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December 13, 2023

Dear Mrs. Williams,

The purpose of this letter is to explain the revisions I have made as part of my final exam in
English 111. I am going to explain the revision that I have made to my podcast and why I have
made those revisions. The formal assignment that I chose to revise for this final is Formal
assignment #3 which for me was my healthy eating podcast.

My writing skills have undergone a transformation throughout the duration of ENG 111, as I was
previously not proficient in this area and lacked an understanding of the distinction between
informal and formal writing styles. However, after completing this course, I have witnessed a
substantial enhancement in my writing abilities.

I selected this essay because it was the formal assignment that received the lowest grade,
providing me with the opportunity to make substantial revisions. Initially, I created a podcast that
lasted approximately 7 minutes, but I made several modifications and edits to extend it to 10
minutes. Moreover, I believe this essay represents my best work of the semester. I particularly
appreciate the requirement to include an Artist Statement, as it allowed me to showcase my
creative process and reflect on my writing experience. Your feedback on my podcast was
invaluable, as it guided me in making significant improvements to my writing.

My writing prior to enrolling in ENG 111 was considerably underdeveloped and lacked the level
of professionalism required for college-level work. This course has played a pivotal role in
preparing me for the challenges of college and life beyond, particularly by highlighting the
distinctions between informal and formal writing. Moreover, my vocabulary has experienced
significant growth throughout this course. Additionally, I have acquired knowledge about various
writing styles and their relevance in our daily lives. The feedback provided by you has been
immensely valuable, contributing to a noticeable improvement in my writing skills. By
examining my revised essay, it becomes evident how this course has transformed my writing
over the course of the semester. I am now capable of incorporating three additional minutes of
factual information into a podcast on healthy eating without it becoming wordy and difficult to
comprehend. Undoubtedly, I believe that my writing has undergone a substantial positive
transformation throughout this course.

I have selected this essay as a representation of my finest work because I believe it is the formal
assignment that offered the greatest room for improvement. Additionally, I found it to be the
most challenging formal assignment to complete successfully. Crafting the podcast proved to be
particularly demanding as I had to ensure that I included enough information to meet the
minimum time requirement while also keeping the listeners engaged. On the other hand,
developing my artist statement was not as difficult, but I appreciated the requirement as it
prompted me to reflect on my writing journey. This exercise ultimately enhanced my writing
skills by helping me identify what works well for me and what does not. Furthermore, I believe
that my podcast was the strongest among my formal assignments because I dedicated significant
time to revising all of them after they were graded, and this particular assignment required the
most revisions. Considering the effort I invested and the knowledge I gained throughout the
semester in improving my writing, I believe that this podcast and artist statement serve as the
most compelling showcase of my work.

When I initially began working on the initial draft of this podcast, I was uncertain about the
direction I should take. Originally, I had planned to create a magazine article, but upon your
suggestion, I decided to make a podcast instead. Given that my topic revolves around the
importance of healthy eating and how to achieve it, I believe this was excellent advice. Looking
back, it seems unlikely that many individuals would have taken the time to read a magazine
article on this subject, whereas a podcast would likely attract more listeners. Furthermore, I
believe that discussing healthy eating can be a sensitive topic, and conveying emotions effectively
is easier through a podcast format. Initially, I struggled to write enough content to make my
podcast sufficiently long. To overcome this challenge, I conducted additional research and
gathered more facts, which ultimately made the process of creating a longer podcast easier.
Reflecting on my journey while writing this podcast greatly aided me in crafting my artist
statement. I found the process of writing the artist statement to be highly beneficial and a
valuable addition to this assignment. To enhance my podcast writing skills, I listened to other
podcasts to observe how they maintain momentum and engage their audience. This practice
proved to be helpful in keeping my own podcast engaging and dynamic.

