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Welcome to Module 5. In the past modules/units you learned how to construct test items and
evaluate the worthiness of each of them. When you are already in the field, after checking and
recording the scores of the students, what are you going to do? In this module, you will learn
how analyze and interpret the scores so that they become meaningful to your students and to
their parents as well. Doing these will make you realize the effectiveness of the assessment
tools that you use in your class. This will lead you to reflect on your assessment process and
make decisions to improve it.
Module Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the pre-service teachers can:
1. interpret assessment results accurately and utilize them to help learners improve their
performance and achievement; and
2. utilize assessment results to make informed-decisions to improve instruction
1. Norm-Referenced and Criterion-referenced Interpretation if Test Results
2. Scores and Grades
3. Organization and Presentation of Test Data
4. Measures of Central tendency and Location
5. Measures of Variability
6. Skewness, Kurtosis and Standard Scores
TIME ALLOTMENT Week 13 – 15 Nov. 15 – 27, 2021

LESSON 11 - Norm-Referenced and Criterion-referenced Interpretation of Test Results

Scores and Grades
1. Scores and Grades
2. Norm-Referenced and Criterion-referenced Interpretation of Test Results
TIME ALLOTMENT WEEK 13 – Nov. 15 – 20, 2021
Specific Learning Outcomes: At the end of Expected Output
the lesson, the pre-service teacher can:
1. differentiate scores from grades Do APPLY and NUTSHELL
2. compare interpretation of test scores

by criterion- referenced interpretation
with that of norm-referenced
interpretation of test results

After a test has been administered, each student's paper is scored for either correct
or incorrect responses. The total number of items responded to correctly or points
awarded is usually recorded at the top of each paper and is referred to as the
student's raw score. When papers are returned to students, they know how many
times they responded correctly, the total number of points the teacher judged their constructed
responses to be worth, or a total made up of a combination of these values. However, a student
is unable to determine the meaning of a score, unless additional information is provided for
interpretation. The teacher may tell the student how a score compares to a criterion point set as
pass / fail or to a set of norms established for interpretation.

Direction: Examine the pictures above. How do you relate them to your experience. What do
grades mean to you? Please send your answer in the comment box.

Scores and Grades

A score is a number that indicates the quantity of achievement of an
individual in a test which is commonly determined in terms of items correctly
answered; a number assigned to a test taker to provide a quantitative description of
performance on the test. Ex. 30 correct answers in a test of 50 items.
A grade is a rating or measure resulting from the evaluation of a pupil's achievement
which indicates the degree of attainment or proficiency as an outcome of instruction in a school
subject or area of study. Ex. 30 = 80% or B or 2.50.
Criterion-Referenced Interpretation of Test Results
For a criterion-referenced interpretation of test scores, the score is compared to a
predetermined criterion to judge whether the score is considered passing or failing. The
individual's test performance is described without reference to the performance of others but in

terms of the percentage of responses to items in a clearly defined learning task.

1. Solves problems involving multiplication of similar fraction with 80% success.
2. Identifies 70 percent of terms for chemicals.

Another way of describing the individual's performance is in terms of the speed by which
the task is performed. (Oriondo, 1964)

1. Spells 40 words correctly out of 50.
2. Answers 50 addition facts in 10 minutes without error.
In the examples given above, the interpretative frames of reference are specified content
domain rather than a specified population of persons. The focus is on what the student knows
and what he can do, not on how he compares with others.
Norm-Referenced Interpretation of Test Results
Norms represent the typical performance of a specified group of individuals. For a
classroom test that is norm - referenced, each score will compare to how that score stands in
relation to scores of others who have taken the test. Thus norm-referenced test interpretation
reveals how an individual compares with other persons who have taken the same test. The
rationale for the use of norm-referenced interpretation for some tests lies in the need to get an
overall estimate of how we study a general subject field or in some educational undertaking.
This kind of test is constructed so that students have an opportunity to reveal their highest levels
of attainment.
Mathematical techniques are employed to explain what a set of scores means and to
communicate meaning of individual scores to teachers, students and parents. The mathematics
used with test scores deals with the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of test
results. The accurate description of test results depends on a logical sequence of treatment of
the test scores to aid in reporting and interpreting the results, and ultimately in utilizing the
results in effective decision making.
Comparing Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests (Adapted from Kubiszyn
and Borich, 2007)
Dimension NRT CRT
Average number of 50% 80%
students who get an item
Compares a student's The performance of other Standards indicative of mastery
performance to students
Breadth of content Broad, covers many Narrow, covers a few objectives
sampled objectives
Comprehensiveness of Shallow, usually one or two Comprehensive, usually three or
content sampled items per objective more items per objective
Variability Since the meaningfulness of a The meaning of the scores does

norm-referenced score not depend on the comparison
basically depends on the with other scores. It flows
relative position of the score in directly from the connection
comparison with other scores, between the items and the
the more variability or spread criterion. Variability may be
of the scores, the better. minimal.
Item construction Items are chosen to promote Items are chosen to reflect the
variance or spread items that criterion behavior. Emphasis is
are “too easy” or “too hard” are placed on identifying the domain
avoided. One aim is to of relevant responses.
produced good “distractor
Reporting and Percentile rank and standard Number succeeding or failing or
interpreting scores used (relative ranking). range of acceptable
considerations performance uses (e.g. 90%
proficiency achieved, or 80% of
class reached 90% proficiency)

(Open the link:

Questions for discussion:
1. Why is it important to use norm-referenced tests?
2. When is the criterion-referenced tests used?

