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Open-loop quantum control as a resource for secure communications

Davide Pastorello
Department of Mathematics, University of Trento,
arXiv:1512.07166v2 [physics.gen-ph] 1 Feb 2016

via Sommarive 14, 38123 Povo (Trento), Italy.

Properties of unitary time evolution of quantum systems can be applied to define quantum cryptographic protocols.
Dynamics of a qubit can be exploited as a data encryption/decryption procedure by means of timed measurements,
implementation of an open-loop control scheme over a qubit increases robustness of a protocol employing this

1 Introduction i) A complex vector space H with inner product

h | i (a Hilbert space) is associated with any quantum
One of the most prominent practical applications of system.
quantum information theory is quantum cryptography ii) Physical (pure1 ) states of the considered quantum
[2, 5, 6], in particular the so-called Quantum Key system are equivalence classes of unit vectors ψ ∈ H
Distribution (QKD) where a transmission of quantum where ψ ∼ ψ ′ iff ψ = eiθ ψ ′ for some θ ∈ R. A unit
information (e.g. through polarized photons in an vector ψ ∈ H representing a quantum state is called
optical fiber) is used to create a shared key between state vector 2 .
two clients. In classical cryptography, if Alice wants iii) Time evolution of an isolated system is described by
to communicate a secret message x ∈ BN , where a continuous one-parameter group of unitary operators
B = {0, 1} and N ∈ N, over a public communication {U (t)}t∈R+ acting on state vectors. If |ψ1 i is the state
channel, she can adopt the one-time pad security: She of the system at time t1 and |ψ2 i is the state of the
randomly generates a second bit string y ∈ BN (the system at time t2 > t1 then:
key) and sends x + y to Bob. The receiver who knows |ψ2 i = U (t2 − t1 )|ψ1 i. (1)
the string y can decrypt the message simply adding y,
the communication is perfectly secure only if the key y iv) A measurement process on a quantum system is de-
is securely exchanged and manteined secret. scribed
P by a collection of positive operators {Ek } satisfy-
Quantum information processes can be applied to ing k Ek = IH called positive operator-valued measure
distribute a secret key in order to use it as a one-time (POVM), the index k runs in the set of all possible out-
pad. Information exchange in a quantum channel comes of the measurement, so it is a real number3 . The
prevents eavesdropping attacks exploiting principles of probability to measure k when the system is in the state
Quantum Mechanics: An eavesdropper (Eve) cannot |ψi is:
clone an unknown quantum state (no-cloning theorem,
see appendix A) thus she can gain information only pψ (k) = hψ|Ek ψi. (2)
performing measurements on qubits and quantum v) If a quantum system is composed by two subsystems
effects of these measurements can be detected showing A and B that are respectively described in Hilbert
that used communication channel is not secure.
1 There exists a more general notion of quantum state, the mixed
Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics can
state, that is not necessary in our discussion
be derive from a set of postulates that we briefly recall 2 We adopt Dirac formalism: A unit vector of the Hilbert space
in order to introduce principles of quantum mechanics is denoted by the ket |ψi, a vector of dual space is denoted by the
and basic features of quantum systems that are relevant bra hψ|, the inner product of two vectors is denoted by hψ|φi, the
outer product by |ψihφ|.
in the present discussion, in particular we refer to 3 There is a more general notion of POVM that also describes
finite-dimensional case: measurements with a non-discrete set of outcomes [8], it is defined
as a measure on the Borel σ-algebra of R.

