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Remote System Logging using RSYSLOG

In this exercise, we will look at RSyslog in Linux and how to send logs to a remote machine using
it. Syslog is a standard for message logging. It has been the standard logging mechanism on
Linux/Unix systems for a very long time. Although, all modren Linux distributions now ship with
journald – a systemd based logger – Syslog still exists and is generally used in conjunction with
journald. RSYSLOG is the de facto syslog system for enterprise logging which is enhanced version
of the classical Syslog and it is defined by RFC 3164.


Implement the rsyslog remote logging on the server and configure the client to send logs over
reliably over TCP protocol.

Part 1: Viewing local Syslogs

Part 2: Server Configuration for Remote System Logging

Part 3: Client Configuration for Remote Logging

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