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Technological machines have become a consistent part of everyday life. Computers

and robots are gradually replacing human jobs not only in factories, but also in
offices. Human beings are vulnerable against machines’ power.
I believe that the job activity is a fundamental part of women’s and men’s life, that
must be safeguarded, and that the development of machines should be slowed
down and put aside of manhood.
According to the robot’s fans, machines are able to produce enormous fortunes that
can be distributed to the worldwide population, including to the ones who have lost
their job. However, we can already see, in the present situation, that this money is
actually concentrated in the hands of few billionaire capitalists and is not fairly
distributed (not even to the ones who have lost their jobs!).
But there are many other reasons to support the human work Vs. robots.
First of all, computers can be used as an arm against human beings. For example, in
the last American elections Russian hackers have used social media to influence an
entire Country to vote for Trump.
Moreover, human workers add value to the product they craft with their hands:
would anyone buy a Ferrari, or an Italian leather shoe made by a Japanese robot?
In addition, technology requires a lot of energy obtained mostly from fossil fuels,
thus contributing to pollution and global warming.
The machines surely have positive and useful aspects, but their function has to be
controlled so that the workers can profit from them instead of being harmed by
them. Politics are responsible for this quickly developing transition.
Lucilla Servo

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