APPLY : Differentiate scores from grades, norm-referenced grading from criterion-

referenced grading


Recall the grades that you received in your high school subjects? How consistent
are these grades? How do you feel about receiving your grades last semester?
How important are grades for you?

(Enter references here in APA format)

1. Frequency Distribution
2. Histogram, Frequency Polygon
3. Ranking of Scores
Student Learning Outcomes: Expected Output
1. organize a set of scores into a
frequency distribution; Do the exercise NUTSHELL.
2. construct a graphic representation by
histogram or frequency polygon for a
frequency distribution;
3. interpret the scores by way of ranking

(UNCOVER: Direction: Reflect on the italicized statements. In not more than 5

sentences write your reactions to these statements.

Test scores give you an indication of how students are performing at a

particular school. But they don’t tell you the whole story.

Statistical Organization of Test Scores

Statistical organization of scores is a systematic arrangement or grouping
of scores. The purpose is to determine their significant meaning. The results of
tests in the form of scores may have very little meaning if they are not organized
in any way. Only after statistical organization may scores show some kind of
Ranking of Scores
One way of arranging scores is by ranking. Rank is the position of an observation, score
or individual in relation to the others in the group according to some characteristics such as
magnitude, quality of importance.
Ranking is the process of determining the relative position of values, measures, or
scores according to some bases such as magnitude, worth, quality, importance, or chronology.
It is an arrangement of values or scores from the highest to the lowest.
The following scores are obtained from a 60 item test in Assessment of Learning
administered to 36 students:
56 44 32 34 22 52 21 18 40 38
30 41 50 30 47 30 49 36 20 46
30 50 27 40 33 49 36 27 48 33
41 25 36 48 24 19
1. Arrange the scores in a descending order, that is, from the highest to the lowest, in a
vertical column X. Write each score as many times as it occurs.
2. Number the scores consecutively from the highest to the lowest under the symbol N.
3. Assign ranks under the symbol R. The rank of scores occurring once is the same as its
consecutive number. To find the ranks of scores occurring twice or more times, find the
average of the consecutive numbers.

56 1 1 40 13 13.5 30 25 24.5
52 2 2 40 14 13.5 30 26 24.5
50 3 3 38 15 15 27 27 27.5
49 4 4.5 36 16 17 27 28 27.5
49 5 4.5 36 17 17 25 29 29
48 6 6.5 36 18 17 24 30 30.5
48 7 6.5 34 19 19 24 31 30.5
47 8 8 33 20 20 21 32 32.5
46 9 9 32 21 21.5 21 33 32.5
44 10 10 32 22 21.5 20 34 34
41 11 11.5 30 23 24.5 19 35 35
41 12 11.5 30 24 24.5 18 36 36
Ranking of the data above:
Ranking is used to indicate the relative position of a pupil or student in a group to which
he/she belongs. By ranking test scores, it is possible to compare the achievement of a pupil with
those of the others in the same group. A report of a student's rank is a very good indication of
individual performance compared to general group performance. Ranking however does not
consider the extent of the difference between successive test scores. From the ranks, the
percentage of pupils that surpasses a pupil or that are surpassed by him can be determined.
Ranks are generally well understood by students and parents.
In the above data:
1. The ranks of scores 56, 52, 50, 47, and 46 are their numbers namely: 1, 2, 3, 8 and
9. These scores appear only once, their consecutive numbers are their ranks.
2. The rank of score 49 is 4.5 , that is the average of 4 and 5; 4 added to 5 divided by
3. The rank of 30 is 24.5 , that is the average of numbers 23, 24, 25 and 26.
4. Score 33 has a rank of 20. Nineteen students or 52.86 percent of the class
surpassed the student who got this score. This student surpassed 16 or 44.44
percent of his classmates.
Frequency Distribution
A frequency distribution provides the classroom teacher with a systematic arrangement
of raw scores by tallying the frequency of occurrence of each score in the interval or in some
instances score values that have been grouped.
Steps in Setting Up a Frequency Distribution for Ungrouped Data
1. Arrange the scores from highest to lowest in a column headed X. The X represents the
raw score.
2. Head the second column Tallies and record a slash or tally mark for each score. If a
score value appears twice, this column will have two slashes, three values gives three
slashes, and so on.
1. Count the slash marks and place the number corresponding to the total number
of tallies for each raw sore value in the third column. The f column represents the
occurrence of each score.
2. Sum the f column and record the number of scores (N) as a total.
Given the following set of scores:
32 39 40 25 29 35 39 28 41 29
37 30 27 32 29 29

