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ISSN 2088-5415 (Print)

ISSN 2355-5777 (Online) 10.22146/ kawistara.63397

VOLUME 11 No. 1, 22 April‑ 2021 Halaman 36—44



Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty, Annisa B Tribhuwaneswari2,
dan Lutfi Zulkarnain 3
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Submitted: 20-01-2021; Revised: 08-04-2021; Accepted:30-04-2021

Rapid development and increasing population density have created challenge for many regions
to provide settlement spaces. The demand for settlement requires analysis that can forecast on the
availability of space and the growth of settlement. Such a challenge is faced by Manyar sub-district of
Gresik regency. Since it became an Economic Strategic District Area in the agroindustry area in Gresik
Regency, the demand for settlement at Manyar increased following the 2017 population boom. Manyar
is recorded as the third maximum growth in Gresik regency with numbers of 114.056 inhabitant living
in 9.542 acre. This study aims to examine the facilities and infrastructure, as well as the availability of
residential land in the next 20 years. This study uses quantitative technique that includes projections of
settlement demand. Data collection methods takes the form of field observations and surveys of related
agencies. The analytical technique utilized was backlog and scalogram study regarding the availability
of settlement, facilities and infrastructure support. As the result, this paper found that the population
growth rate of Manyar sub-district reaches 0.1% every year. Consequently, the settlement and
supporting infrastructures required at the year 2039 increase massively since 2019 consists of housing
facilities, education, health facilities, worship facilities, commerce and services facilities, and green open
spaces. The land required for the development of the facility is 269.1 acre. Based on the level of need for
residential facilities and infrastructure in the next 20 years in Manyar sub-district, further research is
needed to anticipate the phenomenon of pond land conversion by maintaining land functions.

Keywords: Availability; Population growth; Settlement and infrastructure planning.

Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan penduduk telah menghadapi berbagai tantangan di setiap daerah
dalam hal menyiapkan tempat permukiman. Kebutuhan akan permukiman penduduk membutuhkan
analisis yang dapat memprediksikan kebutuhan tempat dan ruang untuk perkembangan permukiman
penduduk. Misalnya, tantangan yang dihadapi di Kecamatan Manyar. Sejak menjadi kawasan strategis
ekonomi dalam sektor agro industri di Kabupaten Gresik. Kebutuhan akan permukiman meningkat

*Corresponding author:

Copyright© 2021 THE AUTHOR (S). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
4.0 International license. Jurnal Kawistara is published by the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty -- Analysis of Settlement Availability
at Manyar Economic District Strategic Area of Gresik Regency

