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Translated from Spanish

English to
to Spanish
English -

Part I

Chapter 1
a new neighbor
It is a well known fact that a single man with a lot of money must be in
need of a wife. He may not know it, but neighbors with single daughters are
pretty sure. So he imagines the arrival in a neighborhood of a young, wealthy,
single man. Imagine its effect on Mrs. Bennet, who has four unmarried
"My dear Mr. Bennet," he said one day, "Netherfield Hall is rented at last."
Mr. Bennet continued to read his newspaper.
Don't you want to know who took it?
“You are determined to tell me and I am ready to listen to you,” he said.
"Well then, it's been taken over by a rich young man named Bingley," he
said enthusiastically.
"Are you married or single?"
“Why single, my dear, and on £5,000 a year. What a good thing for our
"In fact, and how can it affect them?"
“My dear Mr. Bennet, how can you be so annoying? you must know that
I hope he marries one of them.
"Is that your intention in settling here?"
"Intention? Nonsense," exclaimed his wife. "But surely it is quite likely
that she will fall in love with one of them, and that is why you must visit
Mr. Bennet went back to his paper. “I don't see the need. You and the girls
can go. I'll write him a note to say that I'm okay with him marrying any of the
girls he chooses. Although perhaps I should recommend Elizabeth. They are
all silly girls, but she has a little more common sense than her sisters.”
Mrs. Bennet complained that it was impossible for her to visit a single
gentleman. But her husband did not agree to visit Mr. Bingley. It was a
strange mixture of clever jokes and long silences. Even after twenty-three
years of marriage, she didn't understand him or his jokes. But then, she wasn't
as smart or educated as he was. She was also easily annoyed. Her only goal in
her life was to find husbands for her daughters: Jane, Elizabeth, Catherine and
Lydia. Her pleasures were visiting, talking and dressing.

Mr. Bennet was one of the first to visit Mr. Bingley the next morning. He
had always intended to go, but he was determined not to tell his wife. He
didn't tell her after his return either. But as he sat with his family that night, he
continually talked about dances, about Mr. Bingley, about performances.
Finally, his wife couldn't take it anymore.
“I'm tired of Mr. Bingley! I don't want to hear his name ever again,” he
"I'm sorry to hear that," her husband responded. But why didn't you tell me
before? If she had known this morning, she wouldn't have called him. But
since I did, now we can't help but meet him.
Mrs. Bennet's joy can be imagined. But her husband did not stay to watch.
She, too, couldn't find out from him what Mr. Bingley was like. For this, as
annoying as she was to her, she had to go to her friend and neighbor, Lady
Lucas. She learned from her that he was handsome, charming and fond of
dancing. And that was not all. He planned to attend the upcoming public
dance in the nearby town of Meryton with a group of family and friends.

Episode 2
The dance and after

The Bennets were not wealthy, but they lived comfortably with servants at
Longbourn, their country home. Mr. Bennet received £2,000 a year in rent
from his land, and his wife had a little money of her own.
However, the situation was worse than it seemed due to a lawyer
agreement, made years earlier by Mr. Bennet's grandfather. Since Mr. Bennet
had no children, the estate, when he died, would pass to a distant cousin. His
daughters would have nothing unless they married. This explains Mrs.
Bennet's high hopes.
So when Bingley left for London, he was alarmed. So she wasn't going to
come to the dance? Her friend, Lady Lucas, calmed her down. She had only
come, she said, to gather a party for the dance. The next report was that she
was to bring twelve ladies, bad news for the Meryton ladies. But she finally
arrived at the ball with only four other people: her two sisters, the husband of
one of them, a Mr. Hurst, and another gentleman.
Mr. Bingley was certainly handsome and very friendly. But his partner,
Mr. Darcy, attracted more attention. Not only was he more handsome, but he
was also (as people said) earning £10,000 a year. At first people admired him.
But then they noticed that he was proud. He danced once with each of
Bingley's sisters, but showed no interest in any other lady. How different from

Mr. Bingley, who danced all the dances and became popular with everyone,
and particularly with Mrs. Bennet. Because he danced with his oldest
daughter, Jane, not just once, but twice.
His sister, Elizabeth, was not so lucky. Since there were not enough
gentlemen, she had to sit down for two dances. During this time, Mr. Bingley
left the dance floor to talk to Darcy, who was nearby.
"Why aren't you dancing?" she asked her. “I have never seen so many
attractive girls in my entire life.”
“You're already dancing with the only really attractive one,” Darcy replied,
looking at Jane.
"That may be true," said Bingley, "but one of her sisters sitting right behind
you is also very pretty."
Darcy turned. "Bearable," she said, "but why should she dance with a girl
no one else wants to dance with?"
When his family got home, Mr. Bennet had to listen to his wife describe
the dresses of all the ladies with whom Mr. Bingley had danced dance for
dance. "I wish," he said, "he had broken his leg at the first dance!"
But Mr. Bennet only had to mention Mr. Darcy. “You should have seen
him standing there alone, thinking himself so important. 'Bearable', indeed!”

The next morning, Jane expressed surprise when Bingley asked her to
dance a second time.
"It wasn't a surprise to me, since you were by far the prettiest girl in the
room," Elizabeth answered. “It seems very nice. You have liked worse men.
"Dear Lizzy, you shouldn't say such things."
"It's true," Elizabeth said, "you have a lot of common sense, but you don't
seem to see people's faults." Do you like her sisters? "They're very nice, when
you talk to them." Elizabeth had talked to them and she didn't agree.
They were fashionable London ladies who could be charming when they
wanted to. But they were proud. They looked down on the rural society of
A week after Elizabeth discussed Jane with Charlotte Lucas, her best
friend. Mr. Bingley's admiration for Jane was increasing. Jane liked it too.
But, as usual, she hid her feelings behind the same cheerful sympathy that she
showed everyone.
“A woman can often want to hide her feelings for a man,” said Charlotte,
“For people to stop talking. But if you hide them too well, you'll lose it."
"But Mr. Bingley must see that Jane likes him."

He doesn't know her like you do. He should try harder to attract it. So when
she is sure of him, there will be enough time to fall in love with him.
“That might be a good plan for a girl who just wants to get married,”
Elizabeth said. But Jane is not like that. She would never marry someone she
didn't love. Right now she doesn't know him, nor her own feelings”.
“I don't think you can meet a man before marriage, and it's better that way.
If people knew everything about the person they were going to marry, they
"You say that," said Elizabeth, laughing, "but you know you would never
act like that."
But while Elizabeth was twenty years old, Charlotte was twenty-eight and,
like her friend, had little money to expect from her family. And she besides
she wasn't that pretty. She sometimes felt that she was getting too old to find a
From that moment, Elizabeth closely watched her sister and Mr. Bingley.
Perhaps that was why she barely noticed that someone was watching her. But
one afternoon at a party at the Lucas house it became quite clear. Whoever he
talked to, Mr. Darcy was always close by.
"What do you mean by listening to my conversation?" he told Charlotte. “If
you continue, I'll let you know what I think. She is hearing things that she can
joke about with Mr. Bingley's sisters.
The truth was different. As Darcy saw more of Elizabeth, his ideas began
to change: she might not be exactly beautiful, but she had pretty eyes. As for
her conversation, it wasn't like the fashion in London. But there was
something very attractive about her easy, smiling way. Later that night, while
he was talking to Sir William Lucas, she passed by.
“Miss Eliza,” said Sir William to Elizabeth, “you are not dancing. Mr.
Darcy, you can't refuse. He took her hand to give it to Darcy. He, although
surprised, was very willing to accept it. But she pushed him away.
“Please, Sir William,” he said, “I don't want to dance. Mr. Darcy is just
being polite.
"This is not courtesy," said Sir William, "for who would refuse to dance
with Miss Bennet?"
Elizabeth smiled at the memory of another time and walked away. Sir
William also walked away, leaving Darcy thoughtful. At that moment Miss
Bingley appeared. "I think I can guess what you're thinking," she said. "You're
thinking how unpleasant it would be to spend many nights in this kind of

“You are very wrong,” said Darcy. "I was actually thinking about how
attractive a certain young lady is."
"By the way?" said Miss Bingley in a softer voice. She smiled and looked
into his eyes. "And who is she?"
"Miss Elizabeth Bennet".
Miss Elizabeth Bennet? I am amazed. How long has she been a favorite?
When is the wedding?
"That's exactly what I was hoping you'd say," Darcy said. "A lady's thought
jumps directly from admiration to love, and from love to marriage."

Chapter 3
Good idea from Mrs. Bennet

One morning a few days later a servant arrived at Longbourn with a letter
for Jane.
“Well, Jane, whose is it? What is it about? Tell us, my dear,” cried Mrs.
Bennet impatiently.
"It's from Miss Bingley," answered Jane. “The gentlemen are going to dine
with the officers of the regiment that has her camp at Meryton, and she asks if
I may dine with her and her sister. Can I take a carriage?
"No, dear," said her mother, who was disappointed that Jane did not see
Mr. Bingley. You better take a horse. It seems quite likely that he will rain,
and then they would have to ask you to stay the night.
Jane did not like this idea, nor the reason for it. But since her father said
that carriage horses were needed on earth that day, she had to go on
In fact, Mrs. Bennet's plan was very successful. Shortly after Jane left her,
it started to rain so hard that she got quite wet. She continued all afternoon
and she didn't come back. But when a note came the next morning saying that
she was sick in bed, Mrs. Bennet's plan didn't seem so smart. Elizabeth was
worried and she decided to walk to Netherfield to find out how she was doing,
even though her mother disagreed.
“What will they think when you arrive with mud on your shoes and
socks?” she cried.
When the whole company, with the exception of his sister, arrived at
Netherfield, they were still eating breakfast. Bingley's sisters received her
courteously, but she felt slighted for walking through muddy fields. Her shoes

and socks were dirty, and her hair was windblown. But her exercise had given
life and color to her face, and the gentlemen noticed it, and not her dirty
Jane was not well and did not improve during the morning. So Elizabeth
was grateful when Mr. Bingley asked her to spend the night in Netherfield as
well. After dinner, as soon as he went to sit down with Jane, the Bingley
sisters began to talk about her: her manners, her conversation, her ideas, her
clothes, none of which. the ladies of Netherfield liked him. Only Jane of all
the Bennets was good enough to praise her.
“She is a very sweet girl,” said Mrs. Hurst, “and I wish with all my heart
that she can find a good husband. But with such a family and no money there
are few chances. Her mother doesn't make any sense at all.
"You should meet the uncle and aunt at Meryton," laughed Miss Bingley.
“And they have another uncle who is a merchant in London,” said Ms.
"If they had twenty uncles like that, the Misses Bennets would be no less
attractive," said Bingley, who was not happy with this talk.
"True," said Darcy, "but it must be even more difficult for them to marry
men of high standing in the world." Bingley was silent, but her sisters
continued to amuse themselves with her friends' relationships for some time.

