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1. Good afternoon, welcome to UMM educational drugstore, my name is Novia Dwi Amalia and I
will be the pharmacist this afternoon. May I help you?
2. May I see your prescription?
3. Would you mind if I take your time for 3 to 5 minutes. Because i need some further information
about the prescription to support the treatment
4. Thank you and please have a sit
5. The prescription is written by dr. … for …., …. years old, is that right?
6. May I know who I am talking with?
7. Very well, may I know when you go to the doctor?
8. Could you tell me what the doctor told you? Maybe about your diagnosis or the treatment
9. Very well. Could you tell me how you feel about the disease?
10. Since when did you start feeling the pain? / since when did you start having asthma?
11. What medications did you previously take for asthma? (kalo asma nya udh lama)
12. How often does asthma flare up? / how often does the pain recur?
13. When it flares up, how does it feel? wheezing? or maybe feeling heavy or pain in the chest?
14. Are there any actions you take to overcome it?
15. Before your last relapse, what were you doing?
16. It says here (on the prescription) there is also cough medicine, could you please explain what
kind of cough you are experiencing? Is there any phlegm or not?
17. Are there any actions you take to overcome it?
18. What foods have you recently consumed before becoming ill? or Maybe you like to eat fried
19. Do you have any furry pets at home?
20. Have you gone on holiday recently?
21. May I know what your job is?
22. How often do you exercise?and what kind of exercise do you usually do?
23. May I know if you are a smoker? or any other members in your family are smokers? (kalo
ngerokok : how often do you smoke in a day? / how often do they smoke in a day)
24. Are there any other members in your family who have a history of asthma?
25. Are there any other illnesses you are experiencing, apart from asthma and cough?
26. Are there any other medicines you are currently taking?
27. Do you have allergies to certain medications?
28. Or is there another allergy? food allergies or something else?
29. Very well, thank you, I have got enough information regarding your illness, and I will check the
availability of your medicine, please wait for a moment.

1. Prescription in the name of ….. Thank you for waiting, maam/sir.
2. You will get (jumlah) medicines > (sebutkan obatnya)
3. So the price if you take them all is …. Do you want to take them all?
4. Do you need an apograph and receipt? (kalo ditanya buat apa : The apograph will be useful as
your medication records, and as our responsibility for the drug therapy we provide)
5. In whose name is the receipt?
6. Very well, thank you. Here is the queue number. Let me prepare your medicines, please wait for a
moment and l will call you according to this queue number.
1. Prescription in the name of .... queue number .....
2. Thank you for waiting (maam/sir) so here are your medicines that I have prepared for you. May I
explain how to use it for you? wes marino ndelok o jurnal mu sek.
3. Do you have any questions from the information that I gave? Is there anything else I can help you
4. Very well. Maam/Sir, Diseases such as asthma cannot be cured, however, the disease can improve
and can be controlled. So, please take the medicine regularly, so that it doesn't recur frequently
and you can carry out your usual activities without being disturbed. Can it be understood,
5. Excellent, thank you for your time, and Thank you for purchasing medicine at our pharmacy.
Take care on your way home!
1. Good afternoon, welcome to UMM educational drugstore, my name is Novia Dwi Amalia and I
will be the pharmacist this afternoon. May I help you?
2. May I see your prescription?
3. Would you mind if I take your time for 3 to 5 minutes. Because i need some further information
about the prescription to support the treatment
4. Thank you and please have a sit
5. The prescription is written by dr. … for …., …. years old, is that right?
6. May I know who I am talking with?
7. Very well, May I know when you last paid for this medicine?
8. May I know when was the last time you went to the doctor?
9. Could you please tell me what the doctor told you? Maybe about your diagnosis or the treatment
10. Very well. Could you please tell me how you feel about the disease?
11. Since when did you start feeling the pain? / since when did you start having asthma?
12. How often does asthma flare up? / how often does the pain recur?
13. When it flares up, how does it feel? wheezing? or maybe feeling heavy or pain in the chest?
14. Are there any actions you take to overcome it?
15. Before your last relapse, what were you doing?
16. Do you regularly use the inhaler?
17. Could you please explain what kind of cough/cold you are experiencing? Is there any phlegm or
not? (untuk batuknya)
18. Since when have you had a cough/cold?
19. Are there any actions you take to overcome it?
20. May I know if you can take tablets?
21. What foods have you recently consumed before becoming ill? or Maybe you like to eat fried
22. Do you have any furry pets at home?
23. Have you gone on holiday recently?
24. May I know what your job is?
25. How often do you exercise?And what kind of exercise do you usually do?
26. May I know if you are a smoker? or any other members in your family are smokers? (kalo
ngerokok : how often do you smoke in a day? / how often do they smoke in a day)
27. Are there any other members in your family who have a history of asthma?
28. Are there any other illnesses you are experiencing, apart from asthma and cough?
29. Are there any other medicines you are currently taking?
30. Do you have allergies to certain medications?
31. Or is there another allergy? food allergies or something else?
32. Very well, thank you, I have got enough information regarding your illness, and I will check the
availability of your medicine, please wait for a moment.

