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Introduction to information technology


CV/Resume application:

1- Establish your CV based on model n°1.

2- Using the same content, generate a second CV based on one of the templates proposed
by Microsoft word.
3- Save it as Word and PDF formats.
4- Send both the Word and PDF documents through the following email:
Introduction to information technology

Model 1

Curriculum Vitae
Heading 1/ Times New Romans, font Size: 16/Center, B, U

Insert picture, Position in Top Left with Square Text Wrapping

All titles below: Times New Romans 12, B

Name Surname:

Date of Birth:

Email Address and Phone Number:


Educational Background: Insert table below 5 columns and 3 rows, auto-fit content

Degree Field of Study University/ High Years Grade


Work Experiences and Internship: Insert table below 3 columns and 3 rows, auto-fit content

Company or Institution Job Title Years of Experience

Languages: Use bullets

Introduction to information technology


Example: Hajar MAZOUZ

• Research and teaching assistant of Business and Economics Faculty, Eastern Mediterranean
University, North Cyprus
• Email:
• Tell: +905338208091

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