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We are killing our “home”

Although I am still young, with every passing year I hear

more and more catastrophic reports about the dying of our
Environmental issues such as global warming, endangered
species, acid rain, pollution, greenhouse effect, increasing
sea level, deforestation, climate change, and food waste are
just some of the many problems that are threatening our
We all must be conscious that we can´t go on destroying our
Earth. We have no backup world. This is all there is, and we
need to start fighting to save what is left of it.
To prevent its destruction, there are ways to be
environmental friendly. Everybody can make simple
changes to their habits to help to have a better world. Start
thinking green: reduce, reuse and recycle. Be more eco-
friendly: try to make as many things digital as you can and
go as paperless as possible; conserve your energy; if you’re
not using it, turn it off/unplug it; don’t waste food and
water; drive less and walk more; plant trees

Environmental issues affect each of us, regardless of any

differentiating factors that may exist among us, so let’s get
the word out and do our best to make people start caring. I
really think that we can learn to live in a more harmonious
and sustainable way if we encourage others to take actions
and if we do our part.

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