spaces HA and HB , then the total system is described a single excited state. Considering the example of the
in the Hilbert space given by the Hilbert space tensor electron, we denote the spin down state as |0i and the
product HA ⊗ HB . spin up state as |1i. The measurement process of spin
(e.g. realized in a Stern-Gerlach apparatus) is described
A special class of POVMs is that of projective by the projectors:
measurements whose elements are orthogonal projectors
Pk , i.e. operators on H satisfying Pk∗ = Pk and Pk2 = Pk . P0 = |0ih0| and P1 = |1ih1|. (7)
In this case if the measurement is performed when the If the state of the electron is the linear superposition (5)
state of the system is |ψi and it produces the outcome then the probability to measure spin down (value 0) is
k then the state of the system after the measurement is: p(0) = hψ|0ih0|ψi = |α|2 and the probability to measure
Pk |ψi spin up (value 1) is p(1) = hψ|1ih1|ψi = |β|2 . After the
|ψ ′ i = p , (3) measurement the state of the electron is |0i if the out-
hψ|Pk ψi come of measurement is 0, while after the measurement
and a selfadjoint operator on H, called observable, can the state is |1i if the measured value is 1. Generally
be defined: speaking one can map states |0i and |1i into classical bit
X states 0 and 1 during a measurement.
A= kPk , (4)
k 2 Basic control scheme of a qubit
so the possible outcomes of the measurement described
The control scheme discussed in this section is open-loop,
by the POVM {Pk } are the eigenvalues of A. In particu-
this means the control law is designed and completely
lar the selfadjoint operator H describing total energy of
determined before the experiment and then used without
the system, called Hamiltonian, is the generator of the
modification during the experiment [3].
group {U (t)}t∈R+ , that is the unique (by Stone theorem
Consider a two-level quantum system (qubit) described
[8]) self-adjoint operator such that Ut = exp[−iHt] for
by the Hamiltonian:
any t ∈ R+ .
H = H0 + u1 (t)H1 (t) + u2 (t)H2 (t) t ∈ [0, T ], (8)
A classical bit is the basic unit of information and
it can be realized by a physical system which admits where H0 represents the internal energy of the system,
only two states, namely 0 and 1. While a quantum bit u1 = u1 (t) and u2 = u2 (t) are control functions defined
is a two-level quantum system (i.e. it is described in a on the real interval [0, T ], H1 and H2 are time-dependent
two-dimensional Hilbert space) then its general state Hamiltonians describing interaction of the system with
|ψi is given by a superposition of two orthogonormal external fields.
state vectors that can be denoted by |0i and |1i: The control function u1 and u2 are defined piecewise as
follows: Let {[tn−1 , tn ]}n=1,...,N , with 0 = t0 < t1 <
|ψi = α|0i + β|1i α, β ∈ C, (5) · · · < tN = T , be a partition of [0, T ] into N ∈ N subin-
tervals, for any n = 1, ..., N the control functions are
thus the Hilbert space of such quantum system is iso- given by:
morphic to C2 . Since state vector |ψi has unit norm, i.e.
|hψ|ψi|2 = 1, then |α|2 + |β|2 = 1 and the state vector u1 (t) := bn ∈ B = {0, 1} ∀t ∈ [tn−1 , tn ], (9)
admits the following angular representation: u2 (t) := 1 − u1 (t). (10)
θ θ Thus u1 and u2 are piecewise constant function com-
|ψi = cos |0i + eiϕ sin |1i, (6)
2 2 pletely determined by a vector in BN which defines a
time sequence of non-overlapping control pulses. This
for θ, ϕ ∈ R, so the state of a qubit can be representd on
structure also implies that the control of the system is
the so-called Bloch sphere, according to (6) the states |0i
attuated turning on and off the external fields according
and |1i corresponds to the poles. Postulate ii) reads that
to a suitable time sequence (bang-bang control).
unit vectors differing by a multiplicative phase factor
Time evolution of the controlled system is described by
are physically indistinguishable then (pure) states can
the solution U = U (t) of the operatorial Schrödinger
be described by rank-1 orthogonal projectors |ψihψ| in a
one-to-one correspondence.
In order to give a physical realization of a quibit one can
 
d X
consider polarization states of a photon, spin states of an i~ U (t) = H0 + ui (t)Hi (t) U (t), (11)
electron, an atom oscillating between ground state and dt i=1,2

with initial condition U (0) = I2 . If the state of the In the following we will be interested to drive back the
system is |ψ0 i at time t = 0 then at time t = T the system from the final state |ψf i to the initial one |ψ0 i,
system is in the final state |ψf i = U (T )|ψ0 i. Hence a this procedure is mathematically described by the ap-
certain time evolution (and in particular a certain final plication of the adjoint evolution operator U ∗ (T ) to the
state) can be achieved4 acting on the controls u1 , u2 , i.e. final state, this is given by:
choosing a suitable sequence (b1 , ..., bN ) ∈ BN of control  
pulses. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ i
U (T ) = UI (T )U0 (T ) = V1 · · · VN exp H0 T , (17)
The control sequence to achieve the desired evolution ~
corresponds to a factorization of the unitary operator
U (T ). Adopting the interaction picture, solution of (11) " Z
is U (t) = U0 (t)UI (t) where U0 (t) = exp[−i/~H0 t] is the i t ∗
evolution operator of the free system. The interaction Vn∗ = Vn−1 = exp U (t) (bn H1 (t)+
~ tn−10
component UI satisfies the equation:
 