The Frequency distribution will be:

X Tallies Frequency
41 / 1
40 / 1
39 // 2
37 / 1
35 / 1
32 // 2
30 / 1
29 //// 4
28 / 1
27 / 1
25 / 1
N = 16

Frequency Distribution for Grouped Scores

When the interval between the lowest and highest scores exceeds about 30
units, grouping scores into intervals may aid in the analysis. Grouped data condenses Page30
the scores into a smaller number of categories which may aid in the interpretation of a
large number of scores or a set of scores with a wide range.
Group / Class / Step Frequency Distribution is the process of placing scores in
scaled groups called classes or steps. A class / step is a group of a specified number of
consecutive scores / single scores or measures. The specified number of consecutive
scores that a class / step contains is called interval. The lower end-number of the class
is called lower limit and the upper end-number of the class is called upper limit.

Procedure in Grouping of Scores or Making a Frequency Distribution

1. Find the highest and the lowest scores. Get their difference (Range).
2. Determine the number of classes or steps by dividing the range by the number of
steps or classes desired. The ideal number of steps or classes ranges from 10 to
20 depending upon the number of scores or measures. There is no fixed rule but
the more scores, the more number of classes there should be.
3. Determine the lowest limit. This is done by looking into the lowest score. The
lowest score can be the lowest limit, but it is advisable that the lower limits be
exactly divisible by the desired interval. If the lowest score is 40 and the interval
is 3, the lowest limit will be 39. Forty is not exactly divisible by 3, so look for the
number which is nearest the lowest score and exactly divisible by 3. That number
is 39.
4. Determine the upper lower limits by adding the interval to the previous lower
5. Determine the upper limits of each lower limit until reaching the highest score or
including the highest score.
6. Tally each raw score according to the interval in which it falls.
7. Get the frequencies of the tallies in each of the class or step intervals.
8. Find the sum of the frequencies (N).
The following are test scores in a test in Philippine History:
47 32 58 37 24 28 55 38 35 44 49
47 51 38 33 29 27 42 39 53 46 40
28 30 47 50 45 39 32 36 36 51 47
39 33 38 36 45 43 33 44 42 36 41
44 41 36 34

1. The highest score is 58 and the lowest score is 24. The range is 34.
2. To find the class interval, divide the range, 34 by 10 (the desired number of step
or class-intervals). The answer is 3.4, so 3 the step-interval.
3. The lowest score is 24. Since 24 is exactly divisible by 3, then it is the lowest
4. The resulting frequency distribution would be:

Step Distribution/ Tallies Frequency Page30

57 – 59 / 1
54 – 56 / 1
51 – 53 /// 3
48 – 50 // 2
45 – 47 /////-// 7
42 – 44 /////-/ 6
39 – 41 /////-/ 6
36 – 38 /////-//// 9
33 – 35 ///// 5
30 – 32 /// 3
27 – 29 //// 4
24 – 26 / 1
N = 48

Graphic Representation of Frequency Distribution

The histogram is a graphical representation of a frequency distribution. Through
a histogram, the classroom teacher may present how students scored on a test. The
histogram is prepared by placing the test score values on a horizontal axis or baseline
with the scores increasing in magnitude from left to right. The scale for the vertical axis
on the left side of the graph is used to indicate the number of students earning the
scores. The vertical axis begins with O and moves to the highest frequency appearing
for any score of score interval. The data on a histogram are shown in the form of bars.
The width of the base of each bar represents the score(s) in an interval and the height
represents the number of student scores falling within the interval.

Histogram of A Grouped Scores















The frequency polygon is a graphical representation of a frequency distribution. It aids

in the understanding of the characteristics of distribution through the visual

representation of the frequency of scores associated with designated points on the
baseline. A frequency polygon is constructed by locating the midpoint of each interval
and recording a dot to represent the number of scores falling in that interval. The points
are then plotted at the midpoints of the interval and then the points are connected by
Frequency Polygon of A Grouped Scores

5 Series1
24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57
- - - - - - - - - - - -
28 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is there a need to organize and present assessment data or
2. How do you construct the frequency distribution of ungrouped and
grouped scores?
3. Differentiate frequency polygon from histogram?
4. Justify the importance of ranking scores?
5. Enumerate the steps in ranking of scores.

How Important are scores or grades to you?


(Given is a set of test scores in Social Studies 1:

51 42 33 66 43 44 42 51 54 60
46 38 45 21 33 42 57 38 48 26
56 54 37 27 31 33 35 38 64 44
55 32 45 51 52 46 40 59 27 46
51 54 61 58 58 57 52 49 36 45
1. Rank the scores and answer the following questions:
1.1 What are the ranks of scores 45, 38, 51, 27 and 60?
1.2 What % of the class surpassed the student whose score is 46?
1.3 What % of the class is surpassed by the student/s whose score is 54?
2. Group the scores by using the interval of 5.
3. Plot the histogram and the frequency polygon.
Enter discussion here)

(Enter references here in APA format)

Lesson 13: Measures of Central Tendency and Central Location or

Point Measures
Topics: :
1. Measures of Central Tendency
2. Measures of Location
Student Learning Outcomes: At the end EXPECTED OUTPUT :
of the lesson the pre-service teacher can:
1. define mean, median and mode; Do the Exercise given.
2. compute the mean, median and mode
for ungrouped and ungrouped data;
3. compute the percentiles and quartiles of
given sets of scores; and
4. compare and explain the appropriate

uses of measures of central tendency

1. What do you see in the picture? Have you received like this before?
2. What do you do with your report cards?
3. Why do you need to get the average of your grades?

