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August 12, 2023 Governor Bill Lee 425 Rep. John Lewis Way Suite 620 Cordell Hull Bldg Nashville, TN 37243 Dear Governor Lee: Enclosed is a resolution for your consideration. ‘This resolution is an alternative to a resolution the Jefferson County Commission recently passed and sent to the Tennessee General Assembly. The resolution, which passed the commission by a vote of 18 to 1, was offered by the Jefferson County Republican Party Executive Committee and advocates against “red flag” gun laws. 1 do not believe the commission's resolution represents the views of the majority of Jefferson Countians. The enclosed resolution offers an alternative view shared by many residents of my county, Governor Lee, you have called the General Assembly into special session on August 2! to deal with these issues. My resolution requests positive and common sense aetion on the part of the General Assembly to make the lives of all Tennesseans safer. Respectfully, Cant & chy Annette B. Loy 1258 Beaver Creek a Strawberry Plains, TN 37871 (865) 368-5337 enoetivlor g com, cc: House Speaker Cameron Sexton Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson Rep. Gloria Johnson, District 90 Rep. Andrew Farmer, District 17 Rep. Jeremy Faison, District 11 Sen. Frank Niceley, District 8 ‘JEFFERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE CITIZEN JEFFERSON COUNTY, TENNESEE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE PRESERVE THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF TENNESSEANS TO LEAD LIVES FREE OF FEAR ‘Whereas, the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution reads as follows: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” WHEREAS, the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution was incorporated against the states in 1947 by the U.S. Supreme Court in United Public Workers v. Mitchell. In the majority holding, the justices found that no rights listed in the Constitution are absolute. That includes the Second Amendment, ‘The main purpose of the Ninth Amendment is to protect basic individual rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and WHEREAS, the ability to live a life free of fear, and with the freedom to pursue happiness for one’s self and one’s loved ones, are rights bestowed by God to all people; and WHEREAS, the failure of the General Assembly of Tennessee to create laws that protect law-abiding ‘Tennesseans by providing defenses against those who would do us harm infringes upon the God-given rights of all Tennessean. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Annette B. Loy on this 17th day of July 2023 as follows: SECTION 1: The General Assembly of Tennessee is urged to formulate and pass basic, common sense Jaws that 1) take guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable, 2) take guns out of the hands of those who have been arrested for crimes of domestic violence, 3) take action to create a waiting period and background check for all purchases of firearms, and 4) ban firearms that use high-capacity magazines. SECTION 2: That the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee focus on creating legislation that corrects and prevents the free access to firearms, the unregulated purchase of firearms, the lack of background checks and waiting periods, the lack of regulation of firearm magazine size, and the lack of access to mental health services and crisis care. SECTION 3: That upon approval and signing of this resolution, a copy be transmitted to all Jefferson County Commissioners, the state legislators representing Jefferson County, the governor of the State of ‘Tennessee, the speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives, the speaker of the Tennessee Senate, and the chairmen of the Tennessee Republican and Democratic partis. Annette B. Loy JEFFERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE REPUBLICAN PARTY JEFFERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE PRESERVE THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF TENNESSEANS TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to tke 1.5, Consiiution reads us tllowse “well regulate Milt being necessary ta the security of afree State, the right of the people to keep anil bear Arms stall not be infringed.” 3033 WHEREAS, the Sevord Amendment ofthe United Staves Constitution was iecoeporated agains the states inIMO by he US. 1¢ Court in MeDanald x. Chicago S61 VS. 142. reinforcing wn earlier devision in District of Cotunibia v, Heller 554 US, $70 (2008) emphusicing the inlividual anu hese aes an bf citizens to Keep WHEREAS, sl ease and seIf-prosersation are rights hestowed by God 10 poops and WHEREAS, so-called “res ay" kaw are repugnant to the US. Constitution, specifically to the Second Amerniment. becuase sach Lies, 1) poscnbially deprive haw abiding citizens othe nlite the due process docirine by potentially depriving a tigen of property andl selfadclense based en [presumptions accusations. oF a prediction of figure behavior of a person. utd 3) uiluiry. punish amd infringe, without s criminal conviction, the ight of etigentst ta hesp dnd hese atm NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bs the Evecutive Comminoe. necting tis 13" day of pl 202 fersan Couns, Ton Fas Follows: seve Republican Party CTION 4 Shut the Genvral Assembly. of the ay" legislation that Ly infringes on the God: violuws the due process dosttine by depei fof Temmesoue iy urged 1 rejeet any Sorelle “rod ‘en right of law abiding Tennesseans to self-defense, 2) 8 citizen of their right to keep and bat aems based oa presumptions. accusations, or a preditin of future behisior of a Person, oF 3) punishe infringing on theie sighs co hecp snd Bear arms shon aa eriminal eoas etn. chizen by SECTION 2: that dhe General Assembly af the sate oF enpessce foes. on the vt stuse af violent crime. including gun ¥ utilize beter enfireemont of e\isting yun Inws to deprice Violent criminals or te adiuaicated mentally il of their ability w do harm, acd proside preater adult mental health services copra ty teat conditions thar my Head to

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