ 0.
By Theorem 4, equation a is orbitally topologically equivalent to equation β. This
establishes the following theorem.
THEOREM 6. The natural numbers p,q and k are invariants of the topological clas-
sification of equations of the form (11).
The first part of [18] is devoted to this result, which is obtained there by different
Moscow Received 14/MAY/82

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Translated by D. B. O'SHEA

*Editor's note. The Russian cites a preprint of this paper.

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