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Somewhere near Bradford, PA, Ed set out to bag his buck at 5:30 a.m. By 11:30 a.m.

, he was
exhausted and hungry--and still no buck. At noon, the mighty hunter guards the remains of his
lunch while a passerby snaps a photo, trying not to startle the deer with a belly laugh.

Shot from the USS HONOLULU ( Los Angeles- class fast attack submarine) at the Arctic Circle,
280 miles from the North Pole--is there anything that scares a polar bear?
A definite entrepreneurial spirit! I'm sure there's money in the Stimulus Program for this!

It's good to focus on what's important.

Consider yourself warned?

Let's get all bases covered.

Clearly, you're not wanted on this property!

And who said politics is boring?

Like, how many was that?

And, finally, the many shades of meaning .

Instructions for a fun time on the interstate:
Step 1. Tie balloons to car.
Step 2. Drive like a bat out of hell.
Step 3. Watch people freak out!!!!

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