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Environmental Marketing Reviewer • One recent research showed that almost 45% of

the ideas come from the employees.

Module 1: • Offering employees incentives for their
Producing Value via Innovation participation

B. Product Innovation: Framework 2. Consumers

The stage-gate process refers to a series of • The most important sources to get new product
activities involved in designing new products. development ideas.
Stage-gate recognizes that firms engage in a number • The customer knows best what they need and what
of activities between idea conception and the market they are Looking for.
launch of a product. These phases are • Recent studies have highlighted the importance of
multifunctional and require interaction among focusing on lead users.
marketing, R&D, production, and other activities • These lead users are more knowledgeable and
internal and external to the firm. experienced with consumer products than other
- IDEA GENERATION customers.
- Gate 1: Stage 1 Preliminary assessment
- Gate 2: Stage 2 Business case 3. Vendors or companies who sell to your
- Gate 3: Stage 3 Development company.
- Gate 4: Stage 4 Testing and validation • Distributors works very closely with the market
- Gate 5: Stage 5 Product Launch and they know consumer problems and their need.
- Review • Suppliers can also help with the information of the
market like a new concept, technique or materials.
Each phase and stage of the development • Competitors can give you the idea that which
framework is accompanied by a complementary thing you are missing or which thing they are
gate. Gates are the points in the development missing, you can decide then what things you need
process at which the firm evaluates the potential for to include in your new product.
a product. The gates are predetermined and specify
must meet requirements of a project and should 4. Government at all levels from local operations
meet requirements of a product. to multinational alliances is also a valuable
source of new ideas.
C. Product Innovation: Idea Generation For example, the United States Department of
Generation of an idea is the initial activity in the Commerce supports efforts to bring new technology
new-product development process. to market via the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). NIST promotes innovation in
Who is the forefront of the new-product the
development process?
• The stakeholders associated with an organization 5. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
are at the forefront of this phase of the new-product Organizations such as McDonald s, IBM, and
development process. Walmart have recognized that interaction with these
• It is essential to treat stakeholders as partners organizations can provide a wealth of information
throughout product innovation. that is relevant to the generation of new ideas.

Participation in product development should Prior research suggests seven possible sources of
therefore include employees, consumers, vendors, innovation that vary based on whether they are
government, nongovernment organizations, and associated with events occurring within or
the general public. outside of an industry.56L;

1. Employees Internal events that yield innovation include:

• Companies can use the brain of their employees. •Unexpected occurrences
All level of employees from executive to top This are situations in which customers find novel
management can be the great source of ideas. unanticipated uses for a product.
•Incongruities Benefits of Conducting Preliminary Assessment
This are situations in which there is an • To determine the market potential and size.
inconsistency concerning the prevailing logic in the • To assess the likelihood of marketplace acceptance
industry. of the product.
• To assess the manufacturing and development
•Process needs feasibility of a project
This are modifications in the operations of a product • To quantify the time and costs associated with
to enhance its performance. manufacturing the product.
• To build effective project teams at the beginning
•Market changes of the development process.
This are situations in which the nature of the
industry or market changes. Gate 2: Business case
E. Product Innovation: Business Case
External events refer to factors happening outside Preparation
of the industry that prompt innovation. These • The business case preparation phase is the last
include: stage in the process before substantial investment is
• Demographic changes made in product development.
Demographics is the study of vital statistics such as • It is essential for the firm to identify the
race, age, gender, and income. Changes in these attractiveness of the product associated with
factors within a population can have a dramatic manufacturing, marketing, legal, and financial
effect on innovations. constraints.

• Changes in perception SIX (6) CONSIDERATIONS BEFORE

This occur when consumers modify their opinions ADVANCING TO PRODUCT
about some factor in the marketplace. DEVELOPMENT:

• New knowledge 1.Product Competitive Advantage

This is the use of new technical, scientific, or social • The value proposition for the new product must be
information that can be instrumental in addressing a compelling and superior with respect to some facet
market problem. of the triple bottom line. This benefit should be
recognized and viewed as favorable by the
Gate 1: Preliminary assessment consumer. If the value proposition is based on
D. Product Innovation Preliminary Assessment ecological merits, then the trade-offs associated
PRELIMINARY - Initial or groundwork with this benefit should be greater than any
ASSESSMENT: Evaluation or analysis - the first associated limitations with respect to the social and
stage of the new product development process. economic benefits of the product.


