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Instructions: Please read the syllabus and ask questions about anything that is unclear.
Initial each statement below, then sign and submit it in the Canvas.

__________ I have read the syllabus and now understand the structure of the course and my
requirements, including readings, participation and written assignments.
__________ I understand that I am responsible for all course content of the chapters in the text
__________ I understand that coming in class 5 min. after class starts will be marked as late
__________ I understand that all quizzes are from 9:00- 9:10 am on the dates in the syllabus
__________ I understand that all tests are from 9:00- 9:50 am on the dates in the syllabus
__________ I understand that all group discussion questions are due in class at 9:50 a.m.
__________ I understand that all journals are due at 12:00 midnight on the dates in the syllabus
__________ I understand that I am responsible to submit eight quizzes, eight discussion questions
three journals, a 2-3 pages final paper, a power point slides and do a power point
presentation during the whole semester.
__________ I understand that I am responsible to take Test #1, Mid Term, Test #3, and a final
exam during the whole semester.
__________ I understand that using a phone, texting, or any other use of a digital device during
quizzes or tests is inappropriate.
__________ I understand that I am expected to stay for the entire class session unless I have prior
permission of the instructor.
_________ I may not use a laptop in class doing other work than this course
_________ I understand that technological issues are not valid excuses for missing a
__________I understand that emailing assignments will only be accepted if there is a Canvas
problem with instructor’s permission
__________I understand that the course may change, and I must be flexible and change with it.
__________I understand that failure to read and engage in class discussions is the same as being
__________I understand that my opinions may differ from my classmates and my professor, but I
am to always be respectful toward my peers and professor as well as the views
that they hold.
__________I have read and understand the expectations for professional behavior, including in-
class conduct. I agree to follow these rules and understand that my course grade
may be lowered, or I may be excused from the course for repeated violations.

Signature ___________________________________________________

Printed name ____________________________________________

Date ________________________

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