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International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, 1–7

doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy167
Original article

Original article

Differential vulnerability and susceptibility: how

to make use of recent development in our
understanding of mediation and interaction to
tackle health inequalities
Finn Diderichsen,1,2* Johan Hallqvist3 and Margaret Whitehead4
Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of
Saúde Coletiva, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Recife, PE, Brazil, 3Department of Public Health and Caring
Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden and 4Department of Public Health and Policy,
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
*Corresponding author. Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 2014 København
K; Denmark. E-mail:
Editorial decision 3 July 2018; Accepted 10 July 2018

This paper discusses the concepts of vulnerability and susceptibility and their relevance
for understanding and tackling health inequalities. Tackling socioeconomic inequalities
in health is based on an understanding of how an individual’s social position influences
disease risk. Conceptually, there are two possible mechanisms (not mutually exclusive):
there is either some cause(s) of disease that are unevenly distributed across socioeco-
nomic groups (differential exposure) or the effect of some cause(s) of disease differs
across groups (differential effect). Since differential vulnerability and susceptibility
are often used to denote the latter, we discuss these concepts and their current use
and suggest an epidemiologically relevant distinction. The effect of social position can
thus be mediated by causes that are unevenly distributed across social groups and/or
interact with social position. Recent improvements in the methodology to estimate
mediation and interaction have made it possible to calculate measures of relevance
for setting targets and priorities in policy for health equity which include both mecha-
nisms, i.e. equalize exposure or equalize effects. We finally discuss the importance of
differential susceptibility and vulnerability for the choice of preventive strategies, includ-
ing approaches that target high-risk individuals, whole populations and vulnerable

Key words: Health equity, disease susceptibility, vulnerability, socioeconomic factors, public health policy

C The Author(s) 2018; all rights reserved. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association
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2 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, Vol. 0, No. 0

Key Messages

• Priority setting for tackling health inequalities could benefit from estimating both differential exposure to and differen-

tial effects of mediators.

• New methodologies have been developed that make it possible to decompose the effect of social position on health

into four components of mediation and interaction.

• Knowledge of differential susceptibility can be used to target susceptible groups, but also to identify exposures where

a general reduction of exposure would benefit more susceptible and often less privileged groups.
• Knowledge of differential vulnerability and identification of vulnerable groups and communities is on the other hand

essential for decisions on allocation of resources that can widen the capabilities for action.