Later that night, while Darcy was writing a letter, Miss Bingley was trying
to get him to talk to her.
“How happy your sister will be to receive a letter from you!” she said. But
Darcy kept writing.
“How fast you write!”
"You are wrong. I write very slowly."
“Please tell your sister that I long to see her.”
"You asked me before, and I already have."
At that moment Elizabeth entered the room. She had thought it polite to
join the company and not sit with her sister all the time.
"Miss Eliza Bennet," said Miss Bingley as soon as she appeared, "let us
take a walk to the window." We can see if she's still raining.
Elizabeth was surprised by this display of friendliness, but after walking up
and down several times, she understood why. Miss Bingley was trying to get
Darcy's attention, and he looked up. Although who could tell if his gaze was
drawn to Miss Bingley or Miss Bennet. In any case, it was enough that Miss
Bingley invited him to join them. But he shook his head and said, “There can

only be two reasons for walking back and forth like that. It's better if I stay
"What can you mean?" said Miss Bingley.
"Why, he wants to laugh at us," said Elizabeth, "and the best way to avoid
it is to not ask him what he means." But Miss Bingley had to ask, because she
couldn't let Darcy down on anything.
“You're pacing back and forth,” Darcy explained, “either because you have
secrets to discuss or because you want me to admire you. But if the first is
true, you can't really love me; and if the second is true, from here I see you
much better.
"Oh!" Miss Bingley exclaimed. "How are we going to punish him for such
a speech?"
"It sure is easy for someone like you who knows all your flaws," he said
Isabel. "Laugh at him."
"Sir. Darcy has no faults. He is not to be laughed at."
“Not to laugh! That's a very unusual advantage, and I hope it stays unusual.
I wouldn't want to meet a lot of people like that," Elizabeth said.
"Miss Bingley is too kind," said Darcy. “I have my flaws. I'm just trying to
avoid fools.
"Like pride?" Elizabeth asked.
"Pride can be a flaw in someone who has nothing to be proud of," he said.
Elizabeth smiled. Addressing Miss Bingley, she said, "If pride be no fault, he
has no fault."
“But I do,” Darcy said. “For example, I find it difficult to forgive people
once I lose my good opinion of them. My aversions are strong. That is
definitely a flaw.
“Hate is a fault. Oh yeah. Hate is a good fault to choose. I can't laugh at
"Everyone has a flaw like that," Darcy said.
"And yours, you say, is a disposition to hate people."
“And your thing is to want to misunderstand them. Or could you call it
At this point, Miss Bingley grew tired of a conversation in which she was
not participating. "Let's have some music," she said, moving to the piano.
Darcy followed her. He began to feel the danger of paying too much attention
to Miss Elizabeth Bennet.
The next day, Jane was a little better. Although both Mr. Bingley and her
mother wanted her to stay, she decided to go home. Elizabeth agreed. For both
the ladies of Netherfield and her, the visit had been quite a long one.

Chapter 4
a visitor

A few days later, while the Bennet family was having breakfast, Mr.
Bennet produced another little surprise.
"I hope," he said to his wife, "that you have planned a good dinner today,
as I am expecting a guest." – “Who do you mean, dear? I'm not expecting
anyone today, unless Charlotte Lucas stays. And I know that my dinners are
better than the ones she has at home.”
“The person I am referring to is a gentleman, and I have never seen him
before in my life.” This news produced all the excitement that Mr. Bennet had
expected. "A few weeks ago I received a letter from my cousin, Mr. Collins,
who, as you know, will become the owner of Longbourn when I die." – “Oh,
that man!” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet. I can't bear to hear his name. Why does
the bass let you do this to us? She continued her loud complaining about her
favorite subject for some time, while her daughters tried to calm her down.
"If you will let me read this," said Mr. Bennet, "you may know why you
are coming." He read aloud:
The dispute between you and my father has always caused me
unhappiness; and since his death many times I have wanted to put an end to it.
You'll be pleased to know that I've already made up my mind. Last Easter I
became a parish priest and was appointed by the noble and honorable Lady
Catherine de Bourgh to care for this town. As a parish priest, I believe it is my
duty to spread peace. So I hope the Longbourn business won't make you turn
down my offer of friendship. I deeply regret that one day I will have to take
over the household of his respected daughters. I apologize and hope I can
reduce this damage, but more on that later. If you are willing, I will appear
before his family next Monday at four. I would like to stay twelve days, as
Lady Catherine has been kind enough to allow me to be absent for this time.
William Collins.

"Then we can expect this man of peace at four o'clock," said Mr. Bennet.
"He can become a friend, if his Lady Catherine is kind enough to let him
back." Elizabeth wondered what she meant by "harm reduction." And why did
she apologize that Longbourn would pass her by? It's not her fault, and if she
could help it, she wouldn't. Do you think he can be a very sensible man? "Not

me, dear," her father said. “He seems like an interesting mix: humble and
cocky at the same time. I really want to meet him.
For the younger Bennets, the only interesting visitors were the young
officers from the camp near Meriton, not the vicars. But Mrs. Bennet's hatred
for the future owner of Longbourn seemed suddenly and strangely to vanish.
Mr. Collins arrived exactly on time. He was a tall, serious, portly-looking
young man of twenty-five, with the manners of someone much older. He
talked continually with Mrs. Bennet, praising everything he saw, from her
daughters to the dining room furniture. Only when he praised the house itself
did she get upset. She couldn't forget that one day he would be all hers.
During dinner, Mr. Bennet said little. There was no need, because Mr. Collins
had a lot to say. But when they all returned to the sitting room later, he asked
his guest about Lady Catherine and her house, Rosings.
This was a subject Mr. Collins was willing to talk about all night: how she
had already invited him to dinner twice and sent for him to be the fourth
person in a card game; how she had planned shelves for her upstairs cabinets
and advised her to get married.
"Does she have family?" Mrs. Bennet asked.
"A daughter, with a lot of property."
"Oh!" exclaimed Mrs. Bennet. So she is luckier than many girls. How is
she? Is she beautiful?
Mr. Collins gave his answer some thought. She is a lovely young lady.
Lady Catherine herself says that Mademoiselle de Bourgh has more real
beauty than other girls, because she seems more truly noble. However, she is
not in good health and her education has suffered. But she is perfectly
“It is sad that his health prevents him from blending into society. As I told
Lady Catherine, the fashion world has lost one of its brightest jewels: I like to
make little comments like this. They please the ladies and it is a duty I owe to
Lady Catherine.
"Very well," said Mr. Bennet. “How lucky to have this ability. Do these
comments suddenly enter his mind? Or do you think of them before? “I think
of them before, but I try to make them sound natural when I mention them,”
Mr. Collins said. Mr. Bennet was completely satisfied. His cousin was even
dumber than he expected.

Chapter 5
Mr Wickham

Any advice from Lady Catherine to Mr. Collins was an order. She had to
get married and that was why she had come to Longbourn. He had heard that
her cousins were pretty girls and he had come to marry one of them. He didn't
change his mind when he saw them either, and by the end of their first night
he'd settled on Jane. But Mrs. Bennet made him think again. She approved of
his marrying one of her daughters, but she had to warn him: Jane might soon
be marrying someone else. The moment he sought out Mrs. Bennet to put a
log on the fire, Mr. Collins's feelings flew from Jane to Elizabeth. Elizabeth,
he thought to himself, might be acceptable. That morning the girls decided to
take Mr. Collins to visit his mother's sister, Mrs. Philips, in Meriton. This plan
was strongly approved by Mr. Bennet,
When they got to town, Lydia and Catherine searched up and down for
someone they knew. They did not have to wait long. The attention of the four
girls was soon caught by two men across the street. One was a young officer
named Denny who they already knew. The other, not in uniform, was a
strange and unusually handsome man. Pretending to be interested in a window
display, Lydia crossed the street and stepped into her path. In this way they all
met Mr. Denny's friend, who was about to enlist in the army.
This friend, Mr. Wickham, was as charming as he was handsome, and they
all chatted for a while. It was such a pleasant conversation that at first they did
not hear the sound of the horses. It was Bingley and Darcy riding towards
them. When they stopped, Bingley explained that they were on their way to
Longbourn to invite them to a dance at Netherfield. But Elizabeth wasn't
listening. She was watching Darcy and she was very surprised by what she
saw. As soon as she saw the stranger, her face turned white. Mr. Wickham
seemed equally unhappy at this meeting. The two gentlemen bowed their hats
to each other, but neither said a word. They had clearly met before.
The two riders soon rode on, and the others walked to Mr. Philips's house.
Lydia had tried to persuade the two young men to go inside, but Mr. Denny
had duties at camp and they kept walking.
As Mrs. Philips and Mr. Collins exchanged polite words, Lydia waited
impatiently. She wanted to know more about Mr. Wickham. But although her
aunt knew most of what happened in Meryton, she couldn't tell them anything
more about this gentleman.

The next night, after Mr. Collins's long apologies for leaving their hosts
alone, he and his cousins drove to the Philips' home in Meryton. Mr Collins
looked around. The room, he said, rather resembled the little summer
breakfast room in Rosings. At first, this did not sound like praise for Ms.