d X +(1 − bn )H2 (t)) U0 (t)dt] . (18)
i~ UI (t) = U0∗ (t)  ui (t)Hi (t) U0 (t)UI (t), (12)
dt i=1,2 If a qubit state is decomposed in the basis of eigenvectors
|0i and |1i of H0 (let E0 and E1 be the corresponding
as the direct calculation shows (see appendix B). UI (t),
eigenvalues), |ψi = α|0i + β|1i then the action of opera-
with t ∈ [tn−1 , tn ], can be factorize as follows:
tor U0 (T ) (or U0∗ (T )) only produces relative phases:
UI (t) = Vn (t)UI (tn−1 ), (13)  
i i i
exp ± H0 T |ψi = αe± ~ E0 T |0i + βe± ~ E1 T |1i, (19)
where the operator Vn is obatined integrating equation ~
    which do not affect the probabilities |α|2 and |β|2 to
measure values E0 and E1 respectively. We say that |ψi
i t ∗
Vn (t) = exp− U0 (τ )  ui (τ )Hi (τ )U0 (τ )dτ = is equal to U0 (T )|ψi up to relative phases implying the
~ tn−1 i=1,2 two states are indistinguishable by means of a measure-
" ment process described by projectors P0 = |0ih0| and
i P1 = |1ih1|.
= exp − U0∗ (τ ) (bn H1 (τ )+
~ tn−1
Thus from (17) and (18) it is clear that in order
to re-obtain the initial state (up to relative phases
due to drift term H0 ) of the system from |ψf i in a
+(1 − bn )H2 (τ )) U0 (τ )dτ ] . (14)
time interval [τ, τ + T ] one can switch the sign of the
′ ′
Iterating on the total interval this elementary factoriza- control fields and set the control sequence (b1 , ..., bN )

tion we can write the decomposition of the desired uni- defined as bn := bN +1−n for every n = 1, ..., N . The
tary operator U (T ): (b′1 , ..., b′N )-controlled dynamics with sign-switched
  interaction terms is described by the evolution operator
i ∗
U (T ) = U0 (T )UI (T ) = exp − H0 T VN VN −1 · · · V1 (15) U0 (t)UI (t) that does not correspond to the adjoint
~ of U (t) = U0 (t)UI (t). However from the point of
view of the projective measurement {P0 , P1 } these two
where " Z tn evolution operators are indistinguishable as clarified by
Vn = exp − U0∗ (t) (bn H1 (t)+ the example below.
~ tn−1
Remark: In view of further applications, let us
+(1 − bn )H2 (t)) U0 (t)dt] . (16) discuss the following example: Let b ∈ BN be a bit
string describing a control sequence for the Hamiltonian
Generally speaking, factorization of a unitary operator (8) and U (t) = exp[− i Ht] is the associated evolution
into a product of generators of dynamical Lie group de- operator which can be factorized as U (t) = U0 (t)UI (t)
termines the sequence of control pulses to achieve a tar- where UI satisfies equation (12). Consider the initial
get evolution, then it is a strategy of constructive quan- state |0i (eigenstate of free Hamiltonian H0 ) at time
tum control, as widely explained in [9]. t0 = 0 and the evolved state |ψi = U (t)|0i for some
4 In general not all states can be achieved from an initial state t ≥ 0. Swhitching the sign of control fields and choosing
in a finite time and a reachable set can be defined. the control sequence defined by b′ ∈ BN , the system can