Introduction applied methodologies vary greatly. Assumptions are often

Tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health is based on an made that effects, at least in relative terms, are the same
understanding of how an individual’s socioeconomic posi- across socioeconomic groups13 (which means that they
tion (SEP) influences risk of disease and consequences of dis- might differ in absolute terms).
ease. Whereas the latter is strongly influenced by the health The potential relevance of differential effect for under-
care system, the former is generated by exposure to causes of standing health inequalities and for making the policies to
disease. There are here, in theory, two possible mechanisms tackle them was raised several years ago14,15 and was
(not mutually exclusive): there are either some cause(s) of pointed out by the World Health Organization (WHO) in
disease that are unevenly distributed across socioeconomic the work on social determinants of health.16 There exists,
groups (differential exposure); or the effect of some cause(s) however, in the literature a certain confusion about both
differs across groups (differential effect, often called differen- conceptual issues and the methods used to estimate these
tial vulnerability or susceptibility, as discussed below). The mechanisms. The aim of this paper is therefore to contribute
first mechanism has been extensively studied, but the second to the discussion of both the theoretical and the methodolog-
has been subject to much less theoretical analysis and empiri- ical issues involved, to suggest the use of new methodologies
cal research. Yet it might play an important role and have developed on how to estimate mediation and interaction,
distinct implications for preventive health policies. and to discuss the implications for public health policy.
Let us illustrate with an example from alcohol epidemiol-
ogy. It has been found that mortality rates from alcohol-
related conditions in many countries are higher in more dis- Conceptual issues: vulnerability and
advantaged groups.1 That is surprising, since high alcohol susceptibility
consumption in many of these countries is more prevalent in Most of the current studies in social epidemiology that ana-
more advantaged groups.2 The question is then whether lyse differential effects use the term differential vulnerabil-
there exists a differential effect of alcohol in different socio- ity. The concept of vulnerability is however also used by
economic groups. Recently a Danish cohort study3 found many other very different disciplines, ranging from bioethics
evidence of such a differential effect. Whereas the rate dif- to environmental science, psychology and genetics.
ference among men for drinking >28 drinks per week com- Vulnerability was a key concept in an early version of the in-
pared with 0–14 drinks was 577 cases per 100 000 person- ternational bioethical guidelines for medical research, there
years of alcohol-related disease among the well-educated, used in the sense of lack of individual autonomy.17 Henk
the rate difference among those with shorter education was ten Have has recently proposed a more political analysis
866 per 100 000. This means that the differential effect can and a contextual definition, where humans are seen as vul-
be expressed as the difference in effect: 866–577 ¼ 289 nerable since they are dependent on other people. As we live
[95% confidence interval (CI) ¼ 123–457).3 Studies from in a context where resources and power are unequally dis-
Finland and England have similar findings.4,5 Some studies tributed, some people become more dependent and vulnera-
on the role of differential exposure and differential effect ble than others.18 Researchers within bioethics,
have been carried out on cardiovascular and mental health environmental sciences and some areas of epidemiology
outcomes,6–12 and in particular in the past few years more have now adopted a functional definition of vulnerability
papers have been published. But studies on differential that covers three dimensions: exposure to hazard; suscepti-
effects across socioeconomic groups are still scarce, and the bility i.e. effect of exposure; and capacity of response by

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International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, Vol. 0, No. 0 3