Philips. But Mr. Collins was kind enough to tell her more about Lady
Catherine's house, and she began to understand that Mr. Collins was doing her
a great honor.
As soon as the other gentlemen entered with Mr. Philips, Elizabeth knew
that she had not been mistaken in admiring Mr. Wickham. His appearance, his
manner, his conversation set him far above the other officers. Here at last,
unlike Mr. Darcy, he was a true gentleman. When the card tables were set up,
he preferred to sit with Lydia and Elizabeth. At first, Lydia got her full
attention, because she was just as talkative as her mother. But she liked cards
too, and at last she walked over to the tables, leaving Wickham with his sister.
Elizabeth knew that she could not introduce the interesting subject of the
meeting with Darcy at Meryton. So it was fortunate that Mr Wickham began
by asking how long Darcy had been in Netherfield.
"About a month," she replied. I think she has a nice house and a lot of land
in Derbyshire.
“He has, and no one could tell you more about Pemberley and the Darcys
than I can. I have known that house and that family all my life. So you may be
wondering,” she continued, after seeing his surprise, “what an unfriendly
meeting we had yesterday. Do you know him well?
“As good as I'll ever want. I don't think she has a nice character,” Elizabeth
I've known him too long to judge him fairly. But many people would not
agree with you. They are easily influenced by money and rank.”
“Not in this neighborhood. Nobody likes it here.
"I wonder," said Wickham, after a pause, "how long he is likely to stay."
I haven't heard anything about him leaving. But I hope his plans don't
change because of his presence here.
I will not be expelled by him. He has more reason to avoid me since he has
treated me so badly. But I won't say a word against him. I still have too much
respect for his father, one of the best men.”
Mr. Wickham began to talk of other things, but was soon back with Darcy.
“I am a disappointed man. I was not raised for the army but for the Church.
Old Mr. Darcy promised me a good position in the Church. But when he died
and this position was vacated, his son gave it to another.” "But how
could he act so mean?" Elizabeth exclaimed.
"He's jealous. You see, my father looked after old Mr. Darcy's estate, and I
was brought up and educated with the son. Perhaps I was too much of a
favorite with the old man. I don't think his son has ever forgiven me."

Elizabeth remembered Darcy's words at Netherfield about her ruthlessness.
"What kind of girl is her sister?" she asked.
Mr Wickham shook his head. “It makes me sad to speak ill of any Darcy,
but she is like her brother: beautiful, but very proud. I used to play with her
when I was a child, but now she looks down on me.”
“I am surprised by your friendship with Mr. Bingley. I'm sure you know
what kind of man Mr. Darcy is.
"Perhaps not. Mr. Darcy can be charming when he wants to, especially
with those he thinks are his equals."
At this point, the card party began to break up and Elizabeth asked Mr.
Collins how it had gone. He replied that he had lost all the games. But I dont
care. I don't have to worry about losing five shillings, thanks to the kindness
of Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
Wickham looked up at the name. Later, taking Elizabeth aside, he asked
her how her cousin was related to that lady, and she explained.
"You may not know," he said, "that Lady Catherine is Mr. Darcy's aunt."
Her daughter will be very rich. It is believed that she and Mr. Darcy will
marry and join two large estates.”
Elizabeth smiled at the thought of Miss Bingley's hopes.
The next morning, Elizabeth told Jane what she had found out about Darcy.
Her sister was surprised. She couldn't believe that Bingley would choose the
kind of friend Wickham described. She didn't know what to think.
"I know exactly what to think," Elizabeth said. "I know the kind of man
Mr. Darcy is."
However, now a more important matter was emerging. The day of the
Netherfield ball was drawing near, and the whole Bennet family (except, of
course, his head) was in a state of excitement. Elizabeth, filled with happy
thoughts of dancing half the night with Wickham, asked Mr. Collins if she
would go to the dance.
“I am not one of those who think that parsons should never attend a ball,
especially when it is given by a gentleman of good character like Mr.
Bingley,” he said. “I hope to have the honor of dancing with all my cousins.
In fact, I would like to take this opportunity to request the pleasure of the first
two dances with you.”
Elizabeth was speechless. She had hoped that Mr. Wickham would ask her
for just these dances, and that she would have Mr. Collins instead! But there
was no escape.
The worst followed. The rain kept the Bennets inside for days. So he was
prevented from seeing more of Wickham. Worse yet, it was becoming clear

that Mr. Collins was taking an uncomfortably close interest in her. Surely
he… but, no, that was impossible.

Chapter 6
The Ball at Netherfield

Elizabeth dressed carefully for the ball. Because this was the night she was
to win Mr. Wickham's heart.
But all her hopes depended on one thing: Wickham being there. So she
imagines his feelings when she entered the room and found that he was not
there. Had Darcy talked his friend out of inviting him? He later learned from
Lydia that this was not so. Wickham had gone to London on business (he had
told his friends so). But he knew that the real cause of his absence was Darcy.
However, the anger at Darcy was soon replaced by feelings of a different
kind. Mr. Collins was coming to claim her for her dance. She was not a
dancer, and what followed was misery. It was hard to tell which was worse:
the many times she stepped on her food or the apologies that followed. But
the dance ended at last and she ran to Charlotte to tell her all about her
problems. But she had hardly begun when another gentleman came to ask her
to dance: Darcy. She was too shocked to refuse. For some time they stood in
silence on the dance floor, waiting for the music to start. Elizabeth made a
comment to which Darcy responded. Then the dance began and there was
more silence.
“It's your turn to say something now, Mr. Darcy,” she said, “I talked about
the dance. You could talk about the size of the room or the number of
"I'll say what you want me to say," he replied.
“That answer will do for now. Maybe later I can say that private dances are
more pleasant than public ones. But for now we can be silent.” So they were
silent, until Darcy asked her if she often walked to Meryton.
"Very often. When you met us the other day, we had just made a new
friend," Elizabeth replied.
"Mr. Wickham is always able to make friends," he said coldly. "But it's not
so easy for him to keep them."
“He has had the misfortune to lose your friendship, and he will probably
suffer from it all his life,” she said.
The dance ended. Both dancers were glad they didn't have to continue the
conversation. Darcy ushered her to a seat beside Miss Bingley and stalked
away angrily: but angrier at Wickham than at Elizabeth.

"Well, Miss Eliza," said Miss Bingley, "your sister has been asking me
about George Wickham." I heard you're quite taken with him. But she may
not know that his father was the servant of old Mr. Darcy. Let me warn you,
like a fry, not to believe everything he says. He has damaged Mr. Darcy. I
don't know how, but I know that Mr. Darcy can't bear to hear his name. I pity
you, Miss Eliza. You will find out the true character of your favorite in the
"As far as I understand, Mr. Wickham's only fault is that his father worked
for old Mr. Darcy," Elizabeth said coldly.
“Excuse me,” Miss Bingley said as she got up and walked away. "She was
just trying to be nice."
Insulting child, Elizabeth told herself. "She doesn't know anything, but she
believes everything Darcy says."
But now a very excited Mr. Collins was approaching her. Surely she
couldn't have wanted another dance?
"I have made a very important discovery," he exclaimed. “In this very
room tonight is a close relative of Lady Catherine. I must offer my respects
"Surely you're not going to introduce yourself to Mr. Darcy?" Elizabeth
"As a matter of fact I am. I believe he is Lady Catherine's nephew. It is my
duty to introduce myself and tell you that you were quite well yesterday two
weeks ago."
Elizabeth tried to stop him, but to no avail. She knew Darcy wouldn't
encourage him.
He couldn't hear what Mr. Collins said. He only watched as the expression
on Darcy's face grew increasingly distant. The meeting ended with a short
bow from Mr. Darcy and he walked away. “I have no reason to be
dissatisfied,” Mr. Collins said, as he came back rubbing his hands together.
"Mr. Darcy received me very courteously."
However, it was during dinner that Isabel's most painful experience took
place. She had been avoiding her mother all night so as not to hear her speak.
But she now found herself sitting between her mother and Lady Lucas, with
Darcy not far behind her.
Mrs. Bennet could speak of only one thing: her hopes for Jane's marriage
to Bingley. She never tired of repeating her advantages: that Mr. Bingley was
so rich; that the Bingley sisters loved Jane very much, and that the younger
daughters might meet other rich men.

Elizabeth knew that Darcy could hear this, but it was useless trying to get
her mother to lower her voice. "What is Mr. Darcy to me?" she thought. "We
owe him nothing." But even Mrs. Bennet stopped talking at last, and Lady
Lucas found solace in some cold chicken.
Mrs. Bennet returned home happily assured that in three months Jane
would be settled in Netherfield. She was equally certain that her second
daughter would soon be Mrs. Collins. But she didn't care much about this.
Because Elizabeth was her least favorite daughter.

I. Understanding Check

1. Answer the questions:

1. Where did the Bennet family live? What money did the family live on?
How big was the family?
2. What made Mrs. Bennet and some of her daughters so excited when
Mr. Bennet told them that he had visited Mr. Bingley?
3. What was the difference between Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy? What
made his arrival so important to the Meryton ladies?
4. What did Jane think of Mr. Bingley's sisters? What was Elizabeth's
opinion of them? What was the sisters' opinion of Mr. Bingley? Mr
5. How did Darcy's ideas about Elizabeth begin to change?
6. What kind of man was Mr. Collins? What impression did it make on
people? What did he primarily choose to talk about?
7. What made Elizabeth take an interest in Mr. Wickham? Who gave you
a lot of information about the man? What information was she?
8. What did Mr. Wickham tell Elizabeth about Darcy's sister? About
Darcy himself?
9. What ruined Elizabeth's impression of the ball at Netherfield?
10. How did Mrs. Bennet feel after the dance?

2. Put the sentences in the correct order to outline the events in Part I.
1. Mr Wickham is going to London.
2. The Bennet family.
3. Darcy is writing a letter to her sister.
4. Mr. Wickham's conversation with Elizabeth over dinner at the Philips'
5. Elizabeth's most painful experience during the ball at Netherfield.
6. Elizabeth's ride to Netherfield.

