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Q1: This trademarked name has come to refer to any large garbage bin used by offices &


The crrect Answer is: a dumpster

Q2: On the flag of El Salvador, the stripe of this color represents peace?

The crrect Answer is: white

Q3: The boss wants to see you; seems you've been online playing a lot of this "stately" card
game with a "river" & "turn"?

The crrect Answer is: Texas hold \'em

Q4: Hammacher Schlemmer sells a $9,500 gyroscopic one of these swaying items?

The crrect Answer is: a hammock

Q5: Starting in the 19th c., these agreements named for a Swiss city set humane norms for
prisoners & noncombatants during wartime?

The crrect Answer is: the Geneva Convention

Q6: The Hereford breed was introduced to the U.S. in 1817 by this politician, who imported
it to his home in Kentucky?

The crrect Answer is: Henry Clay

Q7: Smashing Pumpkins?

The crrect Answer is: Billy Corgan

Q8: Besides entertaining the crowds, these performers serve a vital purpose, protecting a
bull rider from the bull?
The crrect Answer is: rodeo clowns

Q9: A black panther is really the black version of this cat?

The crrect Answer is: a leopard

Q10: Bravo! It's a final performance or effort before retirement & also the title of a 1958
Spencer Tracy film?

The crrect Answer is: the last hurrah

Q11: The poem "Invictus" says, "In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not" done this "nor
cried aloud"?

The crrect Answer is: winced

Q12: It seems like all things under the sun are considered on this radio program with
Robert Siegel?

The crrect Answer is: <i>All Things Considered</i>

Q13: The name of this capital of Argentina means "fair winds" or "good air"?

The crrect Answer is: Buenos Aires

Q14: In March 1989 the Soviets lost contact with Phobos 2, a craft sent to check out this
planet, sound familiar?

The crrect Answer is: Mars

Q15: For her strong will, this first lady from Georgia is sometimes called the Steel Magnolia?

The crrect Answer is: Rosalynn Carter

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