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• Write a program to implement TF-IDF

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

import numpy as np

# Sample documents
documents = [
"This is the first document.",
"This document is the second document.",
"And this is the third one.",
"Is this the first document?"

# Create the TF-IDF vectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()

# Fit and transform the documents

tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)

# Get the feature names (words)

feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()

# Convert the TF-IDF matrix to a dense array for easier manipulation

dense_tfidf_matrix = tfidf_matrix.toarray()

# Display the TF-IDF matrix

print("TF-IDF Matrix:")
print(np.round(dense_tfidf_matrix, 2))

# Display the feature names

print("Feature Names:")
• Write a program to implement Rhymes for a word
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import cmudict'cmudict')

def get_rhymes(word):
pronouncing_dict = cmudict.dict()

# Convert the word to lowercase

word = word.lower()

# Check if the word is in the pronunciation dictionary

if word in pronouncing_dict:
# Get the pronunciation of the word
pronunciation = pronouncing_dict[word][0]

# Extract the rhyming part of the pronunciation (from the stressed vowel to the end)
rhyming_part = pronunciation[pronunciation.index('1'):]

# Find words that have the same rhyming part in the pronunciation dictionary
rhymes = [w for w, pron in pronouncing_dict.items() if pron[-len(rhyming_part):] ==

return rhymes
return []

# Example usage
word_to_rhyme = "cat"
rhymes = get_rhymes(word_to_rhyme)

if rhymes:
print(f"Rhymes for '{word_to_rhyme}':")
print(f"No rhymes found for '{word_to_rhyme}'.")

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