7. Mr. Collins: A visitor from the Bennet family.
8. Miss Bingley's warnings about George Wickham.
9. Elizabeth's expectations of the ball at Netherfield.
10. A visit to the new acquaintance of Mrs. Philips and the Bennet girls.

3. Please choose the correct item.

1. Mr. Collins lived...

a) in Netherfield; b) in Longbourn;
c) in London; d) in the country of Kent.

2. Mr. Bennet had £... a year.

a) 10000; b) 2000; c) 5000; d) 8000.

3. Mrs. Bennet obtained the desirable information of what Mr. Bingley

was like from...
a) her husband; b) their daughters;
c) Mrs. Lucas; c) Mrs Philips.

4. The public dance in the nearby town of Meryton was a huge success
a) Isabel; b) Lydia; c) Joan; d) Charlotte.

5. At the Lucas house, Mr. Darcy was always around Elizabeth because
a) he wanted to make jokes about her;
b) he wanted to show that he was looking down on Meryton society;
c) he had fallen in love with her;
d) he began to change his ideas about her and wanted to get to know her

6. When Sir William asked Mr. Darcy to dance with Elizabeth, the young
a) was willing to do so; b) was not willing to do so;
c) only agreed to be courteous; d) refused to do so.

7. Mrs. Bennet was against Elizabeth walking to Netherfield because...

a) he thought Eliza might get sick;

b) the weather was very unpleasant;
c) the way to Netherfield was long and dangerous;
d) the people of Netherfield could look down on her for walking
through muddy fields.

8. Mr. Collins decided to get married because...

a) he was socially required;
b) he had fallen in love with Elizabeth;
c) Mrs. Bennet persuaded him to marry one of her daughters;
d) That was Lady Catherine's advice.

9. At the Philips house in Meryton it was... who introduced the subject of

his encounter with Darcy.
a) Elizabeth; b) Lydia; c) Mr. Collins; d) Mr. Wickham.

10. Elizabeth carefully dressed for the Netherfield ball because she wanted
a) to win the heart of Mr. Wickham;
b) to win the heart of Mr. Darcy;
c) to win the heart of Mr. Collins;
d) get as many invitations to dance as possible.

4. Say who in Part I is characterized in this way.

1. His appearance, his manner, his conversation set him far above the
other officers. Here at last... he was a true gentleman.
2. She is a most charming young lady. She has more real beauty than other
girls, because she looks more truly noble. However, she is not in good
health and her education has suffered. But she is perfectly educated.
3. He seems like an interesting mix: humble and cocky at the same time.
4. She may not be exactly beautiful, but she had pretty eyes. As for her
conversation, she was not like the fashionable one in London. But there
was something very attractive about her easy, smiling way.
5. He was twenty-eight years old, with little money to expect from his
family. Besides, she wasn't that pretty. She sometimes felt that she was
getting too old to find a husband.
6. It was a strange mixture of clever jokes and long silences.
7. She was not as smart or educated as her husband. She was also easily
annoyed. Her pleasures were visiting, talking and dressing.

8. He was handsome, charming and fond of dancing. He was a rich young
man with £5,000 a year and very kind. He soon became popular with
9. She was very pretty and had good sense, but she didn't seem to see the
flaws in people. She used to hide her feelings behind the cheerful
kindness that she showed to everyone.
10. They were fashionable London ladies who could be charming when
they wanted to. They were proud. They looked down at the rural society
of Meryton.

II. discussing the text

1. Explain why in Part I:

1. Mrs. Bennet was very excited that Netherfield had finally been leased;
2. Mr. Bennet was one of the first to visit Mr. Bingley on the morning
after the latter's arrival;
3. Mrs. Bennet was alarmed when Mr. Bingley left for London;
4. Mr. Darcy, who attracted so much attention at first, was less admired
5. Mr. Darcy did not want to ask Elizabeth to a dance in the town of
Meryton, but was willing to do so later;
6. Mrs. Bennet was glad that Jane had to ride to Netherfield;
7. The sisters of Bingley and the knights of Netherfield saw Elizabeth
differently when she arrived after walking through the muddy fields;
8. Miss Bingley was friendly when Elizabeth entered the room and invited
her to take a walk to the window;
9. Mr. Darcy decided to stay where he was sitting writing a letter,
although Miss Bingley invited him to join Elizabeth and herself;
10. Miss Bingley thought that Mr. Darcy has no faults.

2. Add more details to these:

1. "I hope," said Mr. Bennet to his wife, "that you have planned a good
dinner today, as I am expecting a guest."
2. The Bennets were not rich, but they lived comfortably... However, the
situation was worse than it seemed...
3. Mr. Bennet was completely satisfied. His cousin was even dumber than
he expected.

4. “As I told Lady Catherine, the fashion world has lost its brightest jewels.
I like to make little comments like this.”
5. This was the subject that Mr. Collins was willing to talk about all night.
6. "No one could tell you more about Pemberley and the Darcys than I
7. Elizabeth smiled: "If pride is not guilt, he has no faults."
8. Mrs. Bennet's hatred for the future owner of Longbourn seemed to
suddenly and strongly vanish.
9. "You may not know that Lady Catherine is Mr. Darcy's aunt."
10. Miss Bingley: "Let me warn you, as a friend, Elizabeth, not to
believe everything Mr. Wickham says."

3. Tell what happened:

1. in the Longbourn neighborhood that thrilled the ladies of the Bennet
2. during the public dance in the town of Meryton;
3. during a party at Lucas' house;
4. to Jane when she went to Netherfield to dine with Miss Bingley and her
sister, Mrs. Hurst;
5. to Elizabeth during her stay in Netherfield while Jane was ill;
6. while Darcy wrote a letter to his sister;
7. when Mr. Collins arrived at Longbourn;
8. when Elizabeth and her sisters were walking with Mr. Collins towards
their mother's sister, Mrs. Philips;
9. during the dance at Netherfield.

4. Comment the following and if possible give your own opinion.

1. It is a well known fact that a single man with a lot of money must be in
need of a wife.
2. The Bennets' situation was worse than it seemed due to an attorney
settlement, made years earlier by Mr. Bennet's grandfather.
3. “A woman may often want to hide her feelings for a man,” Charlotte
said, “so people will stop talking. But if she hides them too well, she'll
lose it."

4. If people knew everything about the person they were going to marry,
they wouldn't.
5. A lady's thought jumps directly from admiration to love and from love to

6. Pride can be a flaw in someone who has nothing to be proud of.
7. At Meryton, in the Philips house, Mr. Collins said the room was much
like the little summer breakfast room at Rosings.
8. “I am a disappointed man. I was not raised for the army but for the
9. Elizabeth had been avoiding her mother all night so she wouldn't hear
her talk."
10. Mrs. Bennet returned home happily assured that in three months
Jane would be settled in Netherfield. She was equally certain that her
second daughter would soon be Mrs. Collins. But she didn't care much
about this because Elizabeth was her least favorite daughter.

5. Give a talk on one of these topics. Mention the indicated points.

1. The Bennet family:the place where they lived, the money the family
lived on, interests of all family members, the way they spent their time,
their relatives.

2. The Bingleys:Mr. Bingley and his sisters (Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst),
the difference between the sisters and their brother, their attitude towards
the Bennet family, towards Meryton society.

3. Mr Collins:the relations with the Bennet family, the present position, the
real and declared purpose of his visit to Longbourn, his ideas of life and
his attitude towards the nobility, his favorite subjects of conversation,
his little comments, his desire to "spread peace ". , his ability to dance.

4. Mr Wickham:his appearance, his conduct, his meeting with the Bennet

girls and Mr. Darcy, his conversation with Elizabeth, his attitude
towards Mr. Darcy and his sister, his absence from the Netherfield ball.

5. Elizabeth Bennet:his appearance, his parents' attitude towards the girl,

his ideas about his own mother, his feelings for Jane, his sense of humor,
his way of directing the conversation, his ideas about Mr. Darcy, Mr.
Bingley, Mr. Collins and Mr Wickham.

6. Jane Bennet:her appearance, her mother's plans for her future, her
attitude towards people, Elizabeth's opinion of Jane's affection for Mr.
Bingley, Elizabeth's success at balls.

7. Maryton Society:people who had some importance in the neighborhood,
their interests, their way of life.

8. Mr Darcy:the interests of the local people in the gentleman, certain

changes of opinion, his attitude towards local society, towards Miss
Bingley, towards Elizabeth, towards Mr Wickham, his way of carrying
on the conversation.

6. Compare these characters:

1. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley.
2. Elizabeth and Jane Bennet.
3. Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet.
4. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham.