(Open this link for more information:



Measures of Central Tendency

Central tendency relates to a point in a distribution around which the scores tend
to center. This point can be used as the most representative value for a distribution of
scores. A measure of central tendency is helpful in showing where the average or
typical score falls. The teacher can see how an individual student performance relates
to the average value or make comparisons about two or more classes that took the
same test.

The Median Page30

The median is the point or score at the midpoint of the distribution of scores
arranged from highest to lowest or vice versa. It is the middlemost score in an ordered
distribution of scores. It is the point on the distribution of scores such that 50 percent of
the number of cases are above it and 50 percent of the number of cases are below it.
The median is the most exact measure of central tendency. Extreme low or high
scores do not much affect the median. The value of the median depends on the number
of scores, not much on the magnitude of the scores. If most of the scores are high, the
median is high, if most of the scores are low, the median is low.
Calculation of the Median for Ungrouped Scores
When the number of cases is odd, arrange the scores from highest to lowest or
vice versa. Write down all the scores, the median is the middlemost score.
Example: When the number of cases is odd.
20 21 19 19 18 22 23 16 15 22 21 18 25
The median is 20 : 25 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 18 18 16 15

When the number of cases is even:

37 40 35 24 19 38 27 36 18 20 39 28 22 32
Arranging the scores: 40 39 38 37 36 35 32 28 27 24 22 20 19

The middlemost scores are 32 and 28. The average of these two numbers is 30.
So the median is 30

Computation of the Median for Grouped Data

Given this frequency distribution / grouped data:
90 – 94 1
85 – 89 2
80 – 84 7
75 – 79 9
70 – 74 11
65 – 69 8
60 – 64 5
55 – 59 5
50 – 54 1
45 – 49 1
N = 50

1. Use the formula

Mdn = LL + xi
Where: Page30
LL = the real lower limit of the median class
N/2 = half sum
Fl = partial sum
F = frequency of the class interval where the median lies
N = the number of cases
i = the interval

2. Find the values of the symbols:

a. N/2 = 50/2 = 25
b. FI = Add the frequencies of the score from the lower score end upward
until reaching half sum but not exceeding it. (1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 8 = 20)
Twenty (20) is the partial sum from the lower limit. The median (25th
score lies in the step-interval 70 - 74 and its frequency is 11)
c. C. The value of f is 11 (the frequency of the interval where the median
d. LL is 69.9 (the real lower limit of 70 - 74 = the interval where the median
e. i, the interval of the class limits, is 5.
3. Substitute the values for the symbols in the formula and solve.

Mdn = 69.5 + x5

= 69.5 + x5

= 69.5 + (.4545) x 5
= 69.5 + 2.2725
Mdn = 71.77
4. Check the answer by using the formula:

Mdn = Ul + xi
in which :
UI = real upper limit of the interval where the median lies
N/2 = half sum
Fu = partial sum
f = frequency of the class interval where the median lies
N = the number of cases
i = the interval

4.1. Find the values of the symbols and solve. Page30

4.1.2 N/2 = 50/2 = 25
2.1.2 Fu = Add the frequencies of the score from the upper score end
downward until reaching half sum but not exceeding it. (1 + 2 + 7 + 9 =
19) Nineteen (19) is the partial sum from the upper limit. The median
(25th score lies in the step-interval 70 – 74 and its frequency is 11)
2.1.3 The value of f is 11 (the frequency of the interval where the median lies)
2.1.4 UL is 74.5 (the real upper limit of 70 - 74 = the interval where the median
2.1.5 I, the interval of the class limits, is 5.
Mdn = 74.5 + x5

= 74.5 + x5

= 74.5 + (.5454) x 5
= 74.5 + 2.727
Mdn = 71.77
The Mean

The mean or the arithmetic mean is referred to as the average of scores or

measures. It is considered the best measure of central tendency due to the following
1. Each score contributes its proportionate share in computing the mean.
The mean is more stable than the median or the mode.
2. Since the mean means average, it is best understood and more widely
used measure of central tendency.
3. It is used as basis in computing other statistical measures like the average
deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variability, coefficient of
correlation, etc.

Computation of the Mean from Ungrouped Data (When the number of cases is less than
1. Use the formula: M= EX/N (The sum of X divided by N)
2. Write the sores in a column. They can be in any order.
3. Count the number of scores to get N.
4. Add the scores to get the sum.
5. Divide the sum by the number of cases.

