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Enabling the

Microphone/Camera in
Chrome for (Local)
Unsecure Origins

Scott Carmichael
2 min read
Nov 21, 2018


Chrome’s security policy will only allow you to access your

device’s microphone/camera when a site’s has a secure origin.
See here for a detailed explanation about what a secure (and
unsecure) origin is. In summary; you need to host your site on
https or called localhost (for when in development).

This can cause problems if you’re using a dev environment like

Vagrant. You could have many named local websites configured.
Moving them all over to localhost could be a real pain; both
impractical and time consuming.

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

To ignore Chrome’s secure origin policy, follow these steps.

1. Navigate to `chrome://flags/#unsafely-
treat-insecure-origin-as-secure` in Chrome.

2. Find and enable the `Insecure origins treated

as secure` section (see below).

3. Add any addresses you want to ignore the

secure origin policy for. Remember to
include the port number too (if required).

4. Save and restart Chrome.

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