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Welcome to the Empathy Architects Enneagram Lexical Analysis Questionnaire and Test!

This test is based on

the research of Sterlin Mosley, PhD and will take you approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.

(First only, or you may use a pseudonym)



What is your age?

18-25 ▾

Enneagram Type (if known)

Don't Know ▾

Instinctual Subtype (if known)

Sexual/Intimate ▾

You will be presented with 26 free-response questions designed to help you think and write about your
personality and personal image style. Write as much or as little as you want. Try to avoid overthinking your
responses and instead go with your spontaneous thoughts and emotions as they arise. Avoid asking others what
they think. Think about how you are most of your life, most of the time, and particularly with those who know
you well.

Please write 5 adjectives you would use to describe yourself:

Adjective 1


Adjective 2


Adjective 3


Adjective 4


Adjective 5


Now, write 5 adjectives that other people might use to describe you (even if you might disagree with their

You may repeat adjectives used in the previous question if applicable.

Adjective 1


Adjective 2


Adjective 3


Adjective 4


Adjective 5

What is your favorite color:


What is your favorite symbol and why?

I don't have

What is your favorite creature or animal and why:

Lion, the king of the jungle.

What is your greatest strength, and why?

*Think of this as something you've reliably been good at throughout your life.


What is your biggest weakness or flaw and why?

*Think of this as something that you try to overcome but gets you into trouble with yourself or others.


What is your personal image style?

(The way you dress or the way you want to appear to others)

In a black suit

What image styles do you avoid?


What kind of people do you like to be around and why?

Powerful and ambitious

What types of people do you avoid and why?

Losers and ambitionless

What is your favorite saying?

I don't know

What is your biggest fear?

To die

Finish this sentence:

"It upsets me when other people...:"

Don't appreciate my efforts

As a child I was:

I need:

Wealth and power

I dress for:


In a partner or close friend I look for:


I avoid feeling:


At my best I'm:


At my worst I'm:


What would you like people to understand about you:

Your written responses on the questionnaire portion of the test are a more accurate and reliable
depiction of primary enneagram type, Tritype® in instinctual type but your image selection and
word selection indicate the below type as your primary Enneagram type defense strategy. To
clarify and confirm your type please contact or visit to schedule a type clarifying session.

Your responses and test results suggests your primary Enneagram type is: 5
The Remote Investigator, The Scholar, The Stingy Person
Fives are remote, logical, sensitive, perceptive and idiosyncratic. Fives are motivated to seek knowledge, avoid
being overwhelmed and depleted and to conserve their time and energy to pursue their intellectual interests.
They are often immensely sensitive and original and incredibly astute observers of the world around them.
Fives feel as though they can combat their anxiety and fear through obsessively seeking and hoarding
information as a defense against the unknown. Fives feel an inner scarcity that they deal with by finding data,
information and pursuing a specific competency that they believe will give them the confidence to move out
into the world. Fives seek mental stimulation and enjoyment through intellectual depth and specialized pursuit
of knowledge that aligns with their personal interest (astronomy, chemistry, epidemiology, psychology, 3D
printing, etc.).

Fives often feel inept at human interaction and are afraid that they will not emotionally engage with others
properly and thus feel awkward and uncomfortable with human relationships. Fives often state that there seems
to be a rule book for human interaction that they didn't receive. This does not mean that Fives don't want or
need relationships (although they are more comfortable being alone than most other types). Fives need
relationships that understand their need for alone time to recharge and pursue their interests and those that don't
have prescribed expectations for emotional reactions or responses. Fives need to feel safe to reveal themselves
and may take a very long time to expose aspects of their lives to even the closest of friends. Their ability to
compartmentalize their relationships can be surprising to others as the Five can be adept at only allowing
people to know what they want them to know.