Market Assessment / Market Research • It is essential that the new product be consistent
with the firm's business strategy.
METHODS 3. Market attractiveness
• Surveys • The attractiveness of the market includes
- In-person consideration of the market size and growth
- Telephone potential.
- Mail
- Online 4. Core competencies relatedness
• Focus groups • New projects should reflect the core strengths in
• Personal interviews the firm.
• Observation
• Field trials 5. Technical feasibility
• The feasibility of the technology is addressed by • Process of determining if there's a need of your
identifying the results to date of a technology and product in your target market.
the complexity of the technology associated with a
6. Financial risks and rewards • Interview people in the target market
• The financial assessment should consider the level • Send out surveys
of risk associated with a product as well as the
ability of the firm to address the risk. The Gate 5: Product Launch
organization should also examine the financial H. PRODUCT INNOVATION: Full Production
reward in terms of the net present value, and Follow Up
productivity index, and size of the financial • At this stage, the following are being done:
opportunity. • The staffs' commitment to resources Review of
Gate 3: Development • Review of product development process
F. Product Development • Sustainability assessments associated with the
When a product concept successfully passes ecological and social returns of a project
through the third gate in the development process, it
then moves into product development. I. Product Innovation: Process Innovation
The theory of inventive problem solving enables
It is essential to determine the extent to which firms to examine whether enhancements to one
consumers understand, recognize, and value the process influence other outcomes associated with a
benefits derived from the product. On the system.
manufacturing side, the firm develops a product
prototype. In the process, the firm assesses the Process innovation refers to a technical system that
technical feasibility of the new product. generates value by transforming resources into
products. Several factors contribute to the desire to
At the close of this stage, the firm faces Gate 4 in develop uniform, standard processes. Standardized
the development process. The criteria outlined in processes enhance communication and information
Gate 3 are reviewed to evaluate the attractiveness of systems operating across departments and firms.
the product. Although the evaluative criteria do not
change much from the previous gate, new Module 2:
information concerning the marketplace Delivering Value via Sustainable Supply Cycle
attractiveness and financial merits of the project are Strategies
incorporated into the decision calculus.
Gate 4: Testing and validation 1. Shared Planet Program
G.Product Innovation a. Environmental commitment which
TEST MARKET AND VALIDATION recognizes that conservation needs to occur
• Focuses on determining the level of interest and throughout the supply chain
acceptance among consumers. b. Work in conjunction with Conservation
• In this final stage before full market launch of the International for ten years to develop Coffee
product, the firm examines whether the product can and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) practices
be manufactured and marketed in a profitable c. CAFÉ - 1. 24 comprehensive, measurable
manner. standards designed to enable suppliers and
farmers to become sustainable sources of
• Implements a complete market strategy d. 2008, 77% - 295 million pounds of coffee
• Assess whether the product should go into full purchased from suppliers verified and
production approved under C.A.F.E
e. Average cost of $1.49 per pound is 5%
MARKET VALIDATION above the average price for C grade Arabica
• International Relationships
B. DIAGNOSING THE ELEMENTS OF • Enhance Vehicle Performance
SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CYCLES • Reduce Total Supply Cycle Cost
1. Supply cycles • Enhanced Customer Service
a. Organizations involved in making a E. ISO 14000
product available for sale 1. Environmental management systems (EMS)
b. Functions performed by these a. Set of regulations established to achieve
organizations. environmental goals
2. Triple bottom line benefits associated with
economic, social, and financial performance 2. ISO
3. Three perspective on the delivery of value a. Family of standards applied across industries to
a. Channel: a set of organizations involved in the monitor and control interaction with the
process of making a product available for environment
consumption b. Two of the primary standards
b. Logistics: the supply chain’s set of
organizations linked directly to the flow of products 1. ISO 14001: 2004
and information from a source to the consumer - Outlines the guidelines associated with the firm’s
refers to the overall process of managing how approach to sustainability, and it provides a strategic
resources are acquired, stored, and transported to approach to the organization’s environmental policy
their final destination.
a. Porter: value chain’s set of primary and 2. ISO 14004: 2004
support activities performed by the firm to - Provides guidelines on the elements of an EMS, its
serve as sources of competitive advantage implementation, and the principal issues involved

3. Benefits
a. Competitive advantage over other
firms in a market
b. Lower toxic emissions
c. Lowered resource usage
d. Higher energy savings
e. Lowered costs of waste disposal
f. Provide assurance to stakeholders
C. BENEFITS OF SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY that the firm is committed to
CYCLES sustainability
1. BETTER WORKING CONDITION g. Provides a strong response to
2. REDUCED TURNOVER customers and suppliers that place
3. IMPROVED PRODUCT QUALITY environmental demands on the firm

• Logistics
• Fleet Optimization
• Energy Efficiency
• Innovative Technology
• Inventory Management Software
• RFID or Radio Frequency Identification
• Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
• Packaging

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