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1. Provide “List of References” under every Assessment. No Referencing = No Satisfactory.

2. Submit 1 Unit Cover Sheet with Assessment 1.

3. Strictly Follow the words limit for each question as each questions mentioned how many
words to be written by you.

4. Name all your Assessments or unit cover sheet as below:

Student ID_ Unit Name_ Assessment numbers/Unit Cover Sheet

For Example: 1794_ BSBXCM401_Assessment 1 or 2

1794_ BSBXCM401_Unit Cover Sheet

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: Answer the questions:

1.1. Explain any three (3) legislation relating to workplace communication in 70-120

1.2. Explain the purpose of organisational standards for communication in 20-30


1.1 The first legislation relating to workplace communication is the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). This law
is essential for promoting a secure and healthy work environment. OSHA mandates that employers communicate
potential hazards to employees and establish clear channels for reporting safety concerns. Another crucial set of laws is
the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws, which aim to prevent workplace discrimination based on factors such
as race, gender, and religion. Effective communication policies are integral for organizations to ensure fair treatment
and provide equal opportunities to all employees. Finally, the Whistleblower Protection Act is a vital legislation that
safeguards employees reporting illegal activities or violations within their organization..

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1.2 The purpose of organisational standards for communication is to provide a consistent expectation of the way in
which people communicate when they are part of an organisational entity.

Q2: Answer the following questions:

2.1. Explain the purpose and importance of workplace communication policies and
protocols in 70-120 words.

2.2. Explain the importance of having well-written conduct of conduct 50-70 words.

2.3. How does culture affect communication and listening? Write your answer in 50-70

2.4. Prepare a list of any five (5) types of digital communication used in today’s

2.5. Why a good reputation is important to your organisation? Write your answer in 50-
100 words.

2.1 The purpose of workplace communication policies and protocols is to clarify and define rules and guidelines
regarding communication among employees. This helps to ensure that the workplace is free from misunderstandings
and negative interactions. One way to prevent these misunderstandings is by setting clear expectations among
employees. Expectations should be written down so that everyone knows what the company expects each employee to
do at certain times. If an employee does not follow a policy or protocol for example, an expectation, then he or she can
be disciplined and reprimanded accordingly.

2.2 It is important to have a well-written conduct for employee engagement because it sets expectations and makes
people accountable for their actions. A well-written code of conduct can help employees know what behaviors will be
tolerated in the workplace if they break the rules. It is also important that the agreement be spelled out clearly so that
everyone understands what behavior is and isn't acceptable in the workplace.

2.3 Culture affects communication and listening by showing employees how to listen, speak, and do their jobs in
general. In a culture that is more casual and laid back, employees feel as if they can ask questions and express concerns
about their work without worrying about feeling embarrassed or belittled.

2.4 Digital communication:

● Email
● Instant messaging
● Video conferencing
● Collaboration tools (Microsoft Teams)
● Social Media

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2.5 Good reputation is important to an organisation because it is important that employees are happy and their morale
is high. If the staff morale is low, they are likely to lose interest in their job and suffer from a loss of motivation.
Employees will have a better work environment if they have camaraderie among each other. It is important that the
organisation can reward employees with good jobs, or even bonuses when there is a high level of engagement on the
job and people want to be at work.

Q3: Explain the four (4) types of communication styles in 150-200 words.

The first type of communication style is interactive communication, which is a direct approach to communicating with
people. This style of communication does not involve waiting for a response to be made or understanding where
someone is coming from. A person’s first response to an interaction may be too fast and they are eager to express their

The second type of communication style is passive-aggressive. This is a way of sending messages in which the receiver
does not pick up on the fact that the sender is not being clear in what they are saying. The receiver can be clear in their
thoughts and tries to understand why the other person has said something, but they do not respond to it.

The third type of communication style is expressive communication, which involves using body language and facial
expressions to express one’s thoughts. Expressiveness is used more in personal relationships, concerning non-verbal
understanding of emotional states.

The fourth type of communication style is assertive communication. When someone uses this method of
communicating, they are confident in what they are saying and how they are saying it.

