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Job Anatyss, ve4m AnaIYS and Flexible ob Envconmen Ikis a writen statement of qualifications tra individual must possess to perform the job duties ag JOB SPECIFICATION INFORMATION ep i ae a vers tap ert Specification is to prepare a list of all jobs in the about each of the jobs in a c (ii) mental specifications, specifications. (i) Physical specifications: P| ‘hysical specifications incl Physical capacities which vary from job to job, phe acteristics that an discharge responsibilities effectively. he physical qualifications or Job. Physical qualifications or capacities ime physical features like height, weight, chest, vision, hearing, ability to lift weight, flee TY Weight, health, age, capacity to use or operate machines, tools, equipment, Gi) Mental specifications: Mental specifications include ability to perform, arithmetical calculations, to interpret data, information blue Prints, to read electrical circuits, ability to plan, reading abilities, scienti a fic abilities, judgment, ability to concentrate, ability to handle variable factors, gefieral intelligence, memory, etc (iii) Emotional and social specific important for the post of managers, ms: Emotional and social specifications are more supervisors, foremen, etc. These include emotional stability, flexibility, and social adaptability in human relationships, personal appearance including dress, posture, poise, features and voice required by the job. (i) Behavioural specifications: Behavioural specifications play an important role in selecting the candidates for higher level jobs in the organisational hierarchy. This specification Seeks to describe the acts of managers rather than the traits that cause the acts. These specifications include judgments, research, creativity, teaching ability, maturity (capable of accepting responsibility) trial of conciliation, self-reliance (self-starter sticks to own decisions), dominance (giving orders in a personal way), etc. Job specification model is depicted in Figure 3.4. Itis criticised that the privacy of the employee may be affected if the information like social background and family background is asked and taken into consideration to judge whether a candidate possesses certain traits, behavioural specifications and social specifications. However, the organisation may adapt the counselling technique to solicit such information rather than using application blank. And the organisations should give the benefit of doubt to the candidate in Judging the behavioural and social specifications based on sex, family and social background of the candidate, However, job analysis once applied is of great use for performing various functions of HRM, Job specification deals with + Physical + Mental + Emotional + Behavioural + specifications

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