Example: Given a set of scores in English given to 17 students. Page30

68 70 56 45 60 54 63 48 35 29
45 63 36 49 36 55 47

The mean is:

68 M = 859/17
70 M = 50.529 or 50.53
ΣX = 859

Computation of the Mean for Grouped Data

1. The formula in finding the Mean for Grouped Data is:
X = AM+ (Σfd/N) i
AM = assumed mean
Σfd = is the algebraic sum of the products of the frequencies and their
corresponding deviations from the assumed mean
N = the number of cases
i = the class interval.

2. Steps in the Computation of the Mean:

2.1 Prepare a table of frequency or frequency distribution
2.2 Assume a mean. The assumed mean can be in any part of the frequency
distribution, but it is advisable to get the midpoint of the class-interval at
the middle of the distribution, that one with the highest frequency
2.3 Fill column D starting from the step where the assumed mean lies, assign
this a 0 deviation. From 0, number the steps upward 1, 2, 3, 4, and
downward 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. All deviations above the assumed mean have
positive signs and all deviations below the assumed mean have negative
2.4 Multiply the frequency by the deviation for each step to get the fd column,
and get the sum of fd. This is the algebraic sum of the fd column.
2.5 Divide summation fd by N and multiply by the class interval (Σfd/N) x
2.6 Add the product to the assumed mean.
2.7 Check the answer by assuming another mean.
X f d fd
90 – 94 1 4 4
85 – 89 2 3 6
80 – 84 7 2 14
75 – 79 9 1 9 +33
70 – 74 11 0 0
65 – 69 8 -1 -8
60 – 64 5 -2 -10
55 – 59 5 -3 -15
50 – 54 1 -4 -4
45 – 49 1 -5 -5 -42
N = 50 Σfd = -9

1. Assume a mean. Get the midpoint of the interval where the assumed mean lies.
AM = 72
2. Fill in Column d (deviation). The deviation is the spread of the score from a point
of origin.
3. Fill in Column fd. The sum of the positive values is +33 and that of the negative
values is -42. The sum of fd is -9.
4. Substituting the formula:
M = 72 + (-9/50) 5
M = 72 + (-0.18) 5
M = 72 + (-0.9)
M = 72 - 0.9
M = 71.10
5. Check your answer by assuming another mean.
X f d fd
90 – 94 1 5 5
85 – 89 2 4 8
80 – 84 7 3 21
75 – 79 9 2 18
70 – 74 11 1 11 +63
65 – 69 8 0 0
60 – 64 5 -1 -5
55 – 59 5 -2 -10
50 – 54 1 -3 -3
45 – 49 1 -4 -4 -22
N = 50 Σfd = +41
AM = 67
Σfd = +41
N = 50

M= 67 + (+41/50) 5
M = 67 + (0.82) 5
M = 67 + 4.1
M = 71.10
Another method of computing the mean is through the midpoint method. The
formula is:


X f M fM
90 – 94 1 92 92
85 – 89 2 87 174
80 – 84 7 82 574
75 – 79 9 77 693
70 – 74 11 72 792
65 – 69 8 67 536
60 – 64 5 62 310
55 – 59 5 57 285
50 – 54 1 52 52
45 – 49 1 47 47
N = 50 Σfd = 3555

1. Prepare a frequency distribution.
2. Place Column M which represents the midpoints of each class interval.
3. Fill in Column fM by multiplying each frequency by each corresponding midpoint.
4. Find the sum of the data in Column fM.
5. Divide this by N.
M = 3555/50 = 71.10

The Mode
The mode is the most frequently occurring score in the distribution. It is the score
with the highest frequency.

Determining the Mode from Ungrouped Scores (Crude or Rough Mode) Page30
1. Arrange the scores from highest to lowest.
2. The score that occurs most often is the crude mode.
25 30 37 41 52 52 30 37 42 37
37 Mode = 37

Determining the Crude Mode from Grouped Scores (Frequency Distribution)

The crude mode is the midpoint of the interval with the highest frequency.
90 – 94 1
85 – 89 2
80 – 84 7
75 – 79 9
70 – 74 11 Crude Mode = 72
65 – 69 8
60 – 64 5
55 – 59 5
50 – 54 1
45 – 49 1
N = 50

When a group of scores has two different scores with the same highest
frequency, the group is said to be bi-modal. If there are three different scores with the
same highest frequency, the group is tri-modal, four, quadri-modal, etc.

Computation of the True Mode

The formula for the True Mode is:
Mo = 3Mdn - 2M
In which:
Mo = the mode
Mdn = the median
M = the mean

In the Frequency Distribution given above where the median is 71.77 and the mean is
71.10, the mode is:
3 (71.77) - 2 (71.10)
= 215.31 - 142.2
= 73.11
The mode is merely the most typical value or the most frequent measure. It is computed
when a quick method of computing the most typical and approximate measure of central
tendency is all that is needed.

