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10 Broomleys

St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 9UR

May 19, 2023

The Editor
The Guardian
Kings Place,
90 York Way,
London, N1 9GU

Subject: The Guardian view on coronation day: a mix of serious and absurd

Dear Editor, I hope this letter finds you well.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw attention to your view on
coronation day – Sunday 7th May 2023 18:30 BST.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for providing us with reports which
are high-quality, fact checked and truthful; thank you for your open and independent

Regarding your very informative editorial on coronation day, I totally agree that “Britain’s
relationship, if any, with its monarchy in the era of King Charles III is a work in progress” as
many people across Britain view coronation day as an “irrelevance” and had other things to
do with their day rather than watch the events unfold in London on such a historical day. The
fact that there were demonstrations all over the country which renounced the coronation
further strengthens the point that Britain no longer cares about their monarchy. I also agree
with your claim that Britishers do not share the same fondness which they had for the late
queen Elizabeth II with that of King Charles or Camilla – viewership of the coronation was
only two thirds of that of the queen’s funeral despite the bad weather in England on May 6 th
which kept many people at home.

Yours faithfully
Harshith Yendapally

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