be driven back from the pure state |ψihψ| to the pure which component of the magnetic field is active within
state |0ih0| in a time interval of lenght t, as shown by: time interval [tn−1 , tn ] then it corresponds to a sequence
of rotations on the Bloch sphere around x and y axes,
U0 (t)UI∗ (t) |ψihψ| UI (t)U0∗ (t) = |0ih0|, (20) as shown in (23) and (24), whose angles depends on the
amplitude of intervals {[tn−1 , tn ]}n=1,...,N .
(See appendix C for a proof of (20)). If the initial If the physical system is a linearly polarized photon cir-
state is not an eigenstate of free Hamiltonian then culating in a ring cavity then |0i and |1i represent the
the action of U0 (t)UI∗ (t) on the final state does not states of horizontal and vertical polarization respectively.
produce the initial state but another pure state that The control pulses are implemented in space by means
is indistinguishable from the initial one by means of a of passive elements on the photon path. The very short
measurement described by |0ih0| and |1ih1|. time of flight of the photon inside the optical elements
implies that one of these elements can be modeled as
The model of a qubit controlled by a series of control a control pulse with a very narrow envelope. Opera-
pulses in the bang-bang scenario described above admits tors exp[−iϕσ ] and exp[−iϕσ ] with ϕ ∈ [0, 2π] can be
x y
an immediate physical realization in terms of a half-spin experimentally implemented by a suitable oriented dis-
particle interacting with an external magnetic field. persive wave retarder where ϕ is the phase accumulated
In this case control pulses are actually implemented by the photon after a single passage through the optical
in time, on the other hand if the qubit is realized by element [7]. Then the operator V defined in (24) can
a photon the control pulses are implemented in space be realized putting a dispersive element on the photon
rather than in time by means of passive optical ele- path during the time interval [t
n−1 , tn ], this corresponds
ments. Regarding applicability, photons are an effective to an integer number q of cycles in the optical cavity
solution for long-distance quantum communications producing an angle qϕ:
[5]. Therefore let us discuss an analogue model that is
convenient for physical realizations with photons.

exp[−i(qϕ)σx ] for bn = 1
Consider a two-level quantum system described by the Vn = . (25)
exp[−i(qϕ)σy ] for bn = 0
Hamiltonian with time-independent coupling terms:
Indeed Vn does not describe the action of a single control
H = σz + u1 (t)σx + u2 (t)σy , (21) pulse applied in [tn−1 , tn ] but a series of q very narrow-
size control pulses. In order to obtain the inverse dy-
where σx,y,z are the Pauli matrices: namics one has to consider the adjoint of above operator
    that is given by:
0 1 0 −i
σx = , σy = , (22)
1 0 i 0

∗ −1 σy Vn σy for bn = 1
Vn = Vn = , (26)
  σz Vn σz for bn = 0
1 0
σz = ,
0 −1 and then it can be realized by means of optical elements
(wave-plates) acting on polarization states as Pauli ma-
and the control functions u1 and u2 are defined as before
trices (that are the simplest quantum gates).
in (9) and (10). Thus the final state after the evolution
Free dynamics inside the cavity corresponds to a phase-
governed by (21) in a partitioned time interval [0, T ] is
noise along z-axis produced by cavity mirrors, in a trian-
given applying to the initial state the unitary operator:
gular cavity (three cavity mirrors) the polarization trans-
U (T ) = e −iσz T
V1 · · · VN , (23) formation during a time interval [0, T ] is:

where: U0 (T ) = exp[−ip(3Φ)σz ], (27)

Vn = exp[−i(bn σx + (bn − 1)σy )∆t]. (24) where Φ is the relative phase due to a single mirror and p
is the number of round trips in the interval [0, T ]. There-
and ∆t = tn − tn−1 . Thus the open-loop control fore we recover the factorized operator (23) in the photon
law of the qubit is individuated again by a bit-string setting.
(b1 , ..., bn ) ∈ BN like in the above analysis.
A possible physical realization of the quantum system 3 Dynamical protocol
with Hamiltonian (21) is a half-spin particle in a mag-
netic field with time varying components in the x and y In this section we present some ideas to implement se-
directions, while the free motion is the Larmor preces- cure transmission of data or a cryptographic key over a
sion around z-axis. A control sequence bn determines public channel exploiting the properties of unitary time