coping and adaptability.19–21 This definition has recently after the first efforts in social epidemiology, that VanderWeele
been used by the US Environmental Protection Agency in has presented an elegant solution on how to decompose the
their analysis of health effects of climate change.22 Here vul- health effect of an exposure (e.g. SEP) into its components cre-
nerability not only refers to individuals but also to commu- ated by mediation and interaction. Four different pathways
nities and systems. From an epidemiological perspective, are involved, each representing a mechanistic alternative.27,28
this definition is problematic since it tends to conflate expo-
i. SEP has a direct effect on disease even among those who
sure and susceptibility. Capacity of response is, however,
are not exposed to the mediator (‘controlled direct effect’).
important as a separate dimension, as it reflects power and
ii. The effect of SEP on disease is dependent on the expo-
resources to change exposures and to cope with, adapt to
sure to the mediator and vice versa; the effect of the
and recover from their effects. It raises—from an inequality
mediator is dependent on SEP, i.e. they interact, but
perspective—interesting research questions as to what deter-
SEP does not influence exposure to the mediator (‘ref-
mines people’s options and capabilities to respond and act,
erence interaction’).
and therefore has relevance for health promotion.23,24 To
iii. The effect of SEP is, as in (ii), dependent on exposure to
avoid confusion it might therefore be preferable in epidemi-
the mediator (and vice versa), but here SEP has an influ-
ology (as we will do in the rest of this paper) to use the term
ence on the exposure level of the mediator (‘mediated
differential susceptibility when referring to differential
effects. Differential vulnerability should then be used when
iv. The effect of SEP on disease is entirely mediated by dif-
it is relevant to include all three dimensions: exposure, sus-
ferential exposure to the mediator (‘pure indirect effect’).
ceptibility and capacity of response.
In epidemiology the definition of susceptibility is closely The health effect of SEP mediated by what we have called
linked to Rothman’s25 sufficient-component-cause model, differential exposure to a mediating cause is expressed by the
where component causes complement each other to generate sum of components (iii) and (iv), and differential susceptibil-
a sufficient cause. The effect of one cause depends on the ex- ity is expressed by the sum of components (ii) and (iii) —i.e.
posure to other—interacting—component causes of the same ‘portion attributable to interaction’.27 The portion eliminated
disease. Susceptibility to the health effects of one specific by removing the mediator is the sum of (ii) þ (iii) þ (iv).
cause can then be defined as the set of complementing genetic The statistical analysis of interaction still builds on some
or environmental causes sufficient to make a person contract critical assumptions such as the functional relationship or
a disease after being exposed to the specific cause.26 This def- dose-response relationship between exposure and disease
inition provides an understanding of susceptibility as condi- risk.29 The importance in mediation analysis of controlling not
tional causation and causal interaction. Whereas interaction only for exposure-outcome confounding but also for mediator-
is a clear empirical criterion for differential susceptibility, the outcome confounding has been emphasized earlier,28 but the
estimation of mediation not only reflects differential exposure fact that many mediator-outcome confounders might be influ-
but will also be influenced by differential susceptibility (as it enced by SEP might be less of a problem since the decomposi-
is often estimated by comparing the effects of exposure be- tion includes controlled direct effect and not natural direct and
fore and after adjusting for the potential mediator). indirect effects.28 A very simple calculation of the relative im-
portance of differential exposure and differential susceptibility
and the decomposition of effects is made in Box 1.
Measurement issues: interaction and Interaction analysis demands much statistical power
mediation since it depends on the number of double-exposed cases.
For priority and target setting in policies aiming at tackling Interaction analysis is in addition very sensitive to misclas-
health inequalities, different estimates are relevant. It is impor- sification of exposures, in particular when the misclassifi-
tant to be able to estimate how much of the effect of SEP on cation of one exposure is dependent on the other. In social
health would be removed if a mediating exposure is re- epidemiology it might not be unusual that a mediator is
moved—what has been called the ‘proportion eliminated’27— differentially misclassified across SEPs. The interaction ef-
or if the social distribution of the mediator is changed. But it fect will then often be underestimated.30
might also be important to estimate how much the inequality
would be reduced if an interaction between socioeconomic
position (SEP) and the mediator is removed, for example by Empirical examples and mechanisms
eliminating another interacting mediator. Achieving unbiased
estimates of mediated (indirect) effects, direct effects and Social epidemiology
effects due to interaction between SEP and mediators has, In social epidemiology the issue of differential susceptibil-
however, turned out to be difficult. It is only now, 40 years ity was raised already in the early 1970 s. Dohrenwend

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4 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, Vol. 0, No. 0

Box 1. Does differential susceptibility matter quantitatively? A theoretical but realistic example of decomposed

Let us assume we have two social groups—rich and poor. The incidence of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is 500 per
100 000 in the rich group and 1000 per 100 000 among the poor, i.e. a total effect of 500 in VanderWeele’s terminol-
ogy.27 Assume that this is partly due to differential exposure to smoking, that occurs with a prevalence of 8% and 20%
among rich and poor, respectively. We also assume that smoking has a relative risk of 3 in its effect on IHD, without
any confounding in both groups. (A relative risk that is constant across levels of other exposures is a common assump-
tion.13) This means that the rate difference is higher in the poor group since the overall incidence is higher. With this
knowledge about incidence, exposure to mediator and risk ratio (RR) for both groups, it is possible to calculate the four
components of mediation and interaction.27 Lowering exposure to smoking in the poor group, to a non-differential 8%,
reduces the incidence among the poor to 828.6 and thereby reduces the absolute inequality between rich and poor by
171.4, i.e. the total indirect effect. If we can identify and eliminate the specific causes of the increased susceptibility to
smoking among the poor, we can remove the differential susceptibility so that the poor group has the same rate differ-
ence as the rich group for the effect of smoking. That will reduce the absolute inequality by 113.3 to 386.7, i.e. by
22.7%. This reduction corresponds to the portion attributable to interaction, i.e. what we have called differential suscep-
tibility. If we equalize both exposure and susceptibility, the incidence among the poor will be reduced to 783.3 and the
inequality between rich and poor has then been reduced to 283.3, corresponding to the controlled direct effect without
any mediator involved. The reference interaction corresponds to (828.6–500) – (783.3–500) ¼ 45.3, and the mediated in-
teraction is 113.3–45.3 ¼ 68.0 per 100 000, i.e. what is left of the portion attributable to interaction when the reference
interaction is removed. The pure indirect effect can then be calculated as 171.4–68.0 ¼103.4, i.e. what is left of the total
indirect effect when mediated interaction is removed.