The feedback you provided regarding my podcast greatly contributed to its improvement as it
enlightened me about the necessity of keeping it within the 10-15 minute range. Armed with this
knowledge, I was able to enhance the content by incorporating additional details, thereby making
the podcast more impactful. Without your guidance, my podcast would have remained vague,
lacking the necessary information and facts. In order to extend the duration of my podcast, I had
to substantiate my tips and information with a greater number of facts. This not only enhanced
the credibility of my podcast but also increased its likelihood of being perceived as trustworthy
by the audience. The most significant modifications I made to this assignment involved the
inclusion of a more captivating introduction that captivates the listeners, followed by the
integration of factual evidence to render the tips more believable and beneficial.

The process of prewriting, drafting, and revising my podcast and artist statement has greatly
contributed to the strength of these essays. In my opinion, this podcast and artist statement
represent the peak of my writing abilities, and I attribute this achievement to the precise writing
process. Your guidance throughout the process was invaluable, as you effectively walked us
through each step and provided us with valuable tips for success. I particularly appreciate the
opportunity to make multiple attempts at each stage, as it allowed our writing to reach its full
potential. Furthermore, the feedback provided helped us identify and fix our mistakes, ensuring
that they would not be repeated. Previously, I held the belief that the writing process was vain
and time-consuming, but now I have come to realize its indispensable role in producing strong

After completing my revision I feel that the tips in my podcast are the strongest part of my essay.
I feel this way because I have added facts to back up the tips that will really make people want to
follow them. These tips can really make a big impact on some people's lives and that is why I
made them way more detailed.

If given additional time to revise this paper, I would incorporate more specific facts from
reputable doctors or individuals. Moreover, I would strive to evoke strong emotional responses
from the audience and ensure that those who are listening and seeking to learn feel at ease.
Although I still desire to extend the podcast's duration, I believe that I have done well in terms of
length considering the chosen subject matter. In my artist statement, I could have provided a
more comprehensive account of the process I underwent to reach the final product. Generally, the
only aspect that would have benefitted from more time is the inclusion of additional details.

Upon reflecting on this semester, as this final exam for the course approaches, I am compelled to
acknowledge the significant benefits I have derived from this course. Undoubtedly, this course
has played a pivotal role in enhancing my writing skills to a remarkable extent, thereby
equipping me for my forthcoming college experience. One of the key takeaways from this class
has been the realization that the writing process is not merely a laborious task one must endure,
but rather a valuable endeavor that significantly enhances the quality of one's written work.
Moreover, I have acquired a plethora of new vocabulary, which has undoubtedly contributed to
the improvement of my writing. If given the opportunity to revisit this course or if provided with
additional time, I would have dedicated more attention to refining the intricacies of my writing.
Additionally, I would have strived to achieve a high level of proficiency in my initial drafts,
minimizing the need for subsequent revisions. I express my sincere gratitude for your
commitment in providing constructive feedback on each assignment, which has undeniably
facilitated my growth as a writer.

Bailey Polaski
Bailey Polaski

ENG 111

Prof. Williams

November 9, 2023

Podcast: Healthy Lifestyle 101

Host: Hello, wonderful listeners, and welcome to a special extended episode of Healthy Lifestyle

101. I'm your host, Bailey Polaski, and today, we have an immersive journey ahead of us as we

delve even deeper into the profound world of healthy eating. Beyond the mere counting of

calories, we'll explore the intricacies of nourishing your body from within, backed by the latest

research, a trove of practical tips, and a sprinkle of facts and statistics. So, sit back, relax, and

let's embark on this extended exploration of wellness.

[Transition Music]

Host: Segment 1: The Importance of Healthy Eating

Host: Our bodies, these magnificent and intricate vessels, function as finely tuned machines. Did

you know that the food choices you make can impact not only your physical health but also your

mental well-being? Let's take a closer look at the significance of healthy eating and how it

extends beyond the surface.

Research has consistently shown that a well-balanced diet is crucial for overall health. The

nutrients we obtain from our food serve as the building blocks for a myriad of bodily functions.
From the repair of cells to the production of essential enzymes, every aspect of our physiology

relies on the nutrients we derive from our meals. In essence, healthy eating is the cornerstone of a

well-functioning, resilient body.

