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Q1: The Australian state of Queensland was named for her?

The crrect Answer is: Queen Victoria

Q2: This master of the techno-thriller was born in Baltimore in 1947 & died there in 2013?

The crrect Answer is: Tom Clancy

Q3: Author J.R.R. Tolkien helped inspire G. Gygax & D. Arneson to invent this role-playing

The crrect Answer is: Dungeons & Dragons

Q4: ...wrote a book on the Vietnam War as well as the definitive book on "Baby and Child

The crrect Answer is: Spock

Q5: You could "See what's new in Windows 7" & "Watch the demos" at this company's site?

The crrect Answer is: Microsoft

Q6: The name of this gum tree comes from the Greek kaluptein, or "cover", & it covers more
than 500 species?

The crrect Answer is: the eucalyptus

Q7: This term for exclusion from a group goes back to temporary banishment in ancient

The crrect Answer is: ostracism

Q8: A 1972 experiment set this more precisely at 186,282 miles per second?

The crrect Answer is: the speed of light

Q9: Exercise can increase the HDL of good kind of this in your blood while lowering the

The crrect Answer is: cholesterol

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