7. Act out conversations between:

1. Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet before the public dance;
2. Elizabeth and Charlotte about Jane and her possible marriage;
3. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet at Netherfield;
4. Mr. Bennet and Mr. Collins on the day of their arrival at Longbourn;
5. Mr. Wickham and Elizabeth Bennet at Philips House;

Part II

Chapter 7
Mr. Collins makes an offer

The next day, Mr. Collins asked Elizabeth to marry him. After breakfast he
found her with her mother and Catherine at her sewing. "I hope, ma'am," she
said to Mrs. Bennet, "that she doesn't mind my speaking privately with her
daughter Elizabeth of hers."
"Oh dear, yes indeed, I'm sure Lizzy will be very happy, come Catherine, I
need you upstairs," said Mrs. Bennet, gathering up her pins and needles.
“Mother, please don't go. I am sure that whatever Mr. Collins has to say
can be heard by anyone,” Elizabeth said.
“Nonsense, Lizzy. I want you to stay and listen to Mr. Collins,” her mother
said and left the room.
“Believe me, my dear Miss Elizabeth,” Mr. Collins began, “your modesty
only adds to your charm.Without this show of reluctance you would be less

attractive to me. But let me reassure you.Your mother has given you
permission for this small talk. The theme of it may not be any secret to
you.Almost as soon as I got here, I chose you as my future life partner. But
before I let my feelings get the better of me, let me give you my reasons for
getting married."
He then went on to do this. He first thought it was right for a parish priest
to set a good example. Second, he thought that marriage would increase his
happiness. Third, and most important of all, it was Lady Catherine's advice.
"A gentleman like you, Mr. Collins, should marry," she had said. "Choose
carefully. Choose a lady for my sake, and for your own sake choose a kind of
active and useful person. Bring her to Hunsford and I will visit her.
Mr. Collins said that he was sure Elizabeth would be a perfect fit for Lady
Catherine.Because he would surely treat the great lady with the respect that
her high rank deserved.
“Now,” he said, “it only remains for me to express the full force of my
feelings for you. I don't care about the money, since I know you don't have
itexcept of coursethe £1,000 at four per cent that will be yours when your
mother dies.Rest assured that I will never say a word of complaint about this
when we are married...
Elizabeth had to cut him off at this point. “Forget, sir, that I haven't given
you an answer yet.Let me do it now. I am very honored by her offer, but I am
afraid that it is impossible for me to accept it.”
Mr. Collins was not in the least discouraged. "I know that very often young
women reject offers of marriage that they intend to accept later."
“If there really are ladies like that,” said Elizabeth, “I am not that kind of
young lady. The truth is, we could never make each other happy."
"The next time I speak to you on this subject," he said, "I'm sure I'll get a
different response."
"Surely, Mr. Collins, I have made my answer clear enough," said
“I still prefer to think that your refusal, dear cousin, is not serious. My
reason is that I have a lot to offer: my station in life, my connection to the de
Bourgh family.After all, with so little money, you may not receive any other
offers of marriage. I really can't think that you will reject me in the end.
Elizabeth could do no more to change Mr. Collins's beliefs, so she left him.
Mrs. Bennet, who had not been far from her, now came in to give her best
wishes. Mr. Collins was still sure of her success, but when Mrs. Bennet heard
what her daughter had said, she was not so pleased and said, “She's a silly girl.
She won't listen to other people who know more."

"If she's that kind of girl," said Mr. Collins, "perhaps she won't fit Lady
“Don't worry, Mr. Collins. She's just dumb sometimes. Leave it to me,”
replied Mrs. Bennet, and went straight to Mr. Bennet's library.
“Oh, Mr. Bennet,” he said, “we are all confused. You must come and make
Lizzy marry Mr. Collins. She says that she won't have him, and that he can
change his mind and not have her."
Mr. Bennet kept his cool. He sent for Elizabeth and said, "I understand that
Mr. Collins has made you an offer of marriage and you have refused it."
Elizabeth agreed. And your mother says you should accept it. "Yes,"
exclaimed Mrs. Bennet, "or I'll never speak to her again."
“Well,” Mr. Bennet said, “you have a difficult choice. If you reject Mr.
Collins, his mother will never speak to you. If you accept it, I will not speak
to you.
Elizabeth smiled. She wouldn't have to marry Mr. Collins.. But his mother
was disappointed. During the following days she continued to threaten or
cajole. The problem was what to do with Mr. Collins. He was determined not
to return to Hunsford before the scheduled day, and Elizabeth found it
uncomfortable to talk to him. However, help was close at hand. Charlotte was
kind enough to sit and listen to him, and he seemed pleased with her attention.
Elizabeth was grateful, but she didn't know that Charlotte had her reasons for
behaving as she did.
On the last day of his stay, before anyone else was up, Mr. Collins left
Longbourn and walked to the Lucas house. charlotte saw it comingand ran to
meet him, as if by accident, on the road. This time there were no long
speeches. Charlotte was ready to accept her offer of marriage. Her parents
agreed and Mr. Collins returned to Longbourn before noon.
The Bennets noted his absence but received no explanation, even when he
went home the next day. However, when Mrs. Bennet said that she hoped to
see him again at Longbourn, she surprised them. She said that she would like
to come and stay again very soon. Mr. Bennet, not wishing for such a quick
return, asked if he thought Lady Catherine would let him out of Hunsford
again. But Mr. Collins did not seem to think this was a difficulty and, after
long speeches of thanks, he walked away.
At first, Mrs. Bennet thought he was planning to return to make an offer to
one of the younger girls. But later that day, Charlotte came to tell Elizabeth
her news, followed a little later by her father. Elizabeth was upset. How could
Charlotte accept a man like Mr. Collins? But for Mrs. Bennet it was worse.

Now she had to listen to Lady Lucas talking all the time about her daughter's
upcoming marriage. Worse still was the idea of Charlotte taking her place at
Longbourn after Mr. Bennet's death. However, her husband had a word of
comfort for her.
"Let's hope for better things, my dear," he said. "Maybe you can die before

Chapter 8

If Elizabeth was upset about Charlotte's marriage, Jane was much more
upset about the events in Netherfield. Shortly after the ball, Bingley had to go
to London. Then Jane got a letter from Caroline Bingley. She said her
brother's business was taking longer than expected. She and her sister had left
Netherfield to join him.
This was bad news. But the second letter brought worse things. The
Bingleys would not return that year. She said that her brother was sorry that
she hadn't had time to see her friends before she left. She also mentioned
Darcy's sister. He clearly expected Bingley to marry her.
A few days passed before Jane showed this letter to her sister. "I'll forget it
in the end," she said. “There is nothing to blame him for. If I imagined
stronger feelings from his side, the fault is mine.”
"It's not your fault," Elizabeth said angrily.
"Please, Lizzy," said Jane. “You only hurt me more by blaming him. You
can't expect a vivacious young man to always be so careful about other
people's feelings."
“I do not accuse Bingley of trying to deceive you, only of weakness. He is
too influenced by his sister and Mr. Darcy.She wants him to marry Miss
Darcy. Also, Miss Bingley wants to marry Mr. Darcy. She thinks that one
marriage can lead to another.He followed his brother to London to persuade
him not to return."
Elizabeth did not continue. She knew it was painful. But her mother never
stopped talking about it.
Mr. Bennet treated the matter lightly. “So, Lizzy,” he said, “I hear your
sister is disappointed in love. But she shouldn't regret it. She makes a girl
interesting to her friends. Maybe you could arrange for the same thing to
happen to you. There are enough officers in town to disappoint every girl in
the country. Wickham could be your man. He would admirably disappoint

In fact, Wickham tried to make Jane feel better. Everything he had told
Elizabeth about Darcy before, he now told the others. It was his opinion that
Darcy was the real cause of Jane's disappointment. Help also came from Mrs.
Bennet's brother and his wife who came as usual to spend Christmas with
them. Mr. Gardiner, the London merchant, was an educated man, very
different from his sister.His wife was also a sensible woman who had always
been close to Jane and Elizabeth.After describing the latest London fashions,
he had to listen to all their problems.
“I don't blame Jane,” said Mrs. Bennet, “because she would have caught
Mr. Bingley if she could. But Lizzie! It makes me angry to think that now she
could have been Mrs. Collins. The result is that the Lucases, who always think
of themselves before others, will now have a daughter married before me. But
I am very happy to hear what you have to say about long sleeves.”

Later, alone with Elizabeth, Mrs. Gardiner said, “I'm sorry for Jane, but
these things happen. Poor girl, she gets hurt easily.. Do you think it would
help her to come back to us and stay in London for a while?However, you
must not think that you are likely to see this young man. We live in a very
different part of town and we don't know the same people."
"So much the better," said Elizabeth, though she could not think that
Bingley's love was dead.
"Miss Bingley will break off your friendship," replied Elizabeth.
That week, among the daily dinner guests, the most common was Mr.
Wickham. Mrs. Gardiner couldn't help but notice how much he and Elizabeth
were together.
"You're too sensible, Lizzy, to fall in love just because someone warns you
not to," he said. “So I'm not afraid to ask you to be careful. I have nothing to
say against Mr. Wickham, he seems like an interesting young man. And if he
had money, I don't think you could do better. But two people without money
would not make a good marriage."
"My dear aunt, you are very serious."
"Yes, and I hope you are serious too."
“Well then, don't be afraid. I am currently not in love with him. But he is
by far the most attractive man I have ever met. And where there is love, you
know, young people are rarely held back by lack of money. How can I
promise to be wiser than the rest? But yeah, I'll be careful.

Shortly after Jane and the Gardiners left for London, Charlotte and Mr.
Collins were married. Before leaving, Charlotte asked Elizabeth to be hers and

stay with her in the spring. Elizabeth did not refuse, but she did not expect
pleasure from a stay with Mr. Collins.
Letters arrived from Jane in London. She had visited Caroline Bingley. But
it was four weeks before Miss Bingley called on her. The visit was brief and
the visitor's attitude made it clear that her friendship would not continue. Even
Jane could no longer help seeing Miss Bingley's true character. Jane's
unhappiness was obvious, and Elizabeth was worried.
Meanwhile, Wickham's interest in Elizabeth had waned. He now admired
another girl.The reason for his admiration was the £10,000 he had just
received from his grandfather. But Elizabeth refused to be upset about this.
She knew that he would have chosen her if she had had £10,000.It was natural
for a young man like him to marry for money and gain independence, said.
She didn't stop to think how different her opinion of Charlotte had been in the
same situation.
March came and the visit to Hunsford was spoken of again. By then,
Elizabeth felt ready to see Charlotte again., although they would also goSir
William and Maria, Charlotte's sister.I'd have to listen to their empty
conversation in the carriage. But they would spend a night in London at her
uncle's, and she would see Jane.
Jane seemed glad to see them, though her aunt said she was often very
unhappy. Mrs. Gardiner also found time to talk to Elizabeth about Wickham.
“I would be sorry if I was only interested in the money,” he said. "He didn't
pay attention to this girl before."
“If she doesn't care about her attention, why should we?A man without
money cannot always behave as we would like. I'm tired of educated youth.
Thank God I'm leaving tomorrow to stay with Mr. Collins! In the end, stupid
men are the only ones worth knowing."
"Take care, Lizzy," said her aunt. "That sounds like a disappointment." But
seeing that her niece was upset, she said that Mr. Gardiner was planning a trip
to the Lakes in the summer. Would he like to join them? She gladly accepted.
Seeing the lakes had long been her life's dream.
The next day,Hunsford appeared just as described. Mr. Collins
immediately took them on a tour of the house. As he spoke, Elizabeth felt that
he was directing his comments particularly at her. Perhaps she wanted her to
feel what she had lost by rejecting him. At dinner, Rosings was the main topic
of her talk. “On Sunday you will have the honor of seeing Lady Catherine in
church,” she said. Needless to say, you will love her mannerisms. She behaves
very well with my dear Charlotte.