evolution of quantum systems. the qubit in the evolved state |ψiτ = exp[−iHτ ]|+i
We can classify quantum cryptographic protocols in obtaining an encrypted datum.
two main categories: Preparation/measurement proto- Step 2 (Quantum communication). Alice transmits the
cols (like BB84 [1]) and entanglement-based protocols qubit in |ψiτ over a quantum channel.
(like E91 [4]). Let us propose a third kind of protocols Step 3 (Classical communication). Over a classical
which we call dynamical protocols, where data encryp- public channel Alice declares the time T1 at which Bob
tion/decryption procedures are realized by means of dy- must perform the measurement on the received qubit.
namics of a quantum system. Assume two parties (Alice
and Bob) have choosen a computational basis {|0i, |1i} After quantum transmission the qubit evolves in
fixing two orthonormal states of a quantum system de- the Bob’s slot according to evolution operator
scribed in a bi-dimensional Hilbert space. Suppose Alice U (t) = exp[−iHt]. The measurement time t = T1
wants to send the classical bit 0 to Bob, she does not is choosen by Alice such that the state of qubit when
transmit the qubit in the state |0i but she can trans- Bob performs the measurement is |ψiτn which differs
mit the qubit in the evolved state |ψit = U (t)|0i, where from |−i by a phase factor, i.e. the probability to
U (t) = exp[−iHt] is the evolution operator induced by measure 0 on |ψiτn is 1. In other words if the quibit is
the Hamiltonian H (~ = 1). Therefore quantum dynam- received by Bob at time T0 then Alice selects T1 so that
ics gives rise to an encryption of datum to be transmit- τ + (T1 − T0 ) = τn . Otherwise if Alice wants to transmit
ted. The secret datum can be decrypted applying U ∗ (t) the classical bit 1 then she declares a measurement time
which represents another time evolution of the qubit af- T1′ so that τ + (T1′ − T0 ) = τn′ where {τn′ }n∈Z are time
ter quantum trasmission, as illustrated in the next sec- values such that P1 (τn′ ) = 1, i.e. the non-negative roots
tion where the above control scheme will be applied. of P0 (t) = |h−|ψit |2 .
Let us discuss the simplest architecture based on the no- Thus the state |ψiτ can be used to encrypt both classi-
tion of quantum evolution as encryption which can be re- cal bits 0 and 1. Only the value of T1 in the classical
alized with a non-controlled isolated system. Suppose a communication discriminates if decryption procedure in
qubit is confined in an experimental apparatus called Al- Bob’s slot gives 0 or 1.
ice’s slot (it can be a photon circulating in a ring cavity or About unconditional security of such simple protocol,
a half-spin particle in a magnetic trap) and it is described since an unknown quantum state is impossible to clone
by the time-independent Hamiltonian H. There is also (see appendix A) the only way to decrypt the quantum
a Bob’s apparatus that is a copy of Alice’s slot such that information is implementing time evolution of the qubit
the quibit can be trasnmitted from Alice to Bob over according to H and performing the measurement at time
a quantum channel that is assumed to be noiseless, i.e. communicated by the sender. An eavesdropper (Eve)
quantum states are transmitted unaltered. Assume |0i can intercept the quibit over the quantum channel,
and |1i are the eigenstates of H and the computational however she must have an exacy copy of Alice and
basis for the information processing is given by the Bell’s Bob’s slots to state the right time evolution of the
states |+i = √12 (|0i + |1i) and |−i = √12 (|0i − |1i) rep- system. In this case she can intercept the classical data
resenting classical bits 1 and 0 respectively, if the qubit T1 and decrypt the information, nevertheless she must
is prepared in |+i at time t = 0 then its dynamics is re-prepare the qubit in the encrypted state and re-send
described by: it to the receiver in order to hide her attack. Such
eavesdropping attack produces a delay on the quantum
1 transmission which can be detected by Bob. In fact
|ψit = e−iHt |+i = √ e−iE0 t |0i + e−iE1 t |1i

2 if a classical authentication protocol is implemented
for t > 0, then the probability to measure 1 during the over the classical channel in order to ensure that the
evolution is: right person is at the end of the line then Bob performs
the measure at time T1 discovering no qubit arrives in
1 iE0 t 2
his slot. Hence an eavesdropping produces a lack of
P1 (t) = |h+|ψit |2 = e + eiE1 t . (29)
4 information.
The non-negative roots of (29) are τn = (2n+1)π If Eve does not re-send qubit in the original state but
E1 −E0 with
she decides to provide a fake qubit to the receiver then
n ∈ Z+ then P0 (τn ) = 1, where P0 is the probability to
she produces a randomized datum, i.e. the attack is
measure the value 0.
an error source. During the transmission of a message
A dynamical protocol can be summarized as follows:
or QKD, errors can be detected appending mutually
agreed bit sequences to the message, otherwise an error
Step 1 (Preparation). If Alice wants to send the
estimation and reconciliation procedure can be adopted
classical bit 0 (represneted by |−i) to Bob, she prepares

