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Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat menyelesaikan tugas mata praktikum Teknologi Informasi
pada program studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

Dosen Pengampu :
Ika Purnamasari, S.Si., M.Si.
Wildan Muhlison, S.P., M.Si.

Disusun oleh :
Nirmala Rossalina Sujono


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Litt, J. S., Alaimo, K., Harrall, K. K., Hamman, R. F., Hébert, J. R., Hurley, T. G., … Glueck, D.
H. (2023). Effects of a community gardening intervention on diet, physical activity, and
anthropometry outcomes in the USA (CAPS): an observer-blind, randomised controlled
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Tsufac, A. R., Awazi, N. P., & Yerima, B. P. K. (2021). Characterization of agroforestry systems
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Notaro, M., Collado, C., Depas, J. K., Dumovil, D., Denis, A. J., Deheuvels, O., … Gary, C. (2021).
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in complex agroforestry systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41(5).
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Emilda, D., Indriyani, N. L. P., Muryati, N., & Sunyoto, N. (2020). Pengaruh Berbagai Campuran
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Kusmanto, H., Warjio, W., & Kurniaty, E. Y. (2019). Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan
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Mbaabu, P. R., Schaffner, U., & Eckert, S. (2021). Invasion of savannas by prosopis trees in eastern
africa: Exploring their impacts on lulc dynamics, livelihoods and implications on soil
organic carbon stocks. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives (Vol. 43, pp. 335–340). International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Ochirbat, B., & Turmunkh, T. (2021). Soil Erosion and Soil Organic Carbon in the Forest-Steppe
Zone: A Case Study in Baga Mukhar, West Khentei, Mongolia. In Proceedings of the
Environmental Science and Technology International Conference (ESTIC 2021) (Vol.
206). Atlantis Press.
Pulvento, C., Sellami, M. H., De Mastro, G., Calandrelli, D., & Lavini, A. (2022). Quinoa Vikinga
Response to Salt and Drought Stress under Field Conditions in Italy (p. 5). MDPI AG.
Pribawastuti, V. B., & Samara, S. H. (2022). The Intensive Program of Hatchery Aquaculture
Performance of Gourami (Osphronemus gouramy) in IPB Pandaan. In IOP Conference
Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1036). Institute of Physics.
Sunarharum, W. B., Fibrianto. K., Yuwono. S. S., Nur. M. (2019). Sains Kopi Indonesia. Malang:
Universitas Brawijaya Press.
Herdhiansyah. D., Sudarmi, Asriani, Sakir. (2022). Teknik Penetapan Komoditas Perkebunan
Unggulan. Pekalongan: Penerbit NEM.
Faires, N. (2016). The Ultimate Guide to Urban Farming: Sustainable Living in Your Home,
Community, and Business. USA: Skyhorse Publishing.
Suganda, T. (2016). Teknik Pembuatan Tanaman Sakit untuk Tujuan Penelitian. D. I. Yogyakarta:
Penerbit Deepublish.
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Bogor. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Suciati, I. (2020). Pelaksanaan Zakat Pertanian Kelapa Sawit Di Desa Jaya Mulya Kecamatan
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utara angkatan 2014. Diakses dari

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