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When is the Final Draft due for Essay 2?

● Monday, October 23 at 11:59pm

⇒ What is the penalty for failing to submit the Final Draft by the deadline?

● It will result in a 0. No late work is accepted.

⇒ How and where will you submit the Final Draft for assessment?

● The Final Draft will be submitted through Turnitin on Blackboard.

⇒ What are the minimum requirements for a passing grade for Essay 2?

● Be in MLA format
● Be submitted on time
● Have been peer reviewed in workshop
● Meet the word count requirement (800-1,000 words)
● Have been preceded by the submission of Draft 1
● Reveal something about your image that is not obvious to your audience
● Have a controlling idea (claim) supported by evidence from the from the visual text
● Be cohesive and organized around your claim
● Include transitions and transitional phrases to guide your audience through your ideas
● Be nearly free of comma splices, run ons, and fragments

2. What writing assignment is due after the Final Draft of Essay 2? When is it due?

● Reflection Essay 2 and it is due on October 25.

⇒ What is the penalty for failing to submit this assignment by the deadline?

● It will result in a 0, no late work is accepted.

⇒ How and where will you submit this assignment for assessment?

● It will be submitted through Turnitin on Blackboard.

3. When is Draft 1 due for Essay 2?

● Before assigned conference time.

⇒ What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 1 by the deadline?

● a grade of a 0, no late work is accepted.

⇒ How and where will you submit Draft 1 for assessment?

● In Turnitin on Blackboard.

4. When will we conduct a Peer Review Workshop?

● Friday, October 20
⇒ What is the penalty for not attending Peer Review Workshop?

● a grade of a 0

⇒ What materials will you need to share to participate in the Peer Feedback Workshop? How and where?

● Our essay on Google Docs or Word will be shared to receive feedback from peer.

• What questions do you have about drafts, due dates, and submission details?

● I have no questions, as of right now, they have all been answered by the syllabus.

Section 2: Determining GAPS

1. What is the required genre for Essay 2?

● The basic introduction, body, and conclusion format. The introduction must include a controlling
idea. The body paragraphs must support the controlling idea with descriptive evidence. Finally,
the conclusion should restate the controlling idea and explain why it is important.

2. What are the major features and parts of the genre used in Essay 2?

● The major feature and parts of the genre will be the images of the visual text.

3. Who is your audience for Essay 2?

● Our 1301 classmates and instructor

4. What is your purpose, or goal, for writing Essay 2?

● The essay asks to analyze a visual text and make a claim about the meaning of creates.

5. What formatting and referencing style is required for this paper?

● This essay should be in MLA format.

•What questions do you have about the genre, purpose, and audience for this paper? What information is
not included that you would like to know to better meet the expectations for the paper?

● I am not sure what the referencing style is for the paper.

Section 3: Frontloading the Workload / Determining Tasks

What steps for finishing Essay 2 should be completed in Week 9?

● By week 9, the final draft for essay 2 should be completed.

What steps for finishing Essay 2 should be completed in Week 8?

● By week 8, a complete first draft for essay 2 should be done. As well as an appointed conference
● Peer Review with partner should be submitted by 11:59pm, October 20.

What steps for working on Essay 2 should be completed in Week 7?

● Complete the Visual Text Analysis Worksheet with image

● Complete the Visual Text Outline Worksheet with Analysis Worksheet image

What steps for working on Essay 2 should be completed in Week 6?

● Read Essay 2 assignmentpPrompt and complete Project Management Worksheet.

● Decide in image to write about and bring it to class for approval.

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