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Q4: Answer the following questions:

4.1. What are three (3) features of persuasive delivery styles?

4.2. What are three (3) types of tones in communication?

4.2. Explain the following communication methods in 20-30 words each:

a) Verbal communication

b) Non-verbal communication

4.4. How does empathy affect communication? Write your answer in 50-70 words.

4.5. What does it mean to speak with conviction? Write your answer in a single

4.1 Features of persuasive delivery styles:

● Confidence
● Credibility
● Emotional Appeal

4.2 Types of tones in communication:

● Formal
● Informal
● Assertive

4.3 Verbal communication refers to the form of communication that occurs through spoken words. Individuals
communicate through a variety of verbal channels as well, including non-voluntary vocalization and incongruency.

Non-verbal communication is the art of communication without words or speech. This form of communication
communicates a message through body language, facial expression, touch and personal appearance.

4.4 Empathy affects communication by letting the listener know you are listening to them. Empathy shows that you
have an interest in what they are saying and are able to understand their point of view. It also helps improve
communication because if the speaker knows the listener is interested in what they are saying, it makes them more
likely to share more information with the listener.

4.5 To speak with conviction means to speak in a way that shows the audience you believe what you are saying.

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Q5: Explain any four (4) challenges/barriers to effective communication and the techniques
to resolve them in 200-250 words.

The first barrier is the lack of clarity in what you are trying to tell the person. In order to resolve this issue, you need to
rephrase your statement or break it down into smaller sentences. To resolve this, emphasize simplicity and clarity in
your communication. Break down complex statements into simpler sentences.

The second barrier is the difference in culture. Cultural differences can make it difficult to communicate because of the
language or values differences. To resolve this, encourage cultural awareness and sensitivity. Prioritize clear and explicit
communication, and be open to learning about diverse cultural norms.

The third barrier is not having the right knowledge/information about the topic at hand. By using your knowledge you
can help bridge that gap and give a better understanding of what you are discussing. To resolve this issue, prioritize
knowledge-sharing and provide context. Ensure that both parties have access to the necessary information.

The fourth barrier is the environment that you are communicating in. If you are speaking in a loud or very noisy
environment, it can be difficult to hear what the other person is saying. To resolve this issue, adapt your
communication style to the environment. Speak clearly and use non-verbal cues effectively.

Q6: How can you use the following methods and techniques to participate in workplace

6.1. Active listening

6.2. Active questioning

6.3. Providing feedback

Write 50-100 words for each.

6.1 Active listening can be used to ensure that you do not miss any important information when a team member is
presenting. This allows you to remember the details presented and then ask about areas of concern during the
discussion. You can also use active listening to show respect to the other person.

6.2 Active questioning can be used to ensure that you understand a difficult issue. If you are confused about the
information, ask for clarification and encourage your team members to elaborate. This will allow the other person to
feel comfortable sharing their concerns, and they may feel more at ease in trusting that you understand the situation
and have their best interests in mind.

6.3 Providing feedback can be used to show your boss or team members that you care about what they are saying and
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that you are paying attention, which will encourage them to keep presenting their ideas. This also allows them to feel
respected and know that their ideas are important to you. This will let them know how they did and if they need to
improve for the future.

Q7: Answer the following questions:

7.1. What is cross-cultural communication? What are the five (5) fundamental
principles of cross-cultural communication? Write your answer in 150-200 words.

7.2. How should you communicate with individuals with special needs or disabilities?
Write your answer in 150-200 words.

7.1 Cross-culture communication is referred to as communication in an international environment. It is the process of

facilitating interactions and relationships between employees, customers, or other people in different work locations.

The first fundamental principle is to learn about the business cultures of the people you are communicating with. This
includes understanding your own culture and trying to understand the other culture, especially when it is not your own.

The second fundamental principle is to remain calm and patient when dealing with people from another culture. This is
because these people often have different values, ideas, and customs than your own.

The third fundamental principle is to be open-minded. This principle is important because people from different
cultures can have drastically different views and perceptions about what is fair, right, and just.

The fourth fundamental principle is to become an effective listener. This means that you should try to understand the
other person's point of view and to avoid interrupting them while they are speaking.

The final fundamental principle is for you to be an empathetic communicator. Empathy occurs when a person tries to
understand the other person's feelings, beliefs, and perspectives.