found in 1973 that differential exposure to stressful life Susceptibility at the molecular level
events could only partly explain social inequalities in dis- Individual variation in susceptibility to health effects of
tress,31 and that the correlation between stressor and dis- many exposures might often be genetically determined. If
tress was stronger among lower status groups. Syme and genotypes associated with diseases are unequally distrib-
Berkman32 noted in 1976 that the same social patterning uted across SEPs, they might have relevance for socioeco-
was found for many (albeit not all) diseases with very dif- nomically differential susceptibility. The relevance of this
ferent aetiology, and suggested the existence of a general- for health inequalities is however still unclear,34 and the
ized susceptibility as an explanation. Kessler33 and later few population-based studies that exist have not shown
Grzywacz et al.7 analysed more systematically both differ- any association between, for example, diabetes-related
ential exposure and differential susceptibility to stressors. polymorphisms and SEP.35 But even equally distributed
None of these early studies applied an understanding of genes are obviously of relevance if they interact with un-
susceptibility as causal interaction. That was later done by equally distributed exposures.36
Hallqvist et al.,6 and recent studies have analysed depar- The growing insights of epigenetics have, however,
ture from additivity as criterion for differential susceptibil- shifted the focus from gene sequence to gene expression.
ity,11 and some of them have applied additive hazard Environmental epigenetics has shown that a broad range
models for survival analysis.3,8,9 Many studies still com- of physical and social exposures may influence how genes
pare relative risks across socioeconomic strata.4,5,10,12,13 are regulated and modify their influence on disease aetiol-
The findings on cardiovascular outcomes are heteroge- ogy.37 Studies have, for example, shown that early child-
neous. Some find a clear differential susceptibility to the ef- hood SEP is associated with differential methylation of
fect of smoking, whereas findings for hypertension and several gene promoter regions.38,39 Even during adulthood,
body mass index (BMI) are mixed. The methodologies ap- gene expression can be modified by SES in ways that influ-
plied are, however, still very different, which might explain ence inflammatory reactions of importance for susceptibil-
some of the heterogeneities. None has so far applied ity to causes of both chronic disorders and infections.40 So
VanderWeele’s decomposition and, as a result, they cannot even if disease-related genotypes are not unequally distrib-
fully separate the effects of differential exposure and differ- uted across socioeconomic groups, epigenetically modified
ential susceptibility. gene function might be so. This leads to the hypothesis that

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International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, Vol. 0, No. 0 5