sejak tahun 2017. Manyar tercatat tiga kali Based on Settlement and Housing Areas
lonjakan penduduk ketiga tertinggi di Kabupaten constitution (Undang-undang Republik Indone-
Gresik. dengan jumlah 114.056 jiwa menghuni sia No. 1 Tahun 2011, 2011) Settlements are part
di lahan seluas 9.542 Ha. Penelitian ini bertujuan of the residential neighborhood, which con-
untuk mengkaji fasilitas dan infrastruktur, serta
sists of more than one housing. Settlements
ketersedian lahan permukiman dalam 20 tahun
ke depan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan
have several types including kampong settle-
adalah teknik quantitatif dengan metode proyeksi ments, residential settlements, traditional
kebutuhan permukiman. Teknik pengumpulan settlements, special settlements, coastal settle-
data menggunakan observasi lapangan dan ments in which there are supporting facilities
survei pada stakeholder terkait. Teknik analisa and infrastructure which include educational
dengan metode backlog dan scalogram terkait facilities, health, worship, trade and services,
ketersediaan lahan, fasilitas dan infrastruktur and green open space. The needs for settle-
penunjang. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ments itself are increasing along the growth of
ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata angka the population number. Factors which affect
pertumbuhan populasi dari kecamatan Manyar
this development were population growth
sebesar 0,1 % per tahun. Dampaknya kebutuhan
lahan, fasilitas, dan infrastruktur permukiman
and housing backlog (Rosa, 2013).
pada tahun 2039 akan diperlukan dan meningkat This happened especially in strategic
tajam sejak tahun 2019.Kebutuhan tersebut berupa economic areas, located in specific areas with
fasilitas permukiman, fasilitas kesehatan, fasilitas higher population density triggered by the
edukasi, fasilitas ibadah, fasilitas perbelanjaan people whom lives near the location they
serta servis, dan fasilitas ruang terbuka hijau. needs. It allows the community to fulfill their
Lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan needs, thus it caused strategic areas has high-
fasilitas tersebut seluas 269,1 Ha. Berdasarkan er population density than other areas. This
besarnya tingkat kebutuhan fasilitas dan strategic areas itself is a section which it spa-
infrastruktur permukiman 20 tahun mendatang
tial planning is prioritized because it has an
di kecamatan Manyar, maka perlu adanya
penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengantisipasi
important influence on the economic growth
terjadinya fenomena konversi lahan tambak of the surrounding sectors (Undang-undang
dengan mempertahankan fungsi lahan. Republik Indonesia No. 26 Tahun 2007 tentang
Penataan Ruang, 2007).
Kata Kunci: Ketersediaan; Pertumbuhan penduduk; The establishment of a National Strate-
Perencanaan permukiman dan infrastruktur. gic Area (KSN) which is oriented towards
economic activities causes the need for re-
INTRODUCTION gional integration and interaction to sup-
The rapid development and population port each other’s economic activities (Putra,
density growth causes space for settlements Giyarsih, & Kurniawan, 2017). The strategic
to become narrow (Rachmawati & Widyas- area is an area that becomes the main priority
tuty, 2015). Settlements and their supporting in the development of territory. This is very
facilities are basic human needs to provide influential in various sectors such as econo-
living and socializing with their environ- my, social, culture and community (Afrian-
ment. These basic needs continue to increase syah, Wicaksono, & Djakfar, 2012). Economic
naturally as the complexity of community growth with the establishment of a national
develops, such as the need for social activi- strategic area has resulted in a large num-
ties, economic activities, and public service ber of migrant residents living and of course
activities (Rotinsulu, Franklin, & Sembel, needing a place to live for their survival
2017). This phenomenon also demands the (Mirah, Mononimbar, & Tilaar, 2017). Land
construction of facilities and infrastructure in use change is influenced by four factors,
an area in order to maintain the survival of political factors, economic factors, demo-
the community. graphic factors and cultural factors. Based on
Maslow’s theory, basic human needs are the

Kawistara, Vol. 11, No. 1, 22 April 2021: 35-44

availability of food, clothing and shelter (Bo- ities. This is a reason distinguishes Manyar
eree, 2006). So, there is a need for a strategy sub – district from other areas which are also
to provide facilities in settlements to support the locations of the National Strategic Area.
economic growth activities and of course Anticipation was done to manage the
not damage the carrying capacity of the sur- problem of population density boom in the
rounding environment. strategic area. This is also to prepare for the
Gresik Regency is one of the regency in slum settlements emergence due to the lack
East Jaca with an area of 1.191,25 Km2 (2,5% of service to the community’s needs for set-
from the total area of East Java Province) with tlement facilities. Owing to the high activity
a fairly high population density in 2017 of needs of the population, it is undeniable that
1.103 inhabitants/Km2 (Badan Pusat Statistik, the need for land will also increase. It requires
2018). Gresik Regency according to Gresik dis- more residential land than other areas, thus
trict according to Strategic Area Distribution it is crucial to find out how the condition of
Plan is included in the District Strategic Area the availability of residential land along with
with economic purpose (Peraturan Pemerintah supporting infrastructure facilities and settle-
Republik Indonesia No. 26 Tahun 2008, 2008). ments in the strategic economic area of Man-
This condition supports Gresik Regency as an yar Sub-District. The purpose of this study
area which has fast growth from the develop- was to determine the condition of the availa-
ment and population sectors. bility of settlements in the economic strategic
Gresik Regency Manyar Sub-district has area of Manyar Sub-District.
an area 0f 8% from the total area of Gresik This study uses quantitative research
Regency which consist around 9.542 Ha by depicting datas on the level of types of
from 119.125 Ha, with third highest popu- settlements, population projections and the
lation density from other sub-district in the conditions of facilities and infrastructure to
regency (BPS, 2018). The population reach support settlements. Subjects in this research
a number of 9% or 114.056 inhabitant from uses quantitative research by describing data
Gresik Regency of 1.313.826 inhabitant, it on the level of settlement types, population
has population density of 1.193 inhabitant/ projections and the conditions if supporting
km (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018). The plan for facilities and infrastructure for settlements.
determining strategic area of Gresik Regency this research consists of the distribution of
as also stated in The Spatial and Region Plan types of settlements, population projections,
of Gresik Regency, Manyar sub-district was conditions of supporting facilities and infra-
included in strategic regency as agrobusiness structure as well as conditions of lack of sup-
industry area (Peraturan Pemerintah Republik porting facilities and infrastructure which
Indonesia No. 26 Tahun 2008, 2008). include facilities (housing, education, health,
High population growth and geograph- service commerce and green space), while for
ic location in an area prone to flooding and infrastructure include (electricity network, tel-
sea water abrasion, it is necessary to provide ecommunication network, drainage network,
land for settlement service facilities in Man- clean water network and waste network).
yar sub-district, Gresik District. This avail- The scope of the area in this study is
ability projects the need for residential land Manyar sub-district with an area of 9,542.9
for the next 20 years. So that it is expected Ha. The administrative boundaries of Manyar
to be able to anticipate the consequences of sub-district from the North side was Bungah
agribusiness activities in Manyar sub – dis- sub-district, on the Southern side was Madu-
trict. In accordance with the four factors that ra Strait and Gresik sub-district, from the East
influence changes in land use, the geograph- side was Kebomas sub-district, lastly, on the
ical condition of the area also influences the West side was Duduksampeyan sub-district.
change. Not all land in Manyar sub – district Figure 1. bellow describes about the adminis-
can be used as a location for residential activ- trative limits of Manyar sub-district.

Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty -- Analysis of Settlement Availability
at Manyar Economic District Strategic Area of Gresik Regency

Figure 1.
Administrative Map of Manyar sub-district Resources : Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Gresik
2012(BAPPEDA, 2011), Peta dasar Bakosuranal 2013, survey results 2019.

Data needed in this study consisted of (Standar Nasional Indonesia 2004) which is
primary data obtained through observation, used to determine the level of needs for sup-
and documentation and secondary data ob- porting facilities and infrastructure for settle-
tained through BPS data, district datas and ments. Housing backlog analysis techniques
literature studies. The analysis technique is the number of housing shortages which
used in this study is a quantitative descriptive usually defined as the number of houses that
analysis, firststly to know the typology of the haven’t been handled well. It was used to
avaibility on the settlement area, the polygon know the needs of housing in the research
area calculation technique were used from area (Rosa, 2013).
the compilation results of the secondary da-
tas and field observation. Secondly, to iden- DISCUSSION
tify the number and condition of the avail- Distribution and Settlement Types in
ability of settlement support facilities and Manyar Sub-District
the order of the ranking of the region using Manyar sub-district is one of the sub-
the schalogram analysis technique. Thirdly, district located in the Gresik Regenscy. Man-
using the population projection technique to yar sub-districy became a strategic area in the
understand the population growth assump- regency based on the economic(agrobusiness
tion during the next 20 years using exponen- industry) perspective, thus Manyar sub-
tial methods and the analysis technique for district has some of the settlement typol-
supporting facilities and infrastructure needs ogy based on the field survey and analysis
based on Indonesian National Standard 2004 of the distribution and types of settlement.

Kawistara, Vol. 11, No. 1, 22 April 2021: 35-44

The results shows it has three types of settle- types of setllements, ehich are kampong and
ment in the Manyar sub-district which are residential settlement. Thus for the types of
residential, kampong, and industry. Residen- kampong settlements distributed in the Man-
tial settlement are the settlement which has yar sub-district amidst the 23 villages reach
neat arrangement with well provided facili- the number of 335.38 Ha or 52% from the
ties and infrastructure, located in the urban total area of Manyar sub-district settlement.
area (Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. The residential village are 275.28 Ha or 42%
1 Tahun 2011, 2011). Kampong settlement is a from the entirety of Mantar sub-district. The
settlement located in the urban area with an least area are industry settlement with the
unplanned development and grown organ- amount of 39.84 Ha or 6% from the sum of
ically(Darmawan & Utami, 2018). Industry all the settlement in the sub-district. For more
settlement located in the industry area and accurate describtion can be seen in figure 2
act as supporting facilities in the industry bellow. Kampong settlement surround more
itself (Anggreini, Wulandari, & Ramdlani, than half of the Manyar sub-district area. This
2018). was caused by kampong characteristic which
Kampong, residential, and industry set- grow organically along the increase in the
tlement in the Manyar sub-district scattered number of the family moving to the urban
amongs 23 villages in the sub-district. The area, the dwellings needs are also rising. The
village which has those three types are Romo ecpantion caused by the settlement caused
Village, Sukomulyo Villafe, and Leran Vil- kampong settlement grown exponentially in
lage. The other 20 village only consist of 1-2 the urban area.