The Measures of Central Location or Point Measures

The measures of location or point measures are the quartiles, deciles and
percentiles. The quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) are points dividing the distribution into
four equal parts. The deciles (D1, D2, D3, …, D10) are points which divide the total
number of cases in a frequency distribution into ten equal parts. The percentiles (P1,
P2, P3, etc.) are points which divide the score distribution into one hundred equal parts.
The procedure in finding the point measures is almost the same as that of the

The first quartile (Q1) is located at one-fourth of the number of cases, such that
25% of all the cases lie at or below it and 75% at or above it.
The value of the third quartile corresponds to the value of the seventy-fifth
percentile. Seventy-five percent of all the cases lie at or above it and 25% lie at or below
The value of the second quartile is equal to the value of the median, such that
50% of all the cases lie at or below it and 50% lie at or above it.

Q1 = LL + xi

LL = is real lower limit of the interval where Q1 lies

N/4 = Number of cases divided by
F = partial sum
f = frequency of the interval where the Q1 lies
i = interval

Finding Q1

90 – 94 1 50
85 – 89 2 49
80 – 84 7 47
75 – 79 9 40
70 – 74 11 31
65 – 69 8 20
60 – 64 5 12
55 – 59 5 7
50 – 54 1 2
45 – 49 1 1
N = 50
1. Add Column CM in the Frequency Distribution. It stands for the cumulative
frequencies, this is done by adding the scores from the lower score end upward.
2. Find N/4. 50/4 = 12.5. The twenty-fifth score lies in the interval 65 - 69.
3. Determine the partial sum (F). That is the sum of the frequencies upward which
totals 25 (Q/4) but not exceeding it. In the given distribution, the partial sum (F) is
4. The value of f is 8 since it is the frequency of the interval where Q1 lies.
5. The value of LL or lower limit is 64.5
Substituting the formula:

Q1 = 64.5 + x5

Q1 = 64.5 + x5

Q1 = 64.5+ (0.06) x 5
Q1 = 64.5 + .30
Q1 = 64.80
Third Quartile

Q3 = LL + xl

3N/4 = = = 37.5

LL = 74.5
F = 31


Q3 = 74.5 + x5

Q3 = 74.5 + (6.5/9) x 5
Q3 = 74.5 + (.72) x 5
Q3 = 74.5 + 3.6
Q3 = 78.1

Percentiles are points dividing the distribution into 100 equal parts.


Px = LL + xl
Px = the number of percentile desired
NPx = Percentile Num (N x the percentage desired)
F = partial sum (the number of scores falling below the desired percentile)
f = the frequency of the interval where the desired percentile lies
LL the exact lower limit of the interval where the desired percentile lies
I = interval.
Finding the Percentiles

90 – 94 1 50
85 – 89 2 49
80 – 84 7 47
75 – 79 9 40
70 – 74 11 31
65 – 69 8 20
60 – 64 5 12
55 – 59 5 7
50 – 54 1 2
45 – 49 1 1
N = 50
1. Determine the desired percentile. E.g. P20
2. Find the percentile sum by multiplying the number of cases (N) by the
percentage desired. 20% of 50 = 50 * .20 = 10
3. Find the partial sum by adding the frequencies of the scores from the lower score
end upward until reaching the percentile sum but not exceeding it. (1 + 1 + 5= 7).
Percentile 20 or the 10th score lies at interval 60-64.
4. Determine f = the frequency of 60 - 64 is 5.
5. Determine LL. The exact or real lower limit of 60 - 64 is 59.5.
6. The interval is 5.
7. Substitute the formula.

P20 = 59.5 + x 5 = 59.5 + x5

= 59.5 + (.6) x 5 = 59.5 + 3.0 = 62.5

Another example: Find P65.

NPx = 50 x.65 = 32.5 ; F = 1+ 1+ 5+5+8+11 = 31; P65 lies at the interval 75 - 79;
The real lower limit (LL) is 74.5; the frequency of this interval (f) is 9; and the interval is
5. Substituting the formula:

P65 = 74.5 + x 5 = 74.5 + x5

= 74.5 + (.17) x 5 = 74.5 +.85 = 75.35

Questions for discussion:
1. Differentiate the mean from the mode and median.
2. When do you use the mean? The median? The mode?
3. Solve the following problem:
3.1 Find the mean, median and mode of the following set of scores:

89 77 63 99 92 93 94 65
62 82 86 76

3.2 Find the mean, median and mode of the following set of scores in Philippine

82 43 72 74 69 68 67 87 86 73
85 75 65 60 35 57 52 59 40 42
61 57 70 50 45 68 62 49 69 58
61 65 60 81 63 48 54 46 54 44
67 66 49 58 67 60 60 68 58 62 68

3.3 Find Q1 and Q3.

3.4 Find P43, P50, P80, P90, P10.
(Enter discussion here)

Ask a teacher friend for raw data from an examination actually

administered. Compute the measures of central tendency and the
measures of location.