on the shared key [5]. quantum transmission, i.e. when the qubit arrives in
Bob’s slot and the controlled evolution according to b′
4 Controlled dynamical protocol can start.
Step 3 (Quantum communication): Alice sends the
Despite theoretical simplicity, the general protocol qubit in the state |ψi to Bob over the quantum channel
described in the previous section is not convenient in according to timing information sent in the previous
physical realizations, with trapped half-spin particles for step. Then at time T0 controlled evolution of the qubit
instance, because of high frequencies and susceptibility starts in Bob’s slot.
to noise of free dynamics. In this section a basic Step 4 (Decryption): Alice tells Bob when per-
open-loop quantum control scheme is applied to define forming a measurement on qubit. Datum T1 is
a dynamical protocol in order to obtain a significant transmitted over a classical channel. Bob follows
robustness w.r.t. the general structure described above. the instructions received on classical channel per-
In this section we want to define a protocol of quantum forming a measuremnt when the qubit state is
communication (which can be applied also for a QKD) U0 (T1 − T0 )UI∗ (T1 − T0 )|ψi = U0 (T ′ )UI∗ (T ′ )|ψi that
exploiting the controlled dynamics of a qubit. The main correspond to |0i up to a multiplicative phase factor.
idea is setting up a quantum communication where a
qubit in an arbitrary superposition state α|0i + β|1i Let us remark why the encryption procedure has
is sent representing an encrypted information, before not stated exploiting the whole interval [0, T ] to control
quantum transmission the sender tells to the receiver system dynamics and why preparing quibit in the state
how to control qubit dynamics to achieve |0i or |1i |ψi = U (T )|0i is a naive strategy. In this case, an
in a selected time interval. After controlled evolution eavesdropper (Eve) could explicitely obtain the operator
(decryption) the receiver can perform a measurement. U (T ) from the classical message of Step 1 solving
Let us describe how our protocol works: The com- equation (12). Thus she would know that the qubit
munication system is made by Alice’s slot where the is in the state |ψi = U (T )|0i or |ϕi = U (T )|1i, she
qubit is described by the Hamiltonian (8) and the Bob’s would be able to perform a measurement w.r.t. the new
slot where the interaction term in the Hamiltonian is orthonormal basis {|ψi, |ϕi} gaining information and
sign-switched. The slots are equipped with synchronized re-sending the qubit to Bob in the original state, giving
clocks and a default time interval [0, T ] partitioned in place to a perfectly hidden eavesdropping. For this
N subintervals {[ti−1 , ti ]}i=1,...,N is a priori fixed. reason a time sub-interval is adopted, however fixing
The scheme below shows the steps of the protocol: total interval is crucial to well-define a control sequence.
An eavesdropper, with an exact copy of Alice and Bob’s
Step 1 (Encryption). Alice prepares a qubit in slots, can attack the communication process with a
the state |0i (or |1i) e.g. performing a projective woman-in-the-middle strategy playing the Bob’s part
measurement, this is the information she wants to for Alice and the Alice’s part for Bob. To avoid this fact
send. Then she randomly generate a bit-string in BN a classical authentication protocol must be implemented
representing a control sequence (b1 , ..., bN ). She sets the over the classical channel in order to ensure that the
controlled evolution for an arbitrary time interval [0, T ′ ] right person is at the end of the line [5]. Classical
with T ′ = tm < tN = T obtaining the encrypted datum authentication is a typical device of QKD protocols
|ψi = U (T ′ )|0i. adopting also classical communications like celebrated
Note the sub-string (b1 , ..., bm ) ∈ Bm (i.e. the values BB84 [1] and E91 [4].
of control function u = u(t) for t < tm ) is sufficient to If Eve intercepts the classical message gaining control
drive the system from |0i to |ψi in the time T ′ . sequence b′ ∈ BN and receiving time T0 , she can inter-
Step 2 (Classical communication): Using a classical cept the qubit implementing the controlled evolution
communication channel Alice sends to Bob the pair at time T0∗ ( T0∗ 6= T0 is the right receiving time for
(T0 , b′ ) ∈ R × BN where b′ ∈ BN is the suitable control Eve depending on the receiving time T0 for Bob, let
sequence for Bob defined as follows: us suppose Eve knows ∆T = T0 − T0∗ because of
her deep knowledge of the quantum channel). Then
b′i := bm+1−i for 1 ≤ i ≤ m, she intercepts the second classical communication
gaining T1 so she performs the measurement at time
b′i := Rand(B) for m < i ≤ N. T1∗ = T1 − ∆T completing decryption phase in her
copy of Bob’s slot. Since she cannot copy an unknown
The bits bi , for i > m, are randomly taken because
quantum state the only way to re-transmit the original
are not relevant to implement the unitary operation
qubit state to Bob is implementig the whole decryption
required for decryption. T0 is the receiving time of

