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Science Story Telling

By: Mary Emmanouele Chio

One normal day, A group of friends at school decided to go to church

after school. After their school ends they go to their homes to change
clothes and get ready to go to church. They met up at the bus stop;
they ride a bus to church. When they arrived at the church, they felt
that there’s an earthquake ongoing. At school in their science period,
they learned about Earthquake Intensity Scale. So, the group of friends
found out that the ongoing earthquake has an intensity scale of VII
which is destructive. The big church bells started ringing because of the
earthquake. Cracks appear on road surface and concrete hollow block
walls. Limited liquefaction, lateral spreading and landslides are
observed. Trees are shaken strongly. People are frightened and most of
the people inside the church run outside as fast as possible. Some old
buildings are suffering from damages caused by the earthquake. The
group of friends talked and has agreed to stay inside and drop, cover
and hold. So, they stayed inside the church, dropped to the ground
before the earthquake causes you to fall, they found a furniture like a
desk or table to protect to cover their head or body with, and held on
to the object they are under to remain covered. After the earthquake
has finished the group of friends went straight to their homes,
frightened and still in shock of what they just experienced. The moment
they got to their houses they hurriedly hugged their families because of
how worried they were.

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