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Leonhard Euler was an 18th-century Swiss mathematician believed by many to be one of the greatest

mathematicians ever. His body of work exceeds by a vast margin any other mathematician; his work
touched on analysis, complex analysis, number theory, graph theory, geometry, logic, mechanics,
astronomy, music, and philosophy. Many of the notation in mathematics commonplace today is due to
Euler. Furthermore, as if these accomplishments were not enough, add that much of his work was
created even after going blind!

Considering Euler's extensive work in mathematics, it is unsurprising that he has at least one
formula named after him --He has several things named after him. However, one formula, in particular, is
said to be one of the most beautiful equations in mathematics because it relates five fundamental
mathematical constants: e, pi, i, 1, and 0 in an extraordinary equation: e^(iπ) + 1 = 0. This equation
connects exponential, trigonometric, and imaginary functions profoundly and elegantly.

History tells us of many great thinkers whose work was only appreciated posthumously.
Fortunately, this was different with Euler. A well-known quote by Pierre-Simon Laplace, a great
mathematician in his own right, and contemporary of Euler, declared, "Read Euler, read Euler, he is the
master of us all." This quote inspired the 1999 book Master of us all, where the author describes Euler.
"His insight was breathtaking, his vision profound, his influence as significant as that of anyone in
history"(Dunham, 1999, p.14).

Euler has written over 800 research papers and books. He is a master expositor whose
mathematical insights continued until his death, long after he went blind. His ability to tackle complex
problems with elegant solutions made him one of the most influential mathematicians to have graced
the earth. His work continues to shape and inspire generations of mathematicians and scientists.

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