phase and re-prepare the qubit. Then Bob will receive We can slightly generalized the protocol from transmis-
the qubit with a time delay τ > T ′ . The presence of sion of a single qubit to transmission of a qubit-string.
delay in quantum transmission and consequent lack of Suppose Alice wants to send a qubit k-string in the
information proves an eavesdropping attack occured. state:
If Eve wants to prevent a time delay the only thing she
can do is sending a qubit in a new arbitrary state to |0i ⊗ |0i ⊗ |1i ⊗ |0i ⊗ |0i ⊗ |1i ⊗ |0i ⊗ · · · (30)
Bob who would receive a quibit at expected time T0
but this produces a random bit (error) which can be the encryption is implemented controlling the evolution
detected appending mutually agreed bit sequences to of qubits in a selected time interval [0, T ′ ], i.e. applying
the message, otherwise an error estimation procedure U ⊗k (T ′ ) to (30) obtaining the encrypted string:
can be adopted on the shared key after a QKD with our
|ψi ⊗ |ψi ⊗ |φi ⊗ |ψi ⊗ |ψi ⊗ |φi ⊗ |ψi ⊗ · · · (31)
protocol. Every eavesdropping without delay produces
randomized incoming qubits in Bob’s slot, i.e. it is where |ψi = U (T ′ )|0i and |φi = U (T ′ )|1i. The quantum
always an error source5. transmission is characterized by ∆t that is the time in-
Let us summarize a general eavesdropping attack terval between the transmissions of a single qubit and the
assuming Eve has an exact copy of Bob’s slot and a following one in the string. Bob receives control sequence
synchrnonized clock with clients’ clocks: and T0 over the classical channel. Bob will activate the
control sequence at time T0 and he will start to mea-
Stage 1 Eve intercepts the classical message, gaining sure single qubits at time T repeating measurements at
instructions about decryption: Initial time T0 of con- T + l∆t for l = 1, ..., k − 1. Hence a qubit-string with
trolled evolution and control sequence b ∈ BN . arbitrary lenght can be encrypted with the same amount
Stage 2 She moves an intercept-and-resend attack of classical information.
over the quantum channel. She implements decryption
procedure on the intercepted qubit performing a mea-
surement at time T1 declared by Alice in the second 5 Conclusions
classical communication. She gains secret information
In the present work a general open-loop scheme to con-
sent by Alice. In the third stage Eve must take a
trol a single qubit is discussed with some hints about
decision between two possible strategies.
physical realizations. Then the scheme with two control
Stage 3(a) She reprepares the qubit in the original
functions is proposed to define a quantum cryptographic
state and resends it to Bob. Time duration of this
protocol where controlled dynamics of qubit (or a string
procedure implies the qubit is not in Bob’s slot when
of qubits) gives rise to an encryption procedure and the
he performs the measurement at time T1 . Thus Eve
values of controls are transmitted in a classical commu-
produces a time delay corresponding to an information
nication. In particular the control law is encoded in a
bit-string, called control sequence, that contains a re-
Stage 3(b) During decryption phase in Eve’s slot, she
dundant information. Decryption can be implemented
provides a fake qubit to Bob according to expected
by the receiver once known the control sequence and the
receiving time in order to hide her presence. Bob’s
time at which he must perform a measurement on the
implements decryption and performs the measurement
received qubit. Unconditional security is guaranteed by
obtaining a completely randomized outcome.
the fact that the unique way to intercept information is
implementing a controlled time evolution of the qubit for
An effective eavesdropping attack can achieve the
decryption causing a detectable delay in transmission.
secret information however it certainly produces indeli-
Generally speaking, an abstract dynamical protocol
ble marks revealing Eve’s presence. More precisely if the
based on the free dynamics of a qubit can be physically
information is intercepted then there is no way to resend
unfeasible, otherwise an open-loop controlled time evolu-
it to Bob in order to maintain an eavesdropper hidden.
tion of a qubit can be designed to increase the feasibility
For this reason the presented protocol is particularly
and robustness of such a protocol.
effective for quantum key distribution. If Eve adopts the
startegy of Stage 3(b) during QKD then Alice’s key and
Bob’s key do not match because they are completely Appendix A. No-cloning theorem
scorrelated by Eve’s fake qubits.
Cloning an unknown quantum state is not possible in
5 While in BB84 an eavesdropping attack produces randomized general [5, 10]. Suppose the existence of a cloning ma-
qubits only if Eve chooses a different measurement basis w.r.t. to chine, i.e. a composite quantum system which is de-
Alice and Bob [1] otherwise transmission is unperturbed. scribed in the Hilbert space given by the tensor product