(NUTSHELL: 3Ps5s (Write a summary of your insights about the topic

with three (3) paragraphs and five (5) sentences each.
Enter discussion here)

(Enter references here in APA format)

LESSON 11 - Measures of Variability or Dispersion

1. Range
2. Standard Deviation
3. Mean deviation
4. Quartile Deviation
5. Properties of Frequency Distribution
6. Standard Scores
Student Learning Outcomes: At EXPECTED OUTPUTS:
the end of the lesson, the students can:
1. define range, standard deviation, Do APPLY and NUTSHELL
average deviation and quartile
2. compute the different measures of
3. explain the appropriate uses of
measures of variability;
3. describe skewness and kurtosis
and their use in interpretation of test
scores; and
4. define, compute, compare and
explain the appropriate uses of
standard scores and how to make
test scores comparable

The measures of central tendency represented by the mean, median and
mode are valuable statistical measures, but they describe only the typical
score representing the whole distribution. They describe only the tendency of
the scores to pile up at or near the middle of the distribution. The measures
of variability or dispersion are important. They show the tendency of the scores to
spread or scatter above or below the center point of the distribution. They show how
close or how far the scores are from each other. These measures also show the
homogeneity or heterogeneity of different sets of scores. The higher the measure of
variability the more homogenous is the group: the lower the measure of variability, the
more heterogeneous is the group.
The most common measures or variability are the range, the standard deviation,
the mean deviation and quartile deviation. The most important and most often used in
measurement and research and in advanced statistics is the standard deviation.

Look at the figure below. Compare. In what aspect are they similar? Different?


The Measures of Variability or Dispersion

The range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores. It provides a
quick approximation of the spread of the scores, but it is not a dependable measure of
variability because it is calculated from only two values.
Example: Highest Score = 78; lowest score is 25. The range is 53.

Standard Deviation
The standard is the square root of the mean of the squared deviations of all
scores from the mean. It is basically a measure of how far each score is from the mean.
Since the standard deviation is based on deviations from the mean, these two statistics
are used together to give meaning to test scores.

Computation of the Standard Deviation from Ungrouped Scores

SD =

1. List the scores under X column.
2. Find the mean of the scores.
3. Place Column X - (deviations); get the values by subtracting the mean from
each of the scores. When the scores are less than the mean, the negative sign
precedes the difference between the raw score and the mean.
4. Place column (X- ); square each of the values.
5. Find the sum of the squared deviation and divide it by the number of cases.
Example: Given this set of scores: 43, 41, 40, 38, 37, 33, 31, 29, 26, 24, 22

X (X- ) (X-X)
43 7 49
41 5 25
40 4 16
38 2 4

37 1 1
33 -3 9
30 -6 36
29 -7 49
24 -12 144
24 -12 144
21 -15 225
ΣX = 360 702
N = 10
X = 36
SD = = = 4.415

Mean Deviation or Average Deviation

The mean deviation is not very much used in statistical work. Nevertheless, there
are times when it becomes necessary to compute the mean or average deviation. The
mean deviation is the square root of the absolute values of the difference between the
mean and the raw scores.

MD = The symbol / / means that the signs are disregarded.

X (X- )
43 7
41 5
40 4
38 2
37 1
33 -3
30 -6
29 -7
24 -12
24 -12
21 -15
ΣX = 360 = 74
N = 10
X = 36

AM = = 7.4

Standard Deviation from Grouped Scores
The formula for standard deviation using the short method is:

SD =

SD = standard deviation
I = class interval
Σfd = the sum of the products of the frequencies by the deviations of the score
from the mean, squared.
Σfd = the sum of the products of the frequencies by the deviations of the score
from the mean.
N = the number of cases.

X f d fd fd
90 – 94 1 4 4 16
85 – 89 2 3 6 18
80 – 84 7 2 14 28
75 – 79 9 1 9 +33 9
70 – 74 11 0 0 0
65 – 69 8 -1 -8 8
60 – 64 5 -2 -10 20
55 – 59 5 -3 -15 45
50 – 54 1 -4 -4 16
45 – 49 1 -5 -5 -42 25
N = 50 Σfd = -9 Σfd = 185

SD =

SD =
SD =
SD =
SD = 5 x 1.9150
SD = 9.575

Quartile Deviation (Q)
When using the statistics of percentiles, deciles, quartiles, or the median which
are based on the order of the scores, the standard deviation cannot be used as a
measure of variability, since the deviations used in calculation of the standard deviation
are based on the mean. The variability of a distribution of scores can be used by using
the two points, Q3 and Q1. A measure of the variability of the middle 50 percent of the
scores is considered to be a good estimate, because extreme scores or erratic spacing
between scores in the upper 25 percent and lower 25 percent are excluded in the
computation. This is the quartile deviation. This is the value that is equal to half the
distance from Q1 to Q3.
Q = quartile deviation
Q3 = 75th percentile
Q1 = 25th percentile

Finding the Quartile Deviation

X f CM
90 – 94 1 50
85 – 89 2 49
80 – 84 7 47
75 – 79 9 40
70 – 74 11 31
65 – 69 8 20
60 – 64 5 12
55 – 59 5 7
50 – 54 1 2
45 – 49 1 1
N = 50

Q1 = 64.5 + x5

Q1 = 64.5 + x5

Q1 = 64.5 + (0.06) x 5
Q1 = 64.5 +.30
Q1 = 64.80

Third Quartile


Q3 = LL + xl

3N/4 = = = 37.5

LL = 74.5
F = 31
Q3 = 74.5 + x5

Q3 = 74.5 + x5

Q3 = 74.5 + (.72) x 5
Q3 = 74.5 + 3.6
Q3 = 78.1

Q= = 13.3

Comparison of Measures of Variability

The range is the quick measure of variability although it is the crudest measure.
When the median is used as the measure of central tendency, the quartile deviation is
used as the measure of variability in test interpretation. The quartile deviation, like the
median, is unaffected by a few extreme scores in a distribution. The most used measure
of variability is the standard deviation, since it is the most stable and varies less from
one sample to another than other measures.