Moreover, the impact of diet on mental health cannot be overstated. Recent studies have

illuminated the intricate relationship between what we eat and our emotional well-being.

Nutrient-rich foods act as not just fuel for the body but also as agents that influence mood and

cognitive function. For instance, the incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids, prevalent in fatty fish,

walnuts, and flaxseeds, has been associated with a reduced risk of depression.

Delving further into the fascinating connection between the gut and the brain, we discover that a

healthy digestive system is paramount for mental health. The foods we consume directly impact

the composition of our gut microbiota, influencing mood, stress levels, and overall cognitive

function. A diet rich in fiber and probiotics not only supports digestion but also contributes to a

robust gut-brain axis, fortifying the foundation for emotional well-being.

[Transition Music]

Host: Segment 2: Practical Tips for Healthy Eating

Host: Now that we've established the profound importance of healthy eating, let's dive into the

practical realm. How can you seamlessly integrate nutritious choices into the tapestry of your
daily life? Let's expand our toolkit of practical tips for a more comprehensive approach to

fostering a healthy lifestyle.

Tip 1: Balanced Meals

Imagine your plate as a canvas—an artist's palette. Did you know that a colorful plate isn't just

visually appealing but also indicative of a well-rounded, nutrient-dense meal? Let's expand on

the concept of balanced meals by understanding the specific roles different food groups play.

Fruits provide essential vitamins, vegetables offer a plethora of antioxidants, lean proteins

support muscle health, whole grains supply sustained energy, and healthy fats contribute to

overall well-being. This symphony of nutrients ensures a harmonious balance in your diet,

nurturing your body in multifaceted ways.

Tip 2: Portion Control

It's not just about what you eat; it's also about how much. While we touched on mindful eating

earlier, let's delve deeper into the psychology of portion control. Research indicates that being

mindful of portion sizes is associated with better weight management and a lower risk of

overeating. Employing smaller plates, creating a dedicated space free from distractions during

meals, and savoring each bite can make portion control the silent architect of a healthy diet.

Tip 3: Hydration
Enter the transformative realm of hydration, where water takes center stage as the elixir of life.

While we briefly mentioned the importance of hydration, let's expand on the myriad benefits. Did

you know that proper hydration is essential for nutrient transport, temperature regulation, and

joint lubrication? In addition to swapping sugary drinks for water, consider the impact of herbal

teas and naturally flavored water on overall well-being. Hydration, indeed, is a cornerstone of


[Transition Music]

Host: Tip 4: Limit Processed Foods

Steer clear of the treacherous waters of highly processed and sugary foods. Beyond the increased

risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes, let's explore the broader

implications of a diet high in processed foods. These often contain high levels of additives,

preservatives, and artificial ingredients, which may have long-term health consequences.

Navigating towards unprocessed options not only nourishes your physical form but also fortifies

the pillars of mental well-being.

Tip 5: Snack Smart

Snacking can either be a pitfall or a powerhouse, depending on your choices. Let's delve into the

science of strategic snacking and how it can help maintain energy levels and prevent overeating

during meals. Elevate your snacking game with a deeper understanding of the brilliance of fresh
fruits, the vitality of vegetables paired with hummus, or the energy-packed goodness of a handful

of nuts. These choices not only satiate but also keep your energy levels steady between meals,

supporting sustained vitality throughout the day.

Tip 6: Meal Planning

In the realm of time management, meal planning emerges as the savvy investor. While we

touched on the benefits of meal planning earlier, let's explore the concept in more detail. Did you

know that individuals who plan their meals are more likely to consume a greater variety of

nutrient-dense foods? Meal planning goes beyond convenience; it's a strategic approach to

curating a diverse and nutritious spread that not only fuels your body but also saves you time and

mitigates the temptation of convenient yet less healthy options. It becomes the cornerstone of

efficiency and health, offering a proactive way to prioritize your well-being.

Tip 7: Read Food Labels

Consider food labels your nutritional compass—a tool to navigate the labyrinth of choices.