1. Prescription in the name of ….. Thank you for waiting, maam/sir.
2. You will get (jumlah) medicines > (sebutkan obatnya)
3. So the price if you take them all is …. Do you want to take them all?
4. Do you need a receipt?
5. In whose name is the receipt?
6. Very well, thank you. Here is the queue number. Let me prepare your medicines, please wait for a
moment and l will call you according to this queue number.
1. Prescription in the name of .... queue number .....
2. Thank you for waiting (maam/sir) so here are your medicines that I have prepared for you. May I
explain how to use it for you? wes marino ndelok o jurnal mu sek.
3. Do you have any questions from the information that I gave? Is there anything else I can help you
4. Very well. Maam/Sir, Diseases such as asthma cannot be cured, however, the disease can improve
and can be controlled. So, please take the medicine regularly, so that it doesn't recur frequently
and you can carry out your usual activities without being disturbed. Can it be understood,
5. Excellent, thank you for your time, and Thank you for purchasing medicine at our pharmacy.
Take care on your way home!
1. Good afternoon, welcome to UMM educational drugstore, my name is Novia Dwi Amalia and I
will be the pharmacist this afternoon. May I help you?
2. May I see your prescription?
3. Would you mind if I take your time for 3 to 5 minutes. Because i need some further information
about the prescription to support the treatment
4. Thank you and please have a sit
5. The prescription is written by dr. … for …., …. years old, is that right?
6. May I know who I am talking with?
7. Very well, May I know when you last paid for this medicine?
8. May I know when was the last time you went to the doctor?
9. Could you tell me what the doctor told you? Maybe about your diagnosis or the treatment.
10. When you go to the doctor, does the doctor check your blood pressure, blood sugar and
11. May I know what the results of the doctor's examination are?
12. Could you please tell me how you feel about the disease?
13. Since when have you had the disease?
14. What medications did you previously take?
15. Before your last relapse, what were you doing?
16. What foods have you recently consumed before becoming ill? or Maybe you like to eat food
from processed offal? or sweet or salty food?
17. Have you gone on holiday recently?
18. May I know what your job is? (kalo belum nyebut kerjaannya)
19. How often do you exercise?And what kind of exercise do you usually do?
20. Are there any other members in your family who have a history of hypertension and diabetes?
21. Are there any other illnesses you are experiencing, apart from hypertension and diabetes?
22. Are there any other medicines you are currently taking?
23. Do you have allergies to certain medications?
24. Or is there another allergy? food allergies or something else?
25. Very well, thank you, I have got enough information regarding your illness, and I will check the
availability of your medicine, please wait for a moment.

1. Prescription in the name of ….. Thank you for waiting, maam/sir.
2. You will get (jumlah) medicines > (sebutkan obatnya)
3. So the price if you take them all is …. Do you want to take them all?
4. Do you need an apograph and receipt? (kalo ditanya buat apa : The apograph will be useful as
your medication records, and as our responsibility for the drug therapy we provide)
5. In whose name is the receipt?
6. Very well, thank you. Here is the queue number. Let me prepare your medicines, please wait for a
moment and l will call you according to this queue number.
1. Prescription in the name of .... queue number .....
2. Thank you for waiting (maam/sir) so here are your medicines that I have prepared for you. May I
explain how to use it for you? wes marino ndelok o jurnal mu sek.
3. Do you have any questions from the information that I gave? Is there anything else I can help you
4. Very well. Maam/Sir, Diseases like the one you are currently experiencing cannot be cured,
however, the disease can improve and can be controlled. So, please take the medicine regularly,
so that it doesn't recur frequently and you can carry out your usual activities without being
disturbed. Can it be understood, sir/ma'am?
5. Excellent, thank you for your time, and Thank you for purchasing medicine at our pharmacy.
Take care on your way home!

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