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Semester 1, AY 2023/2024

Group Case Presentation


1. This group case presentation is worth 10% of your total assessment. Details on
the criteria for grading are provided below.

2. Each group is required to present their analysis of the assigned case in the
designated class session.

3. In general, each student in a group will be given the same mark for the class
presentation. However, every student is expected to submit anonymous peer
reviews ranking the relative contribution of other students in the group (this is worth
up to 10% of the marks). A standard form is available in the folder “Course outline,
reading and tutorial list, and project requirements”.

4. The instructor may use the peer reviews to adjust the marks given to certain
students in the group. The instructor also reserves the right to adjust the individual
marks based on his assessment of the quality of the presentation of individual
students and how they handled the Q&A.

5. Students should form 7 groups of 8-9 students for SA1 and 7-8 students for SA2
for the group case, and each group will be assigned a number from 1 to 7, which
will be the order of their presentation (i.e., group 1 will present case study 1, etc.).
Students are to form the groups by Tuesday, 22 August 5 pm.

6. Use this google excel form to form groups:

7. Students who are not in a group by the deadline will be randomly assigned to one
of the groups.

8. Students will be informed of their group using the same google excel form by
Friday, 25 August.

9. Each group will present one case.

10. Presentations will start in week 4, Thursday, 7 September.

11. All students in the group presenting should be in class at least 15 minutes before
the official start time to ensure that their presentation is properly set up. Latecomers
will be penalised and may not be allowed to complete their presentation. Therefore,
please plan to arrive early if you are presenting.

12. The presentation should start with a brief introduction about the company, and an
overview of the key events and key issues in the case. You should then answer all

the discussion questions at the end of the case (unless they are specifically
excluded by the instructor). You are encouraged to make your presentation
interesting, such as using animation, videos, role play, etc.

13. The maximum total number of slides is 40 (excluding references).

14. Each group has a maximum of 50 minutes to present the case and should allow
another 20 minutes for Q&A. In your presentation, you should discuss key points
and refrain from reading line by line from your slides or phone, as your presentation
is then likely to be dry and key messages/points lost. You may also run out of time.

15. All students in the group must participate in the presentation and in the Q&A.

16. The powerpoint presentation should be submitted to the instructor by the 12 noon
the day before the presentation (i.e., Wednesday). This will be uploaded to Canvas
after the presentation by the instructor for sharing with other students.

Grading guidelines for group case presentation

Group Criteria Weighting

How good/thorough were the
research and the answers to
the case questions? 40%

How well were the class

learnings and readings
applied in the presentation? 20%

How well did the presenters

deliver (e.g., engaging;
articulate; eye contact; not
reading directly from slides,
computer or other device;
etc)? 15%

How well did the group

interact with the class and
answer questions? 10%

Did presentation finish within

the time allocated (exceeded
time, too short, etc)? 5%
Overall 90%

Individual Criterion Weighting

Did the student submit a peer
review and does the peer
review attempt to differentiate
the relative contributions of 10%

individual students in the
group with brief reasons?

Note: Marks for individual students in a group may be adjusted upwards or

downwards based on the overall assessment of fellow students in that group

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