Figure 2
Map of Distribution and Types of Settlement in Manyar Sub-District.
Resources : Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Gresik 2012 (BAPPEDA, 2011),
Peta dasar Bakosuranal 2013, Hasil survey 2019

Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty -- Analysis of Settlement Availability
at Manyar Economic District Strategic Area of Gresik Regency

Figure 2 shows that in Manyar Sub-Dis- ant in 2039 to 21,938 or it could be said that the
trict has 3 types of settlements spread across population increase reached 19%. In addition
23 villages. The highest types of settlements Suci Village in Yosowilangon Village also
are kampong settlements indicated by yel- experiencing an increase at 2019 from 13.359
low and residential settlements with orange inhabitants and at he year 2039 the amounts
and lowest are industrial settlements indicat- add up to 16.301 inhabitant or around 11%
ed by dark yellow shown on the map. and for the village which has the lowest
amount of uptrend is Morobakung villafe
Needs of Facilities and Supporting with 2019 population reaches the number of
Infrastructure Availability Settlements 1.636 inhabitant and at the yar 2039 becames
in Manyar Sub-District 1.997 inhabitant or around 1%. With those re-
Scalogram analysis is used to identify sults, manyar sub-district according to Reg-
the number, distribution and condition of ulation of the Head of the Central Statistics
the facilities and infrastructure supporting Agency (2010) is categorized as the 1% -2%
settlements as well as the ranking order of classification
the areas based on the type and number of
settlement infrastructure units. (Muta’ali, Facilities and Infrastructure in Manyar
2015). The results of the scalogram analysis Sub-District
show that there are 20 types of facilities in Manyar sub-District has 3 types of set-
Manyar sub-District. Manyarejo Village has tlements namely kampong settlements with
the most complete facilities with 17 types of 335.38 Ha or 52% of the total area of Manyar
facilities from 20 types of facilities in Manyar sub-District, there are also 275.28 Ha or 42%
sub-district. The total number of the 17 facili- of the total residential settlement area and
ties is 37 facilities. This shows that in Manyar finally industrial settlement with 39.84 Ha
sub-district, the distribution of service func- or 6% of the total settlement area located in
tions is not evenly distributed in all sub-dis- Manyar sub-District. Besides having 3 types
tricts. The higher the value of the complete- of settlements, Manyar sub-District also has
ness of the facilities in an area, the higher the 20 types of settlement facilities with a total
service capability of the area (Muta’ali, 2015). of 644 units spread across 23 villages in Man-
Manyarejo has the highest service capabili- yar sub-District. This is in accordance with
ty, while Morobakung village, Manyar sido- the condition of population growth that oc-
rukun village, Tabalo village, Banyuwangi curred in Manyar sub-District which has an
village, sumberejo village, Ngampel village increase of 1% per year. Manyar sub-district,
dan Pejanganan village had the lowest ser- after projecting the level of facilities and in-
vice capabilities. The results of this study in- frastructure needs for the next 20 years, has a
dicate that the distribution of the population high level of additional needs as follows:
and facilities and infrastructure is not evenly
distributed. Facilities
Manyar Sub-District requires the addi-
Population Projection on Manyar tion of 6 types of residential public service fa-
Sub-District cilities including the following aspects such
The projected population of the Manyar as housing facilities, education facilities,
Sub-District area, with the assumptions for health facilities, worship facilities, commer-
the projected population of Manyar Sub-Dis- cial service facilities, and green open spac-
trict over the next 20 years, from 2019-2039 to es. The education facilities with the total of
an increase of 1% each year. The population 48.415 units seen from the number of back log
that experienced the highest increase was in homes from the previous 1.093 units. Educa-
the Suci Village, which from the beginning in tion facilities need addition comparatively 58
2019 the population reached 17,979 inhabit- units of kindergarten, 9 units of junior high

