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Bulgarian Split Squat

Ideally, BSS is performed with the top of your back leg elevated atop a bench. However, feel free to do
regular split squats (no elevation of the back leg) or use one hand to hold onto something steady while
the other has a dumbbell. It is possible to use a slight elevation of 6-12 inches by placing a couple of
weight plates atop each other or using a step-up platform. In such a case, it may be more comfortable to
put the ball of your back foot on the platform instead of the top of the back foot. To find proper foot
placement, place your back leg atop the elevated surface, lower your back knee to the ground, and
place your front leg in the appropriate position. Feet should be hip-width distance apart from each

Once your setup is complete, grab a pair of dumbbells and enter the starting position—ideally starting
with your weaker leg as the one in front. With dumbbells straight by your side, brace your core. Make
sure to keep your back neutral while you tilt it forward slightly. While maintaining the slight lean
forward, squat down by dropping your back knee towards the ground. Continue descending until your
front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee almost touches the ground. Pause briefly in this
position before pushing back up through the heel of your front leg to drive your hips forward and reach
the starting position.

During this movement, avoid rounding your back, caving in your back knee, and putting most of the
weight on your back leg.

Hip Thrusts

Find an elevated surface whose height reaches the height of your shins (or the bottom of your bra
strap). Grab a padded barbell (or dumbbell) and load it with weight plates—an unloaded barbell is
optimal for beginners. Once done, align your upper back with the elevated surface, place the padded
barbell over your hips, and hold it using an overhand grip. From here, position your feet shoulder-width
apart and far enough forward so they bend at a 90-degree angle at the top of the hip thrust with your
shins straight atop your feet. Make sure your feet are slightly angled outward. To stabilize your body,
tuck your chin and tighten your core. With your back and chin aligned, squeeze your glutes tightly
together and scoop your hips to a neutral position (by pushing through your heels) to initiate the thrust.
Pause for 1-2 seconds at the top of the thrust while continuing to brace your core, squeeze your glutes,
and hold your chin down by looking forward. Your shoulders, back, and knees should be aligned at this
point. To complete the thrust, slowly move your bottom down until halfway below your starting
position, making sure to control the weight gradually. Avoid arching your back at the top position,
starting the thrust with your feet too far ahead, and moving your bottom too low at the end of the

Fro more glute focus, elevate your feet by placing weight plates under each one.

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