H ⊗ H such that there is a unitary operator (a time evo-
lution of the total system) which allows to duplicate the  
state of one subsystem. More precisely the initial state d X
of the composite system is |ψi ⊗ |Ψi i, the copying pro- i~ UI (t) = U0∗ (t)  ui (t)Hi (t) U0 (t)UI (t),
cedure is given by the action of the unitary operator U : i=1,2

U (|ψi ⊗ |Ψi i) = |ψi ⊗ |ψi, (32) obtaining equation (12).

for any |ψi. A no-go theorem on the existence of U can Appendix C. Proof of identity 20
be easily proved: Consider two initial state |ψi, |φi ∈ H
to be cloned. The copying procedure is: Given the orthonormal basis {|0i, |1i} of the Hilbert
space H we define an equivalence relation between state
U (|ψi ⊗ |Ψi i) = |ψi ⊗ |ψi, vectors: |ψi ∼ |φi if and only if they differ by relative
phases w.r.t. the basis {|0i, |1i} then they are physically
U (|φi ⊗ |Ψi i) = |φi ⊗ |φi, indistinguishable by means of a measurement performed
taking the inner product of above terms we have: w.r.t. this basis.
hψ|φi = (hψ|φi)2 . This equation holds if and only if Let |ψi = U0 (t)UI (t)|0i for some t ≥ 0:
|ψi = |φi or hψ|φi = 0. Thus for a pair of general quan-
tum states there is not a copying procedure (a unitary U0 (t)UI∗ (t)|ψi ∼ U0∗ (t)UI∗ (t)|ψi,
operator U ) and a general cloning device cannot exist.
where we use the fact that free evolution operator (and
This result has a remarkable impact on quantum infor-
its adjoint) produce only relative phases because the
mation, in particular on security of quantum channels, in
fixed basis is made by eigenstates of free Hamiltonian.
fact it implies that Eve cannot gain information from un-
If we prove the following relation:
known qubits but she must perform measurements cor-
rupting information. U0∗ (t)UI∗ (t)|ψi ∼ UI∗ (t)U0∗ (t)|ψi = |0i, (33)

Appendix B. Derivation of equation 12 then identity (20) is also proved because it implies
U0 (t)UI∗ (t)|ψi = eiθ |0i for some θ ∈ R depending on
Starting from equation (11): the operator UI (t).
Consider decomposition UI∗ (t)|0i = α|0i + β|1i, then:

U0∗ (t)UI∗ (t)|0i = αeiE0 t |0i + βeiE1 t |1i,

 
d X
i~ U0 (t)UI (t) = H0 + ui (t)Hi (t)U0 (t)UI (t),
dt i=1,2 UI∗ (t)U0∗ (t)|0i = αeiE0 t |0i + βeiE0 t |1i,
d d
i~ U0 (t)UI (t) + U0 (t) UI (t) = that is U0∗ (t)UI∗ (t)|0i ∼ UI∗ (t)U0∗ (t)|0i. The same argu-
dt dt ment implies U0∗ (t)UI∗ (t)|1i ∼ UI∗ (t)U0∗ (t)|1i thus rela-
  tion (33) is true by linearity.
=  H0 + ui (t)Hi (t) U0 (t)UI (t),
i=1,2 Acknowledgements

This work is partially supported by CryptoLabTN.

d I am grateful to D. D’Alessandro for reading a first draft
H0 U0 (t)UI (t) + i~U0 (t) UI (t) =
dt of the present work. I thank V. Moretti for some sug-
  gestions to improve the paper last version.
= H0 U0 (t)UI (t) +  ui (t)Hi (t) U0 (t)UI (t),
i=1,2 References

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