The next morning, Elizabeth was in her room when she heard Maria knock
excitedly at the door.“Oh, my dear Eliza, come to the window!There is such a
sight to be seen.”
He followed her and saw two ladies in the light carriage talking to the
Collinses at the garden gate.
"That is all?" Elizabeth exclaimed. “I was hoping at least that the pigs had
gotten into the garden. Who are they?"
"Well," said Maria, "it must be Miss de Bourgh and Mrs. Jenkinson who
look after her." She just look at her. She didn't expect her to be so cowardly
and pale."
“She is very rude to keep Charlotte outside in this cold wind. Why doesn't
she come in?
“Oh, Charlotte says she almost never does. It's a great honor when she
walks in,” Maria said.
Elizabeth began to think about this sickly girl with the grumpy eyes. Yes,
she would be the perfect wife for Mr. Darcy.
At last the carriage started up and Mr. Collins entered, rubbing his hands
together with delight."We're all invited to dinner tomorrow," he said. “Who
could have expected such attention so soon after your arrival? This is true
courtesy of De Bourgh”.

Chapter 9
in roses

All the next day Mr. Collins could speak of nothing but Rosings. “Don't
worry too much about your dress," she said. Lady Catherine will not think ill
of you for dressing simply. She likes itsee a difference in clothing between the
different ranks of society.” Even when all the ladies had gone to his rooms, he
came several times to their doors telling them to hurry up. Lady Catherine did
not like being kept waiting. The result was that Maria arrived at the big house
in a state of terror, and even her father felt nervous.
They passed through the entrance hall, where Mr. Collins unnecessarily
pointed to the high ceiling and several large statues. They then followed the
servants through a smaller room into a huge living room,where Lady de
Bourgh, her daughter, and Mrs. Jenkison sat.
His hostess was a tall, corpulent woman with a strong-willed face. She did
little to make her visitors feel at home or to forget her lowest place in society.
She spoke like someone who she knew was right.And each comment showed

a strong belief in its own importance.Wickham's description had been correct.
Her daughter was quite different. She seemed characterless. She spoke little
and, when she did, she had nothing interesting to say.
The dinner was grand with all the servants and silver plates that Mr.
Collins had promised.. She sat at the end of the table across from Lady
Catherine and loudly praised each course as soon as she appeared. Elizabeth
wondered how Lady Catherine could bear such praise. But this was something
she never tired of. There was little actual conversation. MrsJenkinsonhe spent
the whole time trying to get Miss de Bourgh to eat, Mary was still too
frightened to speak, and Sir William merely repeated Mr. Collins's praise.
As the ladies left the gentlemen and returned to the drawing room, there
was nothing to do but listen to Lady Catherine speak. This he did nonstop,
giving her opinions and advice on everything. He finally turned his attention
to Elizabeth. How many sisters did she have? How old is she? Was it likely
that they would marry? were they handsome? Where had they been educated?
What carriage did her father have? Elizabeth felt the impoliteness of her
questions, but she answered without showing her feelings.
Lady Catherine was not entirely satisfied with the education of the Bennet
girls. “No teacher? How was that possible? Four daughters raised at home
without a teacher? Never heard of such a thing. Who taught you then? Who
attended you?
"We were always encouraged to read," replied Elizabeth, "and those who
chose to be lazy were lazy."
“Yes, without a doubt, that is what a teacher must prevent. If he had known
your mother, he would have strongly advised her to get one.It is remarkable
how many families I have helped in this way.I have placed four of Mrs.
Jenkinson's nieces with good families.. Mr. Collins, did I tell you that Lady
Metcalf called yesterday to thank me? She finds Miss Pope a treasure. "Lady
Catherine she," she said, "she, she has given me a treasure."
When the gentlemen joined the ladies again, the company sat down to play
cards.Little was said at Elizabeth's table. But at the other table, her hostess
was back to talking most of the time, mostly about the other player's
mistakes.Mr. Collins talked the rest of the time, agreeing with Lady
Catherine, thanking her for every point she earned and apologizing if she
earned too many. Sir William still spoke little. He was too busy storing up
things to remember about life in Rosings in his mind to tell his family about it.
When the de Bourghs grew tired of playing cards, a carriage was ordered and
their guests dismissed.

In the carriage, Mr. Collins asked Elizabeth about her evening. For
Charlotte's sake, he tried to make her seem nicer than she really had been. But
even this did not satisfy him, and he continued to speak of Lady Catherine's
courtesy until bedtime.

Sir William left after a week, and the Collinses and their remaining guests
settled in the quiet country life of Hunsford. Mr. Collins spent much of his
time gardening, and when Miss de Bourgh passed by, he excitedly called out
to the others.
Sometimes Lady Catherine herself called. During these visits she would
ask them what they were doing, she would advise them to do it differently,
she would try to rearrange the furniture or scold the maid. Rosings gave
Elizabeth little pleasure, but she found life quite pleasant.
Just before Easter he learned that Lady Catherine was expecting guests: her
nephews, Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam. It would be interesting to see
Darcy with Miss de Bourgh. He would show if Wickham was right about the
plan for them to marry.The arrival of the visitors was reported by Mr. Collins,
who had spent the whole morning walking up the road to bow to his carriage
when it appeared. The next day he hurried off to Rosings, eager to show his
An hour later, Charlotte glanced out the window and was amazed to see
him return with Lady Catherine's two visitors. "I must thank you for this,
Eliza," she said. "Mr. Darcy would not have come so soon to visit me."
Colonel Fitzwilliam was the youngest son of a gentleman: a man of about
thirty, not handsome,but a gentleman in every way. He spoke easily and
kindly,and thus made up for her cousin's silence, though Darcy did ask
Elizabeth about her family. In answering, she mentioned that her sister was in
London and asked if he had seen her. She noticed that he looked a bit
confused when he said no.
Two days later they were invited to Rosings. It was obvious that they were
no longer as welcome as before, when they were the only company; and Lady
Catherine talked most of the time with Darcy. However, Fitzwilliam was glad
to see them. Life in Rosings was boring for him. He much preferred talking to
Mrs. Collins's beautiful friend.In fact, they talked with such enthusiasm that
her aunt finally turned around.
What are you saying, Fitzwilliam? she said. "What are you talking about?
What are you telling Miss Bennet? Let me hear what is she? "We're talking
about music, ma'am," the colonel said.

"About music! Then speak louder. It is my greatest delight. I must join in
the talk if you are talking about music. There can be few people who enjoy
music more than I do."How's Georgiana doing, Darcy? Darcy replied that her
sister was making progress.
“Tell him from me that he can't expect to be any good unless he practices
hard. I have told Miss Bennet this several times. You are welcome to come
here every day and play the piano in Mrs. Jenkinson's room. He wouldn't get
in the way of anyone in that part of the house.
Darcy seemed embarrassed by this comment, and her aunt moved on to
other topics. But when Elizabeth began to play later, he moved away from the
others and sat behind her.
"You're trying to scare me, Mr. Darcy, by coming to hear my play," he
"Scare you? I think sometimes you enjoy expressing opinions that you
don't have,” she said.
Elizabeth laughed and said to Fitzwilliam, “Your cousin means that you
must not believe a word I say. What bad luck to find someone who discovers
my true character here, where I hoped to be believed. But it is unwise of you
to do so, Mr. Darcy. I can say things about you that will shock your relatives.”
"Tell me more," Fitzwilliam said. “I would like to know how he behaves
among strangers.”
Then you will. But prepare for something bad. I met your cousin at a
dance. And in this dance you know what she did she? he only
he danced twice, although there were more ladies than
men.” "I didn't know any ladies there," Darcy said.
"Of course, no one can be introduced at a dance."
"It's not easy for me to talk to strangers." "Should
we ask the reason for this?" Elizabeth said.
Fitzwilliam smiled. "We won't try," he said.
Elizabeth continued, "If I don't play the piano well, isn't it because I don't
practice enough?"
"Okay," Darcy said, laughing. "I understand. Bring me ladies and I will
practice to please them."
Several times during the evening Elizabeth observed Darcy's attitude
towards Miss de Bourgh. He showed no sign of any love interest in her. She
began to think that Miss Bingley did not need to give up hope just yet.

The next morning, Elizabeth was home alone writing a letter when the
doorbell rang. Thinking that she might be Lady Catherine, she put the letter

away to avoid her questions. But it was Darcy, alone, who appeared. He
seemed just as shocked as she was, saying that he thought the other ladies
were into her too. Then he sat down and there was a short conversation
followed by silence. He finally started talking about the Collinses and how
lucky Charlotte was to be so close to her family.
"Close?" Elizabeth said. It's almost fifty miles.
What is fifty miles of good road? Just a half day trip.
"I still wouldn't say that Charlotte settled down close to her family."
"I suppose," continued Darcy, "that you would not like to live so far from
Elizabeth couldn't understand where this conversation was leading, but was
saved from an answer by the return of Charlotte and Maria. darcyHe stayed a
few more minutes and then left.
"What does this mean?" Charlotte asked as soon as she was gone. "My
Eliza, he must be in love with you, or he would never have called you that.
But when Elizabeth told her about her silence, she agreed that it wasn't very
likely. Nevertheless,Darcy continued to visit her, though always with her
cousin. Fitzwilliam, attracted to Elizabeth, clearly enjoyed these occasions.
But why did Darcy come?

