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Q1: This alloy was the 1st metal used to make armor?

The crrect Answer is: bronze

Q2: On June 14, 1777, he was given command of the Sloop Ranger?

The crrect Answer is: John Paul Jones

Q3: "Empire: The Life, Legend, and Madness of" this aviator billionaire?

The crrect Answer is: Howard Hughes

Q4: It's a slip-on shoe with a low-cut throat & usually a medium to high heel?

The crrect Answer is: a pump

Q5: Dive into life with sportswear made by this company whose logo is seen here?

The crrect Answer is: Jantzen

Q6: The last car on a freight train, from the Dutch for "ship's kitchen"?

The crrect Answer is: caboose

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