Many Fives are quite frugal and can live with very little, minimizing their needs (both physically and
emotionally). The avarice of Five reveals their immense sensitivity and the fragility they feel internally and
their fear that if they give too much of themselves, they will be annihilated. Rationing themselves (their energy,
feelings, ideas, resources) is a way of ensuring their survival. When Fives do finally allow themselves to
connect with others, they can often hold those relationships in very high regard, however, others may not
realize the extent of their affection because they feel uncomfortable with expressing emotions or letting others
know the extent to which they want, or even need others in their lives. In fact, because of the tendency to
minimize their needs, they may be unaware the extent to which they want or need relationships in their lives.

When very stressed, Fives typically abstract themselves so much they no longer feel human. They may begin to
disidentify with other people and humanity overall and their disdain and misanthropy grows allowing them to
become antagonistic, angry and coldly detached from others they deem to be unworthy of what has typically
become an inflated and grandiose sense of their own intellectual superiority. Unhealthy Fives are unemotional,
cold and have a tendency to abstract themselves and others in a way that dissociates them from humanity. They
can become isolating, miserly (both materially and emotionally) and can have immature emotional outbursts,
become rejecting and cold and wish to provoke others' fears and insecurities through data or their dark

Healthy Fives are incredibly penetrating with their wisdom and insight, utilizing their keen ability to research,
synthesize and disseminate useful and potentially life altering information. They recognize the importance of
both emotion and logic in navigating human interactions, and while still preferring the realm of the mind, they
can be adept at understanding human beings as a complex system complete with predictabilities and mysteries.

Exemplars: Issac Asimov, Bill Gates, Ebenezer Scrooge, Trent Reznor, Fredrich Chopin, Ralph Fiennes, Bjork,
Daniel Radcliffe, Daniel Day Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, H.R. Geiger, Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Elon Musk,
Werner Herzog, Natalie Merchant, Jack White, Stanley Kubrick, Jane Goodall, Anthony Hopkins, Zach
Galifianakis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tim Burton, Russ Hudson, Tilda Swinton, Annie Leibowitz, Joan Didion, David
Lynch, Georgie O'Keefe, Jonah Hill, Jesse Eisenberg, James Spader, Vincent Van Gogh, Judith Butler, Patti
Smith, Emily Dickinson, Shirley Jackson, Ian Curtis, Claudio Naranjo

Your top 3 selected types are: 5, 2, 8

Fives are remote, logical, sensitive and intelligent. Fives are motivated to seek knowledge, avoid being
overwhelmed and depleted and to conserve their time and energy to pursue their intellectual interests. They are
immensely sensitive and idiosyncratic and often incredibly perceptive and observant of the world around them.
Fives feel as though they can combat their anxiety and fear through obsessively seeking and hoarding
information as a defense against the unknown. Fives feel an inner scarcity but tend deal with their scarcity by
filling it with data, information and a feeling of competency. Fives are seeking mental stimulation through
depth and specialized pursuit of knowledge that aligns with their personal interest (astronomy, chemistry,
epidemiology, psychology, 3D printing, etc.).

Twos are effusive, emotionally expressive, people-oriented, willful and manipulative. Twos are motivated to be
seen as helpful and want to be the “special person” in the lives of others. They pride themselves on their ability
to easily see what is needed and filling those needs before being asked. Their attunement to what is needed and
how to present a pleasing image can result in them being highly desirable to others and generally likable and
well-received. Twos struggle with pridefulness and have some difficulty seeing the ways in which their giving
and supportiveness is given with considerable expectation for reciprocity. However, because they fear being
needy they are often unaware of their own needs and project what they want into the environment and fill their
own needs in others. If the Two needs a compliment they will compliment someone else, if they want a hug
they will offer a hug, if they want to be surprised they will surprise others. Twos are often unaware of this
projection and often cannot notice that when the need to be taken care of arises they project it outward and
disown their expectation to be cared for. Twos often feel a sense of sadness that others do not readily help,
support, compliment or give to them, as frequently as they do to others. Their sadness is often converted into a
sense of martyrdom (“others don't see how much I do”). or indirect hostility that expresses itself in critical
advice, bossiness, exasperated emotionality (heavy sighing, shortness or sulking) or emotional