Chapter 10
This is Mr. Darcy speaking

One day, as Elizabeth was walking through Rosings Park as she usually
did, she heard footsteps behind her. She looked around her and was glad she
didn't see Darcy, as she feared, but Colonel Fitzwilliam.
"So, are you leaving on Saturday?" she asked.
“Yes, if Darcy doesn't change her mind again. He arranges things as he
“I don't know anyone who enjoys pleasuring himself more than Mr.
Darcy,” Elizabeth said.
"We don't all do it, when we can," Fitzwilliam responded. “It's just easier
to do it when, like him, you're rich. Those of us who are poor have to do what
others want.” Elizabeth laughed. “Surely the sons of lords do not need to
suffer too much. Seriously, does lack of money really stop you from doing
what you want?
“Not in small things. In larger ones, younger children can suffer. They can't
always marry who they like."

"Unless they like rich women, which is often the case."
"Men in my social rank," Fitzwilliam said, "often don't have the luxury of
getting married without thinking about money."
Is this, Elizabeth thought, "meaningful to me?" Not wanting him to think
that she was affected by her comment, she laughed and continued, “But if
your cousin needs someone to boss around, I'm surprised he doesn't get
married. However, he has a sister. Since she is under her care, he can tell her
to do whatever she wants.”
"Oh, but you're wrong"Fitzwilliam said. “He has to share the care of his
sister with me. Her father left Darcy and I in charge of her.”
“And she gives you a lot of trouble? Young women her age are not always
easy to control. If she is a true Darcy, she would also like to please herself.”
As she spoke, Elizabeth saw Fitzwilliam looking at her very seriously. She
realized that she had accidentally gotten too close to the truth.
"But I'm sure she's lovely," she continued. She seems a great favorite with
some ladies I know, Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley.

"His brother is a great friend of Darcy's."

“Oh yes,” said Elizabeth, “Mr. Darcy is a great friend of Mr. Bingley and
he takes very good care of him.”
“Well, yes,” Fitzwilliam said. "Because of something Darcy said, I think he
really cares about it."
"What do you mean?"
"I heard you saved Bingley from a reckless marriage."
Elizabeth was silent. So she said, “Why should your cousin decide what is
good for his friend? We can only assume that Mr. Bingley was not very much
in love.
"It's very possible," Fitzwilliam replied, "but it would make my cousin's
success seem so much less."
Her partner left her at home with a lot to think about. She now knew that it
was Darcy who had destroyed her sister's hopes and not Miss Bingley.. Jane
herself could not have been the reason for Darcy's actions. It was his own
pride. She couldn't allow his friend to marry into a family he despised. These
thoughts gave him a headache.He couldn't go with his cousins to tea at

Alone in the house later that night, she heard the doorbell ring. To her
astonishment, Darcy entered. After hurriedly asking him how he was feeling,

he began pacing the room. Then, suddenly turning around, he said in a voice
he could barely control, “I've fought my feelings, but it's useless. I have to tell
you that I love you."
Elizabeth's astonishment was now complete.She could only sit there
helplessly as Darcy asked her to marry him.He spoke well, but not in a way
that could persuade her. She talked about her feelings that her family was not
the same as hers. He said a lot about how he had tried to fight her love for her.
He spoke, too, of her anxiety, but Elizabeth saw no sign of it. She didn't seem
to expect a negative
When she had finished, she said:“It is customary to thank gentlemen who
come with an offer of marriage, because it is a great honor for a lady. But in
this case I don't think she can. I have never asked for your love, and you really
don't want to give it to me. I'm sorry to cause anyone unhappiness, and I can
only hope yours won't last long."
Darcy leaned against the fireplace. Her face was pale with anger. For some
moments he was unable to speak. He finally said, “Is that your only answer?
Or can't I know why you reject me?
"I might just as well ask," Elizabeth said, "why you chose to insult me by
saying that you love me against your will." But I have other reasons. you
know I have Even if she had loved you, do you think she would have accepted
the man who ruined my sister's happiness? You know you separated her from
Mr. Bingley.
He paused to see the effect of his words., but he showed no signs of shame
or sadness. I have no desire to deny it. I can only say that I have been kinder
to my friend than to myself."
"But this is not all. Long before I knew what I had done to my sister I knew
what I had done to Mr. Wickham. Can you deny that you have destroyed his
"You take a great interest in that gentleman's affairs," Darcy said, less
calmly than before.
"Anyone who knows of his misfortunes cannot help but take an interest in
"Your misfortunes!" Darcy said with a bitter laugh. “Oh yes, his
misfortunes have been really great. And this is your opinion of me. She could
have pretended that she loved you without saying anything else. But I hate to
hide my feelings, and I'm not ashamed of them. Could you expect me to be
pleased with your relatives, whose rank in life is far below mine?

Elizabeth had to control her anger: “There was no way you could have
made me accept you. From our first meeting I was impressed by your pride,
your conceit, your disregard for the feelings of others.I was pretty sure from
the start that you were the last man on earth I'd want to marry..
“Enough has been said,” Darcy said. "I understand your feelings for me,
and I can only be ashamed of the feelings I have for you." With those words
he left.
Elizabeth cried for half an hour. Her astonishment, however, grew. She
couldn't understand how she had affected Darcy in such a way. The next day,
she woke up still feeling upset. After breakfast, she took a walk along the
edge of the park, not wanting to meet anyone. But when she stopped by the
door, Darcy appeared with a letter in her hand, which she put into his
hands.He bowed and put it down, while she opened it right there with
trembling hands and read:

Don't be afraid I'll repeat the offer I made you last night. I don't want to
bother you or seem silly. It is better to forget my hopes. But since you made
certain observations about my actions and my character, you must allow me to
answer them.
He accuses me of two things: first, that I separated Mr. Bingley from his
sister without thinking of his feelings; secondly, and worse still, that I was
unfair to Mr. Wickham.I hope that when I have explained it to you, you will
no longer blame me for either of them. But if I hurt you again, I can only say
that I must be honest.
I saw from the start that Bingley had a crush on your sister. But it was only
at the Netherfield ball that I realized how far things had gone. A comment
from Sir William Lucas showed me that everyone expected him to marry. Nor
did I notice in your sister any sign of love for my friend. Maybe he was
wrong; but although she seemed to enjoy my friend's company, she didn't
seem to love him.
There were other reasons why I acted as I did. Your family's position in
society is one. This didn't seem to bother my friend as much as it did me. But
also, it pains me to say this, I often found the manners of your mother, your
younger sisters, and sometimes even your father, difficult to accept.
After my friend left for London, I talked to his sisters. Seeing that we
thought the same, we decided to follow him. There I pointed out the
disadvantages of marrying his sister.They did not influence him. But when I
told her my opinion about your sister's feelings, she decided not to go back to

I don't know what Mr. Wickham has accused me of. So I'd better explain to
him that his father was an honest man who served my father well. Since my
father had a good opinion of his son, he gave him a gentleman's education,
with the intention that he would enter the Church. But I was the same age and
knew him better. I could see that he was bad from the beginning.
When my father died, he left Mr. Wickham £1,000, and asked me to give
him a good post in the Church, as soon as he was free. But Mr. Wickham did
not think he was fit for the Church, and I agreed. He suggested that he should
give her money to study bass in his place, and I agreed to this too. He went to
London, where he spent the money on a wild life. Then two years later he
came to me and asked for that place in the Church. I refused, and he turned
insulting. I didn't see him again until last summer at Meryton.
There's something else you should know about Mr. Wickham, but it must
be a secret.. When my father died, he left my sister in the care of Fitzwilliam
and me. About a year ago we took it out of school and put it in my house in
London. We hired a Mrs. Young to look after her. However, we did not know
that this lady ever knew Mr. Wickham. He soon became a visitor and, with the
help of Mrs. Young, set out to make my sister fall in love with him. Having
known her as a child, it wasn't too difficult for a man like him to persuade her
to run away with him. Luckily I found out in time.
Mr. Wickham's target was, of course, my sister's money. But revenge must
have been on his mind as well.
This is the story of my dealings with Mr. Wickham. If in doubt, you can
approach Colonel Fitzwilliam, who will tell you the same thing.
Fitzwilliam Darcy.
Elizabeth read this letter with growing astonishment. She didn't think he
would have thought his sister wasn't in love with Bingley. And other reasons
for breaking off her friendship infuriated her. She showed no regret for
anything she had done.
But when he spoke of Wickham, his feelings were confused. She wanted
not to believe him, but as she reread the letter, it became harder and harder for
her to blame him. True, he didn't give any proof of her accusation against
Wickham, but she couldn't prove him wrong either. She tried to remember
examples of Wickham's good deeds or kind words, but she could only
remember good manners.
When she read about Darcy's sister, she remembered her conversation with
Fitzwilliam. He, too, remembered how Wickham had boasted that Darcy
would not keep him from the Netherfield ball.However, he had allowed this to
happen. Furthermore, it was only after Darcy and the Bingleys had left

Netherfield that Wickham began to spread stories about him widely.As for
Darcy, although everyone agreed that he was proud,only Wickham had said it
was unfair. Elizabeth began to feel ashamed. She had always been proud of
her judgment of character and she had blamed her sister for seeing only the
good. But who had been more blind?
Thinking of Jane brought her back to the letter. At least, this part of her
explanation was unbelievable. But when she reread it again, she felt insecure.
Charlotte had also seen what Darcy described. Jane didn't show her feelings
openly. As for the comments about her family, these hurt. But could she deny
Thinking these thoughts, he walked for two hours before returning home.
There she learned that Darcy and his cousin had called to say goodbye, but
they couldn't stay.

I. Understanding Check

1. Please choose the correct item.

1. Lady Catherine lived in...
a) Longbourn; b) roses; c) Hunsford.

2. Colonel Fitzwilliam was Lady Catherine's father...

a brother; b) uncle; c) nephew.