7.2 One should communicate with individuals with special needs or disabilities with care and respect. When
communicating with them, always speak to them at eye level or slightly higher. Giving a verbal cue before any
movement will allow the individual to utilize their appropriate responses accordingly. However, be aware that they may
not be able to communicate their needs verbally, so it is important to watch for their non-verbal cues which could
include facial expressions, body language, and physical actions. It is also useful to try to put oneself in their shoes and
ask yourself how you want others to treat you. If the person has asked you not to touch them, do not touch them
without permission. You should always be respectful even if they are not able to communicate verbally or cannot
understand everything you say. If they don’t understand something, take the time to help them understand. Using
simple words is usually better because they may have trouble hearing or processing complicated information.

Q8: How can you use the following presentation methods to present and convey workplace
information or instructions?
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8.1. Formal presentation using visual aids and prompts
8.2. Informal team meeting
8.3. Written work instruction for a process or procedure

Write 50-100 words for each.

8.1 Formal presentation using visual aids and prompts can be used to convey workplace information or instructions. A
formal presentation can be toned down for a smaller audience. There are many different forms of visual aids that can
be used, such as handouts, posters, equipment displays, and videos/DVDs. These visual aids serve the purpose of being
an easier way to convey information to individuals in groups and classes rather than just verbally presenting them.

8.2 Informal team meetings can be used to exchange information or information between coworkers. It can take place
in a conference room; on a team site; in the hallway; or at another location. In addition, you can inform your staff of
instructions orally and then provide them with notes for future reference if they cannot attend the meeting again.

8.3 Written work instruction for a process or procedure can be used to give instructions to employees. Written
instructions will either be collected or updated and then presented to your staff either electronically or by a printed
handout. Employees can subsequently make copies and save them for future reference. The employee should be
provided with a copy of the document, and then it should be placed in a highly visible location for easy access by other

Q9: Column 1 of the table given below provide details on different situations you would tackle in your

Considering the audience and workplace requirement for the situations provided, select the most
suitable communication method from the following:

● verbal means: face-to-face, telephones, mobiles, video conference

● written means: e-mails, SMS, social media

Situations Communication

When you need to develop a complete timeline for Video

launching a product with members of multiple Conference

When you’re calling an all-hands meeting for a Video

remote team Conference

When an employee unexpectedly needs to take a Telephones or

day or two off, and you need to go over what tasks Mobiles
urgently need to be delegated.

When you need to send onboarding documents and E-mails

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an official welcome message to a group of new hires

When you’re looking for an employee at a Mobiles

conference away from the office

When you want to get an instant second opinion Mobiles

from your direct reports on a flyer you designed

When you’re planning a team outing and want to Social Media

informally gather ideas for where to go, prior to
sending out an official survey

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Q10 Answer the following questions:
10.1. What is team conflict? What are the five (5) common strategies for resolving
conflicts? Write your answer in 50-100 words.

10.2. How can risk communication help to overcome potential risks or safety hazards?
Write your answer in 30-50 words.

10.3. What is unethical communication? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

10.4. What actions should you take if the required communication falls outside of
workplace policy? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

10.1 Team conflict is when team members have a difference of opinions, don't get along or see different things when
they are working on a problem. Following are five (5) common strategies for resolving conflicts:

● Encourage team members to express their concerns openly.

● Promote the practice of attentive and empathetic listening.
● Utilize a neutral third party, if necessary, to facilitate discussions and help find common ground.
● Reinforce the team's shared objectives, emphasizing common purpose to redirect focus from individual
● Provide team members with tools and training to effectively manage conflicts.

10.2 Risk communication can help to overcome potential risks or safety hazards by providing information on the
potential risks and how they can be prevented. Risk communication is also effective in educating employees about
safety precautions that should be taken in order to avoid harm.

10.3 Unethical communication is referred to as bad communication, that is, messages that are dishonest, manipulative
behavior designed to influence others, or which are deceptive. Verbal communication includes lying directly or
misleading indirectly. Non-verbal communication includes gestures that are considered dishonest, such as crossing the
arms and avoiding eye contact.

10.4 The action that should be taken is to report ethical problems the next time an employee makes a mistake. The
managers should be made aware of such mistakes so they can correct them. The manager only needs to follow
procedures that are in place to correct the error.

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