Eights are motivated to avoid weakness, vulnerability and the feeling of disempowerment. They seek power
influence and strength as a way to avoid being taken advantage of. Eights use psychological denial to disown
their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses which allows them to plow through obstacles and intimidate those
who would underestimate them, making them formidable opponents. The characteristic anger of Eight comes
out not in explosive reactivity (although this can happen) but implied threat, a cynical worldview and callous
indifference to those who cross them. Eights are often said to have the psychological vice of lust which refers
to a lack of inhibition or self-regulation in reference to one's desires or impulses and a desire to have what they
want in excess; a “too much is almost enough” orientation to life. Eights do not want to be controlled and resist
any limitations and as such become their own authority so as to never have to answer to someone else. They are
naturally attuned to who has power in a given situation and never one to be intimidated, they tend to project an
air of strength that causes others to turn to them to take charge.

Instinctual Type
The instincts (or instinctual types) are the unconscious or subconscious drives through which we play out our
Enneagram type. Everyone expresses all 3 to some extent, however one instinct is dominant. There are 3 main
instinctual drives.
Social Instinct
The Social instinct is unconsciously and consciously tracking, in-tune with and monitoring the on group as
whole. (Not to be confused with liking people or crowds). Social types track the social sphere to ensure their
survival. Politics, rules, norms, hierarchy, factions, gossip are all examples of social subtype concerns. The anti-
social social subtype may avoid group interaction, rules, trends or norms but still tracks the social world.
Self Preservation Instinct
The Self Preservation Instinct is unconsciously and consciously tracking, in-tune with and monitoring the
fulfillment and maintenance of the individual and one's internal and external resources. Self Pres types are
focused specifically on food, health, money, the home/environment, mortality and monitoring of potential
physical threats to ensure their own and their loved ones' survival. Self Pres types are more insular and often
seek comfort and routines to feel safe.
Sexual/Intimacy Instinct
The Sexual Instinct is unconsciously and consciously tracking, in-tune with and monitoring the degree to which
they have deep one-to-one intimacy and bonding with special person(s). Not to be confused with the drive to
have or enjoy sex (all subtypes can like sex) or being “sexy”. Sexual types are focused on deep intimate pair
bonding as a way to feel safe in the world. Attraction/repulsion, submission/dominance, closeness, seduction,
intrigue and depth are all sexual type concerns.

Your primary instinctual type is: SX

Your Instinctual Subtype Scores are:

SP: 10
SO: 28
SX: 64
Research has shown that in addition to utilizing their primary Enneagram type, people utilizing two types to
support their primary type’s defense strategies. This is called “Tritype®, a 27-point personality system coined
and created by Katherine Chernick Fauvre, is based on the theory that an individual uses three Enneagram
Types, not just one. These three types occur as one in each of the three centers of intelligence: head (5,6,7),
heart (2,3,4), and gut (8,9,1) and are used in a preferred, continuously oscillating, descending stacking order,
which create a “new” type unto itself with its own worldview, coping mechanisms, and defense strategies.

Extensive research with tens of thousands of international participants has confirmed that each Tritype®
Archetype is made up of the character traits of the three types within the Tritype®. These traits, within the
Tritype®, combine to create 27 unique Tritypes®, each with its own set of core values, needs, fears, and
concerns that include: a specific focus of attention, idealized image, core triggers, core fears, desires,
blindspots, sense of purpose, and growing edge, adding significant precision, accuracy, and scope to the
Enneagram Typing process.” - Used with permission from Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Your Tritype® is: 258

The Strategist
“If you are a 258, you are caring, knowledgeable and protective. You want to be helpful, wise and
straightforward. Highly sensitive, you are an empathetic, intellectual ‘people’ person. You are both introverted
and extroverted and can be direct and easily move towards others and can ‘over’ give and pull away to
recharge.” - Used with permission from Katherine Chernick Fauvre,



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