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Suleimanova 1

Nigara Suleimanova


IUL 151
5 November 2023
Similarities and differences between pandas and humans
Humans and pandas are completely different creatures, but they have a lot of similarities.

One of these is their family structure. They often live in groups and pay great attention to their

offspring, and people do the same. Pandas, like people, are mammals. They both have mammary

glands and nurse their young after birth. Another similarity is their dependence on the

environment. Humans require a variety of natural resources to obtain food, just like pandas.

No matter how many similarities they have, there will still be many more differences.

Man has a biologically developed nervous system, intelligence, and the ability to use tools. Pandas,

on the other hand, have specialized teeth and stomach structures adapted for consuming bamboo,

and they do not have the same degree of advanced intellectual ability. Another difference will be

their way of communicating. While humans have a complex system of language and

communication, including speech, writing, and gestures, pandas, in turn, communicate using

sounds and gestures. Their communication methods are limited compared to humans. The

dissimilarity between man and this animal also shows their relationship to their habitat. While the

panda depends on its ecosystem and habitat, humans can easily change it.

In conclusion, humans and pandas are two amazing species with similarities and differences that

highlight the diversity of life on our planet.

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