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Unit Telephoning
Lesson B

English IV
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These are the goals for this lesson:

• Discuss plans and opinions.

• Discuss your personal phone habits.

This is the vocabulary for Lesson B.

Vocabulary related to telephoning

Words related to telephoning Opposites

• Add. • Add – delete.
• Ban. • Raise – lower.
• Rude. • Polite – rude.
• Lower. • Thoughtless – thoughtful.
• Respond. • Allow – ban.
• Turn down. • Accept – turn down.
• Thoughtful. • Ignore – respond.
• Thoughtless.
• Raise.
• Delete.
• Ignore.
• Accept.
• Polite.
• Allow.

In this grammar section, we will look at three verb patterns.

Firstly, verb + Infinitive (to + base form).

The Infinitive is to + base form. For example: to travel, to study, to visit.

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Some verbs can only be followed by an Infinitive. These verbs include plan, hope, agree,
decide, promise, need and want.

For example:

I want to travel next summer.

We need to study for the exam.

They promised to visit tomorrow.

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Secondly, some verbs can only be followed by a gerund (base verb form + ing).

These include enjoy, avoid, keep, feel like, consider, admit and finish.

For example:

Frank enjoys climbing mountains.

We avoid travelling by night.

I feel like staying home tonight.

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Thirdly, some verbs can be followed by the infinitive or gerund. These verbs are start,
begin, continue, love, like, prefer and hate.

For example:

Infinitive: Lulu started to sing.

Gerund: Lulu started singing.

Infinitive: Tumkin began to dance.

Gerund: Tumkin began dancing.

Infinitive: Anita continued to read.

Gerund: Anita continued reading.

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Now test yourself!

Choose the correct option for the following sentences:

I tried _______ but you didn’t answer.

to call calling Both are correct

Do you feel like _______ out tonight?

to go going Both are correct

We attempted _______ him but he did not respond.

to contact contacting Both are correct

I don’t enjoy _______.

to run running Both are correct

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Here are the answers for the previous exercise:

I tried _______ but you didn’t answer. to call

Do you feel like _______ out tonight? going

We attempted _______ him but he did not respond. to contact

I don’t enjoy _______. running

End of the lesson.

If you think you need more practice, you can watch the video as many times as you need.

Also, focus on the example texts from the video to practice the pronunciation of words.

Don’t forget to keep practicing on MyELT and studying the contents of the lesson.
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Este material fue desarrollado por el Núcleo Transversal de Inglés para la

Universidad Mayor y ha sido diseñado para su lectura en formato digital.

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