Kawistara, Vol. 11, No. 1, 22 April 2021: 35-44

school, and 10 units of elementary and high The greater the rate of population
school level. The type of health facility that growth, more demands are made to fulfil
requires the lowest level of number of addi- the necessities of life and the social facilities
tions is a puskesmas which for 20 consecu- needed to support the surrounding existence.
tive years requires only 1 additional unit and (As’ari, Ruli, & Fadjarani, 2018)(Rumengan,
the highest was Posyandu with the increase Kindangen, & Takumansang, 2019). It causes
to 100 units. The worship facilities total addi- more demand for land avaibility which sure-
tion was mushalla which consist of 300 units ly pushes for the increasing land function
and churches, temples, vihara with 39 units. changes (Prihatin, 2015). Land conversion
For the commercial and services facilities, it occurs naturally in accordance with the ful-
require an increase of department shops of 20 filment of the level of population needs, but
units. Green Open Spaces needs more neigh- this becomes unnatural if it is not controlled
borhood association (RT) Scale Park of 500 and becomes a problem as a consequence for
units and citizen associaton (RW) Scale Park the conversion of functions that occur on ag-
of 50 units. ricultural land or other productive land. (Pr-
From the results of the above descrip- ihatin, 2015).
tion in accordance with the condition of The phenomenon above shows a tenden-
population growth in the Sub-District of cy towards convertion of pond lands. This
Manyar which reaches 1% each year, it can kind event has been happening since the year
be said that from the population growth in of 2002 to 2007 which consist of 5.491,91 Ha
the Sub-District of Manyar has a low level of in Manyar sub-district. Conceding that the
need for supporting housing facilities that aquaculture sectors removed or undergoes a
includes several types of facilities include; change of function, Gresik regency will ecpe-
educational advice, health facilities, worship rience an ecological imbalance and dispro-
facilities, trade facilities and services as well portion between sectors. Conclusively, this
as green open space facilities for the next 20 research proves there’s needs to control pond
years. In accordance with Indonesian Na- lands conversion to facilitate the demand of
tional Standard no. 03-1733 in 2014 with the settlement facilities and infrastructures.
area of Manyar Sub-District reaching 9,542
Ha and the developed land of 269.1 Ha, it CONCLUSION
is very possible to do additional settlement The results of the analysis in this study
support facilities according to the needs re- for the conclusions that can be drawn in ac-
quired (Badan Standarisasi Nasional, 2004). cordance with the expected results are the
types of settlements in the Sub-District of
Infrastructures Manyar including 3 types namely; kampong
Infrastructure needs in Manyar sub-dis- settlements, industrial settlements, and resi-
trict consist of 5 types namely electricity net- dential settlements. The population growth
work, telecommunication network, drainage rate of Manyar Sub-District reaches 1% every
network, clean water network and waste net- year and based on the schalogram analysis
work. As for the road network, the projection Manyar Sub-District has 19 types of housing
results for the next 20 years do not require ad- support facilities including; education (kin-
ditions. These results are in accordance with dergarten, elementary, junior high, senior
the Indonesian national standard no 03-1733 high school and university). Health facilities
in 2019 with the area of ​​Manyar sub-District (RSM, RSB, Clinic, Puskesmas, Pustu, Doctor’s
reaching 9,542 Ha and the developed land Clinic, Poskesdes, Posyandu dan Pharmacy),
reaching 269.1 Ha so it is very possible to do worship (mosques and prayer rooms), trade
the addition of housing support infrastruc- and services (shops, minimarkets, and tra-
ture according to the needs needed ie for the ditional markets). The results of the needs
next 20 years . analysis in 2039 require the addition of facili-

Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty -- Analysis of Settlement Availability
at Manyar Economic District Strategic Area of Gresik Regency

ties and infrastructure to support settlements ACKNOWLEDGMENT

including; housing, education facilities (kin- Acknowledgments and appreciation,
dergarten, elementary school, junior high the writer needs to convey acknowledge-
and high school), health facilities (RSM, RSB, ments and appreciation to the various par-
Clinic, Puskesmas, Pustu, Doctor’s Practice, ties who have provided assistance in the
Poskesdes, Posyandu and Pharmacy), worship form of guidance, direction, advice, support
facilities (Mushola and Church), commerce and facilities from the beginning to the end
and services (Minimarket, Shop and shop of the preparation of the research including
Traditional Market), and green open spaces the Gresik Regency government that has al-
(neighborhood association park and citizen lowed the author to conduct research in the
association park). Gresik Regency precisely in the Manyar Sub-
The need for additional facilities in resi- District.
dential area is a projection of 20 years popu-
lation growth in Manyar sub-district. Those BIBLIOGRAPHY
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