3. ...were Miss Darcy's guardians.

a) Mr. Darcy and Mr. Collins;
b) Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham;
c) Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam.
4. When Lady Catherine's nephews arrived, the Collinses and Elizabeth,
although invited to Rosings, were...
a) as welcome there as before; b) more welcome than before;
c) less welcome than before.

5. Elizabeth thought Darcy was proud, cocky, and...

a) careless; b) smart; c) ingenious.

6. After Elizabeth reread Darcy's letter, she felt...

a) had been blind;b) insecure; c) Darcy was not writing the truth.

2. Say “true”, “false” or “I don't know”.
1. Mr. Collins thought that Elizabeth's unwillingness to accept him made
her less attractive.(F)
2. There was only one reason for Mr. Collins to get married.(T)
3. Mr. Collins liked the fact that Elizabeth wouldn't listen to other people
who know more.(DON'T KNOW)
4. Mrs. Bennet accepted the fact that Elizabeth would not marry Mr.
Collins with perfect calm.(F)
5. Charlotte was not witty at all.(DON'T KNOW)
6. Wickham knew a great deal about music and literature.(F)
7. Mrs. Gardiner thought that Jane might see Mr. Bingley in London.(T)
8. Elizabeth did not want to join the Gardiners on their trip to Lakes.(F)
9. Mr Collins never spoke of Rosings after Elizabeth came to Hunsford.
10. Elizabeth was very fond of Lady Catherine and her daughter.(F)

3. Put the sentences in the correct order to describe Elizabeth's stay in

1. The travelers spend a night in London at Elizabeth's uncle's house.1
2. Lady Catherine asks a lot of questions and gives a lot of advice.3
3. Both Darcy and Fitzwilliam show a lot of interest in Elizabeth.. 5
4. Darcy brings Elizabeth a letter.eleven
5. Lady Catherine's nephews arrive at Rosings.6
6. Mr. Collins takes his guests on a tour of his home.8
7. Mr. Darcy heads to Hunsford and has a conversation with Elizabeth.10
8. Darcy talks about his love for Elizabeth.9
9. Elizabeth is ready to go to Hunsford accompanied by Sir William and
10. Mr. Collins and his guests are invited to dinner at Rosings.two
11. Colonel Fitzwillam tells Elizabeth some facts about Darcy and her
sister.. 4

4. Say who in Part II is characterized in this way:

1. He is too influenced by his sister and Mr. Darcy.BINGLEY
2. He is a man of about thirty, not handsome but a gentleman in every
3. She is a woman who speaks as if she knows she is right.LADY

4. She is a sensible woman who has always been close to Jane and
5. She is a girl without character, who speaks little and when she does, she
has nothing interesting to say.MISS DE BOURGH
6. He likes to see a difference in clothing between the different ranks of
7. She is a girl who gets hurt easily.JANE
8. She is an unhealthy girl with a short-tempered look.
9. She is a tall, corpulent woman with a strong-willed face.LADY

5. Answer the following questions.

1. What made Mr. Collins propose to Charlotte? How did the members of
the Bennet family accept that news?
2. There were a lot of disappointments at Meryton that season, weren't
there? Why was Elizabeth upset?
3. Where did Jane spend the winter? What made you accept Mrs.
Gardiner's invitation? Did she get to see any members of the Bingley
family? Which it was the result?JANE SPENT THE WINTER IN THE

4. When did Elizabeth go to Hunsford? What were her first impressions of

her house, of her host? How were they received at Rosings? How did
the guests feel during the visit? How was the hostess? What was her
daughter like? What did Lady Catherine prefer to talk about?

WERE RECEIVED IN THE WAY HE SAW two ladies in the light
carriage talking to the Collinses at the garden gate. , LADY

5. What kind of life did the Collinses and their guests lead after Sir
William's departure? Who came to visit Lady Catherine before Easter?
What astonished Charlotte when Mr. Collins returned home after
showing her respect for Lady Catherine's visits? What was Colonel
Fitzwilliam like? What did Darcy and Elizabeth talk about during the
gentlemen's visit?settled in the quiet country life of Hunsford. Mr.
Collins spent much of his time gardening, EXPECTING GUESTS
WERE Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam, CHARLOTTE WAS
6. When did the invitation to visit Rosings arrive again? Were the guests
received in the same way as before? What was the difference? How did
Lady Catherine participate in the talk about music? What was Mr.
Darcy's interest in Miss de Bourgh? How often did Fitzwilliam and
Darcy visit the Collinses? In your opinion, what made your visits so
frequent?The new invitation came two days later, and they were not
received in a good way as before, the difference was that they were
their only company, Lady Catherine participated saying that she wanted
to listen eagerly to Ms. Darcy and that she should practice more, mr.
Darcy showed no interest in Ms. From bourgh, they visited them often,
the reason was miss. Elizabeth
7. What did Fitzwilliam tell Elizabeth about Darcy and her sister? about
Mr. Bingley? What made Elizabeth stay at Hunsford and not go to tea
at Rosings with her cousin? Who visited her that day?
That their father from Darcy entrusted them with the security of Ms.
Darcy, about mr. Bingley was that Darcy got in the way of his sister's
marriage to bingley, the reason he stayed was that mr. Darcy showed up
to talk to her about her feelings.

8. In what way did Mr. Darcy talk about his love for Elizabeth? Did you
expect a negative? Was he angry when he received one? How did
Elizabeth explain her refusal to him?I speak in an honest and sincere
way, she did not expect a refusal, she did not get angry, she only felt
disappointed in him, that she could not reciprocate as a couple because
she sensed that it was not going to be an honest love.
9. How did Elizabeth feel after Darcy left? Where and when did she meet
him later? What did she give Isabel? What were the main points
mentioned in the letter? How did Darcy explain the fact that he had
separated Mr. Bingley and Jane? What did he write in his letter about
Mr. Wickham?He felt very bad to the point of crying, the important
points were his because the reason convinced his friend Mr. Bingley
that he does not marry his sister jane, he had said that jane's feelings
towards his friend were not honest enough, that he wanted to run away
with mr. Darcy for his fortune
10. How did Elizabeth feel when reading the letter? What were her feelings
when she read what Darcy had written about Wickham? What made
Elizabeth choose to believe in Darcy and feel ashamed? How did
Elizabeth's opinion of Darcy's explanation about Jane change after
rereading the letter? What did she learn when she returned after a two
hour walk?Elizabeth felt insecure, her feelings confused. She wanted
not to believe him, but as she reread the letter, it became more and more
difficult for her to blame him, the reason was that Mr. Darcy was very
honest, she realized because she could say that her sister was not in love
with Mr. Bingley

6. Add more details to these.

1. The next day, Mr. Collins asked Elizabeth to marry him.To reach the
day that had been given
2. “You have a difficult choice: If you reject Mr. Collins, your mother will
not speak to you. If you accept it, I will not speak to you.It was because
she was thinking of marrying mr collins
3. Charlotte was kind enough to sit and listen to Mr. Collins.She had her
own reasons for behaving the way she did. I was going to do Elizabeth
a favor.
4. Elizabeth was upset about Charlotte's marriage.Because she couldn't
believe she married him

5. Jane was upset about the events in Netherfield.because mr. Bingley left
her a letter saying he wouldn't be back for another year and they
wouldn't get married.
6. Help came from Mr. Bennet's brother and his wife, who came as usual
to spend Christmas at Longbourn.It was the Gardiner family who were
with them
7. Mrs. Gardiner couldn't help noticing how closely Mr. Wickham and
Elizabeth were together.Since Elizabeth was very interested in the
8. Meanwhile, Wickham's interest in Elizabeth had waned.Since he had
been interested in another girl for money
9. March came and the visit to Hunsford was spoken of again.And they
went to hunsford to visit lady catherine
10. We are invited to dinner at Rosings tomorrow.
It was an invitation where Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam were also

II. discussing the text

1. Tell why in Part II:

1. Elizabeth rejected Mr. Collins.His proposals did not convince him and
neither did his reasons for getting married.
2. Mr. Collins was determined not to return to Hunsford before the day he
had planned;because Lady Catherine had told him that he must arrive
with the woman he was to marry
3. Charlotte was eager to sit and listen to Mr. Collins whenever he wanted
to talk to her;because charlote showed interest in him
4. Elizabeth decided to visit Hunsford; because she was going to see
charlotte again
5. Elizabeth does not like Lady Catherine and her daughter;they criticized
her a lot for her education
6. Mr. Darcy and his relative visited Hunsford so often; because Elizabeth
was staying there
7. Elizabeth rejected Mr. Darcy;because she thought he was making fun of
8. Elizabeth began to have doubts about Mr. Wickham;because what Darcy
had said in the letter made a lot of sense
9. Elizabeth began to change her opinion of Mr. Darcy.Since he showed
himself as a sincere and direct person

2. Say:
1. what happened at Longbourn which disillusioned Mrs. Bennet;he found
out that Charlotte was going to marry mr. collins that made him lose
2. what happened to Mr. Collins after Elizabeth rejected him;he proposed
to charlotte
3. how Mr. Bennet dealt with the fact that the Bingleys did not return that
year;I don't take much importance to it, bone I treat the matter lightly
4. who tried to help Jane get over her disappointment in love and how they
did it;Elizabeth and the gardiners, they achieved it by moving away from
the city and not having communication with people in common.
5. how Elizabeth came to terms with the fact that Wickham's interest in her
had waned;because wickham noticed another woman with much more
6. what hit Elizabeth in Lady Catherine; I hide a letter thatelizabeth was
7. what was unusual about Darcy's comments about Charlotte when he had
a conversation with Elizabeth at Hunsford;He started talking about the
Collinses and how lucky Charlotte was to be so close to her family.
8. what made Darcy write to Elizabeth and what the letter was about.It was
because he was leaving town and wanted to clear everything up.

5. Compare these characters:

1. Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam; They were cousins and they
were in charge of protecting Ms. Darcy
two. Elizabeth and Charlotte; both were relatives of charlotte
3. Lady Catherine and her daughter. They belonged to royalty


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