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NAME: Walid El Gharsy

Student Number: 2021123755

Degree: MBA student

E-Commerce : Internet Chopping



Nowadays, we use internet shopping more than any time ago to save money, time and to get a
big diversity of products . The companies create online markets, websites or apps and using
publicity by pages on social media platforms in order to give the costumer a multiple choices,
bring the product closer to him and making it easier to buy and to increase products' sells . Our
paper aim to analyze the impact of E-Commerce on costumers behavior and buying decisions.
Our research was based on a data collection from 200 guests from different age. The results
reveal that the majority of customers uses internet shopping (E-Commerce). Our work shows
that findings suggest that internet consumers' confidence and perceived risk strongly influence
their purchasing decisions. Consumer`s trust, privacy issues, security issues are the major
factors for using internet for shopping, the trust on websites influence to the purchasing
decision of any consumer. This confidence giving to internet shopping should be rational, as
we can receive a good product, we can receive a bad one, so we have to be careful.

Key words: E-Commerce,internet shopping, social media, consumers.

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