epigenetic changes might mediate the effects on health of similar equally exposed areas.45 Measures of vulnerability
SEP. An exposure-generated epigenetic change might also then include different items that represent each of the three
modify the effect of another exposure if its effect depends dimensions, but interactions between them have not been
on the expressed gene.37,41 The ability of a cell to respond studied. A similar approach has been suggested in studies
to a specific exposure such as social stress may thus be de- of the recent, alarming (and so far poorly understood) case
pendent upon the underlying epigenetic state, i.e. whether of geographical and social variations in susceptibility to
the cell is methylated in the region of the gene involved in the teratogenic effects of Zika virus. Cases of Congenital
responding to stress.41 If that response is silenced, then the Zika Syndrome including microcephaly have accumulated
organism might not react appropriately to stress exposure, in poor urban areas of North-Eastern Brazil, while cases of
and the effect of repeated or long-term exposure might Zika virus infections are spread over most of Latin
then cause allostatic load.42 America.46
While allostasis and allostatic load might be both a
cause and an effect of epigenetic changes, they might also
be a mechanism in their own right of relevance for differ- Policy implications
ential susceptibility. Allostasis refers to the multiple adap- The existence of differential susceptibility and vulnerability
tive responses to stress, including neuroendocrine, influences the choice of preventive strategies to tackle
autonomic, immunologic and metabolic mediators as well health inequalities. How different preventive programmes
as health behaviours. These responses might initially be actually impact on health inequalities depends on at least
adaptive but, repeated over a long time, they might create four aspects:15 differential implementation, i.e. how pro-
allostatic load that in itself increases the susceptibility to grammes are implemented and reach different population
further stressor exposure.36,42 With allostatic load, the groups; differential effectiveness in how an intervention
normal adaptive responses to stress are worn out or other- influences exposure to risk factors in different population
wise dysregulated. Increased susceptibility to stress then groups all reached by the same intervention; differential
occurs, not as a result of interaction between different susceptibility, i.e. how a certain change in exposure levels
mediators, but as an interaction between earlier and later translates into changing incidence of disease in different
exposure to the same or similar stressors. groups; and there might finally also be differential capabil-
ity of how different groups actually can change exposures,
and cope with them.
Vulnerability at the community level A key question in preventive policies is the balance be-
Many exposures, such as environmental air pollution and tween three options:23,47 (i) the high-risk strategy of identi-
climate change, infectious agents and social contexts, are fying and treating high-risk individuals; (ii) the population
characterized by being non-differential in the sense that ev- strategy, moving the whole distribution of exposure; and
erybody in the population are equally exposed. Their (iii) the ‘vulnerable population approach’, targeting popu-
health consequences are, however, sometimes still very un- lation groups with high levels of vulnerability including at
equally distributed across communities.22,43 The question least one of the dimensions of exposure, susceptibility and
of what makes communities vulnerable to environmental capability.24
exposures has stimulated much research. Models of both The first option—the high-risk strategy—aims at identi-
Turner et al.20 in the USA and Birkmann et al.21 in Europe fying individuals with a high level of exposure and then
apply the concept of vulnerability at the community level, treating them. If such identification is based on SCORE-
covering the three dimensions: exposure, susceptibility and charts48 or similar instruments estimating total risk of a
capability of response, including the options and ability to combination of often clustering and interacting risk fac-
change exposure or susceptibility in the population. This tors, it can be argued that this approach takes into account
aspect of capability was in focus in the United Nations the existence of differential susceptibility. Recent analysis
Development Program (UNDP)’s annual Human has shown, however, that combining SCORE estimates
Development Report in 2014, which focused on vulnera- with data on educational level significantly improves the
bility.44 The dimension of capability is, according to these discriminatory power.49 The main questions relating to eq-
models, what primarily makes vulnerability different from uity effects in clinical prevention is about differential im-
susceptibility in its policy relevance. Vulnerability has been plementation and differential effectiveness of screening,
operationalized into a mapping technology and applied in treatment and follow-up. Individual behavioural interven-
epidemiological studies that, for example, aim to under- tions require mobilization of an individual’s resources, and
stand why water-related and vector-borne diseases, such as will thus often primarily benefit those with more
Dengue fever, show a very unequal distribution between capabilities.23,50

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6 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, Vol. 0, No. 0

The second option—the population strategy—is by defi- differential vulnerability, though the empirical evidence is
nition reaching the whole population, but the differential still sparse and needs to identify for which exposures dif-
effectiveness will depend on what intervention methods are ferential vulnerability is particularly important.
chosen. Broad information campaigns on smoking, physi-
Conflict of interest: None declared.
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