Beyond the brief mention, let's delve into the art of understanding food labels and how it

empowers you to make informed decisions about the products you consume. Take a moment to

decode them, seeking products with minimal additives, lower levels of added sugars, and

healthier fats. Knowledge becomes your ally on the path to healthier living, allowing you to

make choices that align with your well-being goals.

[Transition Music]

Host: And so, our extended symphony of practical tips harmonizing with facts and statistics

continues, guiding you on your epic journey to healthier eating.

Host: Thank you for joining us on this extended exploration of Healthy Lifestyle 101. If today's

episode has struck a chord with you, don't forget to hit that subscribe button for a regular dose of

insights on living your healthiest life. I'm Bailey Polaski, signing off. Until next time, remember

to cherish and care for your body—it's the only place you have to live.
Bailey Polaski

ENG. 111

Prof. Williams

November 10, 2023

Artist Statement

Starting off on the journey of creating a podcast about healthy eating was more than just a

creative attempt; it was a voyage into the heart of a subject that resonates with the very essence

of our well-being. As the script unfolded and the episodes took shape, the process became a

profound exploration of why healthy eating is not merely a dietary choice but a cornerstone of a

vibrant, fulfilling life.

The decision to delve into the world of podcasting about healthy eating was rooted in the

recognition of the medium's unique ability to engage, inspire, and connect with audiences in a

deeply personal way. Podcasts, with their conversational tone and intimate nature, offer a

platform to traverse the often daunting landscape of nutrition with a sense of camaraderie.

Through the spoken word, I aimed to establish a virtual space where listeners could feel like

participants in an ongoing dialogue about the transformative power of mindful nutrition.

Crafting each episode became an exercise in storytelling, a deliberate effort to weave

narratives around the importance of healthy eating. The human experience is inherently narrative,

and by sharing stories—whether personal anecdotes, success stories of individuals who

embraced a healthier lifestyle, or the historical evolution of dietary habits—I aimed to make the

subject matter relatable and accessible. The podcast wove together a rich tapestry of stories,

where each strand played a part in a more extensive narrative that went beyond just eating,

exploring the cultural, emotional, and societal dimensions of our connection to nourishment.
I started off my formal assignment thinking that I was going to write a magazine article

about healthy eating but then I decided to change it to a podcast. I feel like a podcast would be

more impactful considering this is a topic that is very impactful to everyday lives. My podcast is

relatable to many groups of people, which makes it very well-rounded. I chose to write about

healthy eating because overall the US is the most obese country in the world with 42.4% of

American adults are obese.

With my podcast I hope to touch people and help them really understand why it is

important to eat healthy. I also want to help them with the process and help them understand how

to eat healthy. The audience that I hope to reach is people that struggle with eating and also

people that struggle with being overweight. Another audience that I could possibly reach is

people who enjoy healthy eating and want to learn more about it. I feel as if healthy eating is

really important to have a nice enjoyable lifestyle. Without healthy eating you can feel run down

and as if you don't have any energy because your body is not being fueled right. In order to have

better days you should prioritize eating healthy and how you treat your body.

When I started this project I was certain that I was going to write a magazine article about

why healthy eating is important and how to eat healthy. Professor Williams turned my head and

made me consider writing a podcast or a blog and I considered both but then I decided on the

podcast. I picked a podcast because I feel as if a blog would be skimmed over but a podcast I feel

like the message will sink in and get across. Something that went well when I was writing my

podcast was that I feel like I was able to really connect with my audience. Something that didn’t

go too well for me while writing this podcast was that I couldn’t figure out the ordering and

layout to put the podcast in. I threw out my original idea of a magazine article all together

because I feel as if I wasn’t connecting with the audience.

Now that my podcast is done I think it turned out really well and even maybe better than I

expected. I think I figured out what I was actually doing and how to lay my podcast out. This was

pretty simple but starting out was pretty tough for me and I was getting pretty frustrated. I think

that doing this as a college project may come in handy in the future and that if I ever want to

write a podcast I will now have previous experience with a little feedback to help too. I am glad

that I decided to switch my project to a podcast and I feel that it was much more successful.

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