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Delilah Gonzalez

Mr. Powers

English 1302

21 September 2023

Reflecting on Peer Feedback

For draft 1 on Peer Feedback, one of the feedbacks I have gotten was making sure I remove the

"Annotated Bibliography" next to my title. They then mentioned that all my articles are in

alphabetical order and that they include six entries, each annotated bibliography having an

accessible, readable summary, and for suggestions, that I should check for indentions in each

work cited and paragraph because, according to them, they all seem different and that some

sections do not have an indention. Another Peer Feedback for draft 1 is that my title does relate

to my articles, the articles are in alphabetical order, I include six entries, each annotated

bibliography has an accessible, readable summary, and they suggested to me to make my

summary a little bit shorter.

For draft 2 on Peer Feedback, they wrote that what it is about is the polar bears will be at risk and

won't recover, then is used too often throughout the paragraph, my last sentence in paragraph 3 is

a bit unclear at the end, and that overall, paragraphs are well formatted and no run-n sentenced

were detected.

After I read my peers' feedback, I will make some changes to draft 3. The first change I'll make

is removing the "Annotated Bibliography" next to my title. From there, I'll make sure that my

citations and my paragraphs are indented, reread my summaries if there is any extra information

that I don't need, redo my sentences that do not need a "then," and make sure that I redo the last

sentence from paragraph 3 to make it more transparent and direct for the reader to understand.

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