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Subjunctive Remedial Test
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs!
1. Claire failed the final exam in English last week. If only she _____________ (study)
2. I have so many household chores to do. I would rather my sister _____________
(help) me.
3. The teacher wished he _____________ (take) a rest for a while. He got sick because
of working tirelessly.
4. My friend Harry cooks good food as if he _____________ (be) a real chef.
5. Jake wishes he _____________ (play) for the National Football Team next week.
6. I found it hard to sleep last night. I wished I _____________ (not, drink) too much
coffee after lunch.
7. The clerk was so slow in processing my papers. I would rather he _____________
(work) faster so that I didn’t have to wait so long.
8. The doctor will attend an annual conference tomorrow. If only he _____________
(check) on me before I leave the country.
9. Jane is a bit bossy. She acts as if she _____________ (be) the manager of the
10. Mary kept on calling me yesterday. I would rather she _____________ (do) her

II. Write the real situation based on the given subjunctive!

1. The suspect wished the police had given him another chance to prove himself
2. I don’t like to use the stairs. If only the elevator weren’t under repair.
3. The president would rather his opponents had treated him with more respect.
III. Make subjunctives based on the given facts!
1. James wants to join a debate competition. He is so busy studying for the mid-term
If only ______________________________________________________________.
2. Miguel needed to attend a congress for lecturers. His friends invited him for an
He would rather _______________________________________________________.
3. I have to submit a project. My lecturer doesn’t explain the instructions well.
I wish _______________________________________________________________.
Answer keys:
1. had studied
2. helped
3. had taken
4. were
5. could/would play
6. hadn’t drunk
7. had worked
8. could check
9. were
10. had done

1. The police didn’t give the suspect another chance to prove himself innocent.
The suspect couldn’t prove himself innocent.
2. The elevator is under repair/broken.
3. The president’s opponents didn’t treat him with more respect.

1. If only he had no mid-term exams, he would join the debate competition.

2. He would rather he hadn’t needed to attend the congress.
He would rather he hadn’t needed to attend the congress so that he could join the
3. I wish my lecturer explained well the instructions for our project.

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