Characteristics/Properties of Distributions

To describe a frequency distribution by reporting its characteristics, a teacher will

need to give at least one measure of central tendency and at least one measure of
variability. In addition to these two values, further description requires information about
the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution. Skewness is the degree of symmetry the
scores. Kurtosis is the degree of peakedness or flatness of the distribution curve.

Skewness refers to the degree of symmetry attached to the occurrence of the

scores along the score interval. When the scores tend to center around one point with
those on both sides of that point balancing each other, the distribution is said to have no
skewness. If there are some scores in the distribution that are so atypical of the group
that the distribution becomes asymmetrical, then that distribution is said to be skewed. If
the atypical scores are above the measure of central tendency (in the positive direction),
the distribution is said to be positively skewed. Likewise, if the atypical scores are
below the measure of central tendency (in the negative direction), the distribution is said
to be negatively skewed.

Sk =
The characteristic of kurtosis is very closely related to the characteristic of
variability. It can give an indication of the degree of homogeneity of the group being
tested in regard to the characteristic being measured. If students tend to be much alike,
the scores will generate a leptokurtic frequency polygon; if students are very different,
a platykurtic distribution is generated. A mesokurtic distribution is neither platykurtic
nor leptokurtic.
The kurtosis for the normal distribution is approximately 0.263. Hence if the Ku is
greater than 0.263 , the distribution is most likely platykurtic; while if the Ku is less than
0.263, the distribution is most likely leptokurtic (Garett, 1973).

K= Q
(P90 – P10)

Kurtosis is the degree of peakedness of a distribution. A normal distribution is a

mesokurtic distribution. A pure leptokurtic distribution has a higher peak than the normal
distribution and has heavier tails. A pure platykurtic distribution has a lower peak than a
normal distribution and lighter tails.


Most departures from normality display combinations of both skewness and

kurtosis different from a normal distribution.

A standard score is one of many derived scores used in testing today. Derived
scores are valuable to the classroom teacher. Since scores differ from different tests,
the teacher can make them comparable by expressing them in the same scale. For
norm-referenced tests, it is meaningful to interpret classroom test scores by locating a
student's score with reference to the average for the class and to describe the distance
between the score and the average in terms of the spread of the scores in the
Tristan's raw score on an English achievement test was 50. In the same class of
students Tristan scored 70 on the Mathematics achievement test. To compare the raw
score on one test with a raw score on another test to obtain a total or average score is
meaningless. The units are not comparable because the tests may have different
possible total scores, means, and standard deviations. By converting raw scores on
both tests to standard scores, the units become comparable, and can be interpreted
Using the deviation of a score from the mean (X- ) and the standard deviation
(SD), a teacher can build what is called a z- score.

Z = a standard score
X = any raw score
M = the mean
SD = the standard deviation

For example, the means and standard deviation for Tristan's two test scores are as
Tristan's Raw Score Mean Standard Deviation
English test 50 45 5.6
Mathematics test 70 75 7

Comparison can be made between the two scores because the scores were earned in
the same group of students. Substituting the formula:
For English:

z= = = .89

For Mathematics:

z= = = -0.71
The two scores of Tristan can now be compared. Even if he got a higher score in
Mathematics than in English, he still did well in English as shown by the higher value of
the standard score in that subject.

Questions for discussion:
1. Why is there a need to determine the variation of scores in a test?
2. How will this help the teacher in decision-making?
3. Discuss the steps in computing the different measures of variability?
4. Demonstrate how each is computed.

1. Find the standard deviation and average deviation of the
following set of scores:

32 39 40 25 29 35 39 28
41 29 37 30 27 32 29 26

2. Find the standard deviation, quartile deviation, skewness and kurtosis. Illustrate
your answer.

ci f
54 - 56 3
51 - 53 3
48 - 50 1
45 – 47 5
42 - 44 6
39 - 41 9
36 - 38 5
33 - 35 7
30 - 32 4
27 - 29 4
24 - 26 2

3. Vin's score in the midterm test in Statistics was 48 and 56 in the final test. The
mean of the first test is 42 and the standard deviation is 5. In the second test the
mean is 60 and the standard deviation is 6. In which test did Vin do better?

(NUTSHELL: Explain the importance of finding the measures

variability of a set of scores Enter discussion here)

(Enter references here in APA format)

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