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Banana Bread


3 o 4 Bananas (ready to be thrown to the compost)

500 gr all purpose flour or oats/rice/ almonds (substitute as necessary)

2 eggs at room temperature

1 cup of dairy/oats/ almonds milk

1 spoon of vanilla

1 sugar cup (adjustable, depending on how old= sweet are your bananas)

250 gr de butter (NO MARGARINA) at room temperature

1 teaspoon of baking soda

Extras: nuts, dry fruits, chocolate chips, etc.


pre-heat oven at 180 Celsius degrees.

Prep your bread mold.

1) Start by creaming the butter and sugar by mixing them together. The texture
should be smooth. It is normal to have some sugar crumbles.
2) Add the eggs and the vanilla to the butter and sugar.
3) Once integrated, add the flour in two parts. When necessary add the milk to
make the texture easy to work and smooth.
4) Leave the mix aside and make your bananas puree by smashing them with a fork
in a separate bowl. The goal is to have a puree with some pieces of bananas, I
think is a nice touch when eating the bread.
5) Add the puree to the mix and stir well until well integrated. At this point you can
add toppins/ extras that best suit you. In my case I always add some kind of nuts
(almonds) and chocolate.
Banana Bread
6) Empty the mix into the baking mold of your preference and bake for at least 1
hour. In you live in a cooler area (Canada) the bread will take longer to bake. You
will know is ready when your house smells like heaven.
To check if it is ready, pinch it with a fork in the middle. It may come out with
some crumbs but should not come ‘watery’. Remember that this mix is very wet
due to the bananas.

Tips from the chef:

I personally like to prepare this bread when I have very old bananas, the peel is
completely dark because is when they are the sweetest. So, I can easily add less
Try to use 70% chocolate, so you don’t add more sugar to the mix.
The flavor using all purpose flour is the best, but the closest substitution is oats
flour. You don’t need to buy it. You can simply blend oats and you get it fresh and
It is not necessary, but you will have a very unique bread depending on the
topping that you use/add. Don’t be afraid to explore! This mix is so noble that I
can almost guarantee that